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Rose Sybil discusses the role of the United Nations and other globalist organizations in the ongoing effort to dismantle traditional societies and establish a dystopian consumer world.

Also see parts one, two, and three.

The UN and International Finance as a Globalizing Trader Civilization

The United Nations (UN) is the epicenter of globalism, the crux of trader civilization in the process of subsuming the world. Although the UN is not the final stage of globalism, it is how the long-planned end, a global totalizing government exerting the supreme authority of the erudite transnational elite, is being achieved. Throughout its existence, the UN has integrated and executed the plans of transnational NGOs and financial institutions, such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). These processes have systematically fueled the destruction of our totalizing localities, forcing our people to urbanize while simultaneously preparing vast detachments of primitives for import. The purpose of such measures is to decimate our populations and weaken our social cohesion. In this piece, I will summarize the primary mechanisms by which the forces behind the UN project their will.

I shall begin with the most important modern institution to this process, the IMF, which aggressively provided substantial loans to developing nations to facilitate industrialization after the world wars. The IMF loans provided to countries in Central and South America are a perfect microcosm of their leveraging of money to promote the loss of national sovereignty through commerce. The IMF expected repayment from these countries by forcing (“advising”) them to sell fundamental natural resources, most notably oil. This process of loaning large amounts and then “advising” on “methods of growth” intentionally transformed these countries into client states of international commerce and laboratories for totalitarian government, leading to them essentially becoming giant refineries and cash cows for the internationalist project.

During the 1970s and 1980s, Western nations faced economic challenges due to the OPEC oil embargo triggered by the Arab-Israeli war and the fall of the shah in Iran. This destroyed the rising Israeli-Iranian oil deal and led to the emergence of an Arab-backed petrodollar. One of the consequences of this period of turmoil was the Latin American debt crisis, as many of their loans were increased based on market values driven to historical highs by aggressive speculation. When the price of oil dropped, the output of these countries could not cover the loans. As a result, financial institutions subordinate to the IMF called in renewable debts, exponentially increasing financial strain. This utterly predictable financial crisis, which could have easily been circumvented with simple common sense, culminated in the founding of the Central American Integration System and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in the early 1990s, exposing their socioeconomics to total UN oversight.

Before these trade agreements, these Latin American countries produced crops like corn (including for ethanol production) and commodities like palm oil on a small scale to sustain their rural populations. However, opening their economies allowed for dumping cheap, standardized, fast-growing monocultures on the international market to rapidly lower prices. Consequently, small-scale agricultural production could not compete, resulting in the closure of many small farms in places like Mexico, Honduras, and Brazil. The same free trade deals allowed foreign companies to utilize the sudden evaporation of small-farm viability to rapidly acquire land and chattel resources by buying from impoverished individuals and small collectives during this manufactured economic crisis. This enabled these interests to rapidly expand industrial-level resource extraction, production, and refining in these nations.

Internationalists have purposefully increased the influx of those unable to sustain themselves or support infrastructure; military-age men who cannot even learn to read or add numbers at a third-grade level now pour into our lands.

Internationalism relies on the working and middle classes’ massive and pliable tax base in Western countries to fund increasing food aid to developing nations. This process works both through the extraction of taxes via “relief packages” as well as garnering of “charity,” mainly through “disaster response,” like UNICEF and various state-subsidized NGOs. These monies enrich large “modernization” projects in impoverished regions, primarily benefiting international commerce and large industry. This support allowed a smooth transition to urbanization in developing Central and South America, leading to rapid population growth and inescapable poverty.

The increase in GDP intentionally did not result in a concomitant improvement in quality of life, as these monies conveniently went straight back into the pockets of industrial “sponsors.” These circumstances created a large population suddenly exhausted by work, impoverished, without a preindustrial support system, and naturally susceptible to migration. Similar processes were used in Asia and other regions worldwide, where urbanization and resource exploitation led to demographic expansion and chaos. In addition, the UN and NGOs have increased food and medicine supplies without restriction, enabling rapid expansion of third and developing world populations while serving as tax havens for elites and as a means of offering sinecure for executives as an incentive to participate.

Internationalists have purposefully increased the influx of those unable to sustain themselves or support infrastructure; military-age men who cannot even learn to read or add numbers at a third-grade level now pour into our lands. These “migrants” are offered a bounty of consumer goods funded by tax dollars. They immediately begin abusing the host environment, emitting garbage and filth, straining the capacity of the commons, and ultimately creating chaos. There is a deliberate effort to import this nightmare, pressing these destructive populations into our spaces to undermine national sovereignty through demographic replacement. An example is the Refugee Act, signed during the Latin American Crisis, which grants the UN extrajudicial and extralegal authority to select and place refugees in the United States at will. The UN uses the same legal process via the European Union to determine European refugee status and placement. Reactions to the suffering caused by these projects are then used as an excuse for more authoritarian and suppressive measures to be deployed against us.

