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Sietze Bosman discusses the metaphysical imbalances of the modern world, contrasting the Luciferian and Ahrimanic forces and examining their impact on scientific thought and the spiritual state of Western man.

Western man lives in an age that is predominantly scientific. That is to say, not in the sense that we are inquisitive and seek to learn about the world empirically, but in the sense that certain fundamental metaphysical forces are out of balance.

Rudolf Steiner teaches us through his writings that two forces dominate the metaphysical machinations of our world: the Luciferian force and the Ahrimanic force. Lucifer, the light-bearer, is the force that illuminates and dispels the darkness. He is the star that guides men unto wisdom and knowledge of a higher order. Ahriman is the force that guides men toward knowledge of the material world. He is what is expressed through seeking out the workings of the material world we inhabit.

“What is it that arises in modern people in an Ahrimanic form? It is his knowledge of the outer world. There is nothing more Ahrimanic than this knowledge of the material world, for it is sheer illusion.”

Rudolf Steiner, The Influences of Lucifer and Ahriman

The Ahrimanic force is overly dominant among so-called “scientists.” It now drives an ever-increasing pathological urge to measure and quantify everything in our world — to model, simulate, predict, categorize, and classify. Ahriman fuels the notion that man is lord over nature and that we can change the climate and tectonic movements, and even secure the abolition of viruses. It is a force that has convinced the unscrupulous masses that science is so well advanced in its understanding of nature that it cannot be questioned. Ahrimanic science makes the outlandish claim that, shy a few details, it knows and understands the workings of the world and even the cosmos. Science as an institution is no longer able to reflect on its own dysfunctionality. Science is slowing down, and disruptive inventions and theories are declining. The weight of its dogma is bogging science down. The Ahrimanic force is too dominant and has made science lopsided.

And now it stands proven that Satan, or the Red Fiery Dragon, the ‘Lord of Phosphorus’ (brimstone was a theological improvement), and Lucifer, or ‘Light-Bearer,’ is in us: it is our Mind — our tempter and Redeemer, our intelligent liberator and Saviour from pure animalism. Without this principle — the emanation of the very essence of the pure divine principle Mahat (Intelligence), which radiates directly from the Divine mind — we would be surely no better than animals.

— Helena Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 2

Lucifer is the force that is dominant among many domains, including our so-called “elites.” (El means God and the suffix –ite means follower or adherent. So they are followers of God — the God Lucifer, in fact.) A Luciferian imbalance causes vanity, overestimation of one’s wisdom, elitism, and self-realization at all costs. One who is dominated by imbalanced Luciferian forces views all whom he deems as unknowing or uninitiated as less than human. He may crush any of these “useless eaters” because they are not illuminated and initiated into the knowledge of the elite. All of our wannabe globalist world leaders are heavily dominated by the lack of balance of the Luciferian impulse. The masses that populate the earth are a nuisance to them and nothing more than cattle to be herded or slaughtered at will. Such is the pathos of the perversion of the divine light-bearer.

We can apply the Luciferian and Ahrimanic analyses to all domains of our contemporary modern age and find that everywhere these forces are out of balance.

In ages long past, leadership, science, and religion were one integrated whole embodied by the caste of priests. They were initiated into the knowledge and wisdom of higher worlds. But they were also very scientific and studied all domains of science extent at that time: mathematics, astrology, medicine, physics, and much more. They made sure that the spiritual forces were in balance at all times. They understood that the masses were not to be let near the deep wisdom of the priests, but that the masses should not be held in contempt for their ignorance. The masses should be viewed as beings in a lower state of spiritual development and therefore to be guided by the spiritual aristocracy.