Utilizing Climate Change by Those Causing Environmental Damage

The climate change process branded as “global warming” has recently emerged as the next excuse to increase the immigration of primitive populations. Climate change narratives promoted in lockstep by international governing and financial organizations and politicians aspiring to gain influence from or within these organizations purposefully obscure the true causes of environmental issues. The distorted understanding of propagated environmentalism further perpetuates a cycle of false solutions that align with the 2030 agenda. The concept of international charity in the face of “diversity,” as promoted by globalist narratives, directly contradicts the claim that these entities promote environmental well-being. Instead, these projects ultimately take the populations of primitive societies in a minimal balance with the ecosystem and transform them into consumptive societies at odds with it. This directly contributes to the active destruction of the environment, showing that globalists use environmentalism as a means but not a real goal.

Consumption-driven societies fed by standardized factory farming are causing significant harm to ecosystems worldwide. Extensive run-off from industrial farming methods used to grow agricultural monocultures (some used for dumping in international support projects) permeates the oceans, resulting in dead zones and algae blooms. These algae blooms directly compete with coral, disrupting the food chain and threatening keystone species. The run-offs and algae growth leads to reduced sunlight penetration into the ocean, further harming coral reefs and increasing rare fungal infections among sharks and orcas. There has been a notable rise in red and pink tides worldwide in recent years. Harm to the oceans at this scale has far-reaching consequences on the entire biosphere, creating a cascading effect on all ecosystems.

Mass agriculture continues to be a growing concern, funded by the American tax base. GMOs were first released in the 1990s when subsidies were shifted to favor industrial-scale production of monocultures in the United States. GMOs could immediately dominate the centralized agriculture industry as free trade agreements opened access to developing nations and monoculture dumping was underway. This is why toxic industrial oils are in everything from our livestock to processed foods to most restaurants — they are made arbitrarily cheap by our taxpayer base funding them. Consuming these oils contributes to chronic illness, which is also used in the pharmaceutical industry to make medicine to treat the rising rates of such diseases.

The mechanization of man and his transformation into a standardized product is, without a doubt, the direct goal of globalist internationalist NGOs and governments.

Beyond farming, many keystone species are threatened by various factors surrounding “modern society,” such as forever chemicals, unregulated domestically in “small amounts” and imported for industry, including supposedly illegal PCBs. The proliferation of microplastics and the dumping of toxic waste, including nuclear waste, into the oceans further decimates its ecosystems. While these issues are complex and interconnected, the impact of Big Ag/GMO pollutants on ocean ecosystems serves as a microcosm for the broader challenges facing all ecosystems under the onslaught of artificially expanded hyper-production.

The dynamic that permeates “modern societies,” the proponents of radical, reactionary environmental views and their opponents, are ultimately two elements of a Hegelian dialectic. The result is a process of endless, chaotic economic restructuring. No natural person (thesis) can survive these modern “industrialization” processes (antithesis). The required result is, inevitably, transhumanism (synthesis). All these matters touching on the nature of human life are ultimately reduced to evolving processes within the scope of a decontextualized financial system. All people are interchangeable parts, and the only solution for the problems it creates is to fuel this machine’s economic engine with fresh populations of continually more roboticized, replaceable people. The mechanization of man and his transformation into a standardized product is, without a doubt, the direct goal of globalist internationalist NGOs and governments.

The Five Fingers of Globalism as a Shadow Trader World Government

The five fingers of globalist internationalism are Big Pharma, agriculture/GMO, Big Tech, banking, and the media. They all overlap excessively, but none are more fused than Big Pharma and Big Ag. Monsanto has been the largest producer of GMOs in agribusiness since they first hit the market and was publicly traded until its acquisition by Pfizer. Pfizer then sold Monsanto to Bayer in 2018. The second-largest GMO company is publicly traded, making it messy to track exact control with multiple subsidiary companies owning others. Biotech’s chemical branches have long fused pharmaceuticals and the development of insecticides, fertilizers, and pesticides for the mass production of monocultures and farmland consolidation.