The entire value structure of such societies was enforced top-down by the spiritual aristocracy. The priestly caste was fierce in guarding the spirituality of the entire society. Their societies were entirely antithetical to any ideas of democracy, as democracy leads to the debased values of the masses being dictated bottom up. The caste system was fundamentally totalitarian, but we must understand that it was a form of totalitarianism that was utterly spiritual. The spiritual aristocracy fully understood that even though the unillumined masses were of lower spiritual evolution and, as such, embodied forms of spirituality they themselves once possessed, these masses should never be allowed any quarter to deviate from the spiritual path carefully laid out by the aristocracy. It was entirely evident to them that the unillumined ones would never be able to balance the fundamental spiritual forces in such a way as to be sustainable. Allowing any deviation from the spiritual doctrine of the hierarchy was understood to be the immediate path to cultural death.

Alas, we find ourselves today in a world of wildly divergent and imbalanced spiritual forces. Every single domain of our societies has been corrupted by the inversion of the entire spiritual hierarchy. The unguided spiritual forces are destroying any natural order.

Our leaders, and it is with great contempt and effort that I squeeze that ill-fitting denomination out of my mouth, are among the most corrupt. Their unabashedly open craving for political power drives them to believe all of them will find a place in the “world government” they so passionately desire. They rule atop a mountain of treaties, agreements, rules, laws, regulations, and many more mere administrative acts. They seek to build a world on bureaucratic foundations, which is inescapably Ahrimanic from the start. Guiding spiritual values do not flow from stale documents and flaccid desk jockeys; they flow from the great source of all creation through a spiritual hierarchy down to the masses.

Europeans must get together and rebuild an aristocracy aimed solely at reaching the highest levels of esoteric knowledge to bring back spiritual balance to our people. The future of our people must be of a spiritual totalitarianism, where a spiritual aristocracy is the absolute and unquestionable leadership. Only then can we crush all degenerate and pathological influences growing out of the spiritual impurity of the mass man. But instead of all men being intolerably burdened by the hierarchy, they shall understand instinctively that the king, as chosen as the wisest of the priests, commands a very natural reverence and submission.

Perhaps the solution I propose to our predicaments may be unpalatable to many and perhaps I shall be endowed with a plethora of pejoratives and asinine accusations of fanciful idealism. Despite that, I can say this much: all the revolting by the masses we see in Europe — be they farmers, “Extinction Rebellion,” anti-Covidians, or whatever — are mere uprisings of the misguided masses. These revolts will never result in a society that shall return to a spiritual hierarchy, as any popular revolt brings with it the perverted values of the unillumined.

Only the rise of a new warrior caste can renew the European impulse. They can create a haven where the new spiritual leaders will undergo their training and initiation. So, unless the right in all its colors learns to unite and fight for spiritual goals, we will fade away into the mists of time, like so many before us.

Which way, European “right”? Accept that duty is the ultimate goal to fulfill and swear allegiance to the spiritual destiny of our people or keep quibbling over futile and useless details about what flavor of right-wing is best. Victory lies in dominating both the earthly and ethereal planes. Act accordingly.

Sietze Bosman

Sietze Bosman, 42, resides in the Netherlands. Having served in the military for four years, he transitioned into a career in construction and currently holds a position with an organisation specialising in affordable housing. Alongside his professional pursuits, Sietze is an avid writer of stories and poetry in his native language, Frisian, rather than Dutch, reflecting his deep connection to his Frisian heritage. He is dedicated to formulating a philosophical framework that unites the Frisian community in resistance against modernity. Sietze identifies himself as a philosopher, family man, and worshipper of Creation, with his philosophy centring around the natural order and the responsibility it entails. Motivated by this duty, he endeavours to bring his people together, even in the face of resistance.

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Richard Wilson
1 year ago

What? Youre going to create warrior caste with this foggy ,moist diaper thought? Prometheus,Lucifer, I bet you masturbate to serial killers. Goddamn you. Some stupid shit. Really ,eat my fuck,how angsty,bearded and skinny jeans of you

Sietze Bosman
1 year ago
Reply to  Richard

Thank you for the eloquent critique of my piece.

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