Even more concerning is that these oligopolies function as the private sector work history of many European and Western politicians and unelected government officials, both overlapping to ascend to UN positions. International oligopolies have become intertwined with our unelected governing systems, political positions, and UN roles, resulting in a de facto, if not fully de jure, rule within the US federal government and other Western and European nations. We subsidize the top five international oligopolies in many ways and contribute significant funding to the United Nations, currently approximately a quarter of its budget. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) consists of representatives from these international oligopolies and is vital to the entrenched establishment seeking to promote internationalization. An exclusive club of tightly coupled transnational elites governs the globe, hiding behind absurdly complicated finance and litigation.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and Big Pharma were able to exert lock-step influence with our communications (media and tech) oligopolies over COVID-19 measures, against the desires of people in supposed democracies while helping fabricate the little support they had with fear-mongering and silencing opposition. They break our economy and transfer wealth, creating a need to revamp it again. Our mechanized governing systems treat us like slaves without a say. After many local businesses end, we are herded to the next short-lived economic high as a funnel for our use.

Our current way of life has become detached from our evolutionary foundations and starkly contrasts with how people lived in this nation less than a century ago.

Increasing our consumption and access to fossil fuels fails to address the underlying issues within our economy. Importing cheap labor, rather than providing sustainable local employment, burdens our commons and infrastructure while driving down wages and driving up the cost of living. The outsourcing of production and reliance on unnaturally long supply chains further exacerbate these issues. Our economic system prioritizes an increasing tax base over local stability, producing a hyper-production/consumption drive. Moreover, the industrial farming and food production methods that dominate today were imposed upon us to create the resultant international food distribution system, fully at the expense of much more sustainable family farms. This shift has contributed to the rapid urbanization of our population, eroding the foundation of trust and real communities.

Even in an environment stacked against them, some family farms continue to survive simply because many can see how toxic industrial agriculture is to the body and soul. Modern media culture suggests that healthy living is a matter of personal choice. However, leading a healthy life isn’t simply a personal choice when our entire system is structured to promote excessive waste and toxic byproducts, while burdening and isolating those who sustain it. Surprisingly, even in rural areas, most of our food is sold through the industrial model rather than sourced from local farmers. Our current way of life has become detached from our evolutionary foundations and starkly contrasts with how people lived in this nation less than a century ago. Many of our production, consumption, and distribution methods are arbitrary, unnecessary, and utterly unsustainable, yet they persist due to the influence of a subverted government that fuels internationalist agendas. However, this unsustainable model will inevitably be shifted by internationalists into the next “solution.”

The UN currently targets meat and dairy production in developed countries, disregarding the deliberate shift to mass production. In the developing world, they want to limit toxic fertilizers, overlooking the significant use of toxic fertilizers in the US. Plant-based diets and bug-farming are being heavily promoted as alternative solutions in lockstep with the UN expressing concerns about inflated farm subsidies and their environmental impact. In addition, the UN aims to address hunger and promote equality, further expanding the primitive populations they created to destroy our sovereignty and tax the environment. Real solutions, like regenerative agriculture and permaculture, are less amenable to tax and control. Unsurprisingly, these receive little media attention and are not on the UN agenda to address farm subsidies. Even though there is a very high demand for a regrounding in the land, globalists utilize forced consensus to limit and direct the solution availability.

The point of the above observations is clear: the root causes of environmental issues, including big pharma/GMO, the expansion of billions of dependent people, and the consumptive urbanism driven by international commerce, are deliberately obscured by globalist media and ultimately overlooked in the popular conversation. Instead, the mainstream propaganda machine of globalists, including media, Big Tech, and academia, focuses on racism to demonize and exploit our anger at being demographically replaced. The chaos resulting from third- and developing-world immigration, combined with the erosion of social institutions caused by replacing communities with individual isolation under propaganda assault, has lowered the bar for politicians. This has allowed them to avoid addressing the real culprits of environmental issues while exploiting divisive issues for their benefit.

In reality, data collection by technology platforms and their influence on what receives focus on social media enable oligopoly-funded politicians to manipulate the ongoing information cycle. This raises questions about why a previously unheard-of individual with ties to the pharmaceutical industry (Vivek Ramaswamy) can easily enter the political stage and participate in national debates. At the same time, figures like Jared Taylor are banned from all platforms. Vivek was able to gain national attention and outshine mainstream politicians in the debate because these politicians have become so absurdly synchronized that just a little opposition is proportionately significant. Interestingly, he utilized the absurdity of climate change propaganda to advocate for increased resource consumption to fuel the economic machine, completely negating the need to fix any foundational issue.

Politics Are a Part of the Zeitgeist Unfolding into the Archetypal Meta-Zeitgeist

The two-party system is a false dichotomy, much like the climate debate. The addictive cycle of politics is driven by a desire to win in the immediate moment without considering the potential consequences for our future. Reality TV’s influence has set the stage for the current state of politics, characterized by increasing drama and sensationalism to captivate our increasingly short attention spans. The oscillating nature of the economy, with its highs and lows, further fuels this addictive cycle. During Trump’s term, despite his attempts to challenge the establishment and address issues like election rigging, he still aligned with major global players. The economy experienced a boom, and the momentum of social justice slowed until a manufactured catastrophe led to its revival. The Biden term is marked by a combination of absurdism and economic stress, leading to orchestrated trials that drive the next extreme shift back to the Republican Party.

When Trump wins, it will spark hope for an upswing in the rollercoaster ride of politics. However, regardless of Trump’s intentions, he becomes constrained by the existing system and is influenced by it. This was evident in his alignment with pharmaceutical companies and his reliance on media-driven propaganda during the pandemic. Despite holding the president’s position, he could not prevent election rigging. Recently, Trump has expressed his interest in establishing ten new high-tech ‘freedom’ cities in the US. These cities resemble the infrastructure outlined in the UN Agenda 2030 for smart cities in the UNECE region (Europe, US, and Israel). The mark of transhumanism is seeking quick growth solutions without addressing the underlying destabilization of our nation.

We must reignite the flame within our hearts, not for the pursuit of shallow victories or losses in a simulated reality, but to live life on our own terms, free from sacrificing our life force for the sake of globalism.

Without our political drama’s extreme highs and lows, there would be no excuse to make sweeping reforms or create ten new smart cities. We had perfectly functional cities a decade or two ago in some regions less enriched than others that were nice a century ago. The media and tech oligopolies play a key role in shifting societal norms, working in tandem with academic institutions serving as globalism’s philosophical arm. This concerted effort creates a Hegelian dialectic where all parties move in the same direction, furthering the agenda of globalism. While there may be temporary relief from the rapid onslaught of social insanity, the upswing is only a temporary stalling of acceleration, making the “right” cling to the politicians that give them this just in time for a crisis to gather oppositional strength and push for even more extreme measures, perpetuating the addictive nature of false dichotomies that prop up the system. Many people yearn for a return to the “normalcy” of a few years ago, keeping their faith in the system and its politicians afloat to longer make use of them.

Seeming opposition is favorable to international commerce. If they tried to implement these insane measures they talk of directly or force us into smart cities, there would be a rebellion, especially among those that uphold society (skilled trades, first responders, lower level executive branch, and STEM). The theatrics and reality TV-level oscillation between our two-party system increases the “stakeholders’” interest. A seemingly large win will not fundamentally change root issues but give reprieve to the created chaos just long enough to build our prisons. Globalism would not be able to achieve its goals without the mirror images of the parties.

The system cannot correct itself because it is a product of our own making, not governed by the laws of nature but in opposition to the living natural order those laws are based on. We cannot rely on political solutions to fix it, as the system is designed to perpetuate its existence. The will of international elites is an archetypal force greater than any one person or plan; the only populist response is still limited to and used by this folding meta-zeitgeist. Our unwavering belief in the system both fuels and depletes our vitality. Many fall into defeatism or wait for a savior to emerge from within the system. Instead, we must reconnect with our local communities and shed the burdens imposed upon us from both the higher echelons and lower strata of power. We must reignite the flame within our hearts, not for the pursuit of shallow victories or losses in a simulated reality, but to live life on our own terms, free from sacrificing our life force for the sake of globalism.

In the upcoming part of this series, I will outline a clear and actionable general strategy to counteract globalism and leverage the approaching inflection point. Additionally, I will provide numerous examples of tactics that can be flexibly employed to reinforce one another, generating momentum while subverting the internationalist machinery. By implementing this strategy, we can achieve a cumulative and cascading effect, fostering order in ourselves from the ground up, while capitalizing on the system’s inherent chaos to avoid a war of attrition. By inverting the system and utilizing its attrition-based plans, we can establish a solid foundation of localized communities, ultimately laying the foundation for a stratocratic confederation of organic localities and a revival of the Heroic Age.

Rose Sybil

Rose Sybil, born in California’s Bay Area in the late 1980s, was influenced by the contrasting cultures of Silicon Valley and the Midwest plains. With interests spanning various academic subjects, she believes in a dynamic spiritual growth process, drawing on diverse religious traditions such as Odinism, Taoism, and Vedicism. Passionate about preserving cultural uniqueness, Rose enjoys art, dancing, music, and outdoor activities. As a mother of two, she finds deep meaning in motherhood and is committed to celebrating the union of man and wife, the continuation of life through children, and the rich tapestry of world cultures while standing against the threat of globalism.

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