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Karl Richter argues that recent legislation in Germany marks a disturbing shift towards legitimising deceit and falsehood, casting this development as fundamentally satanic and contrary to natural law.

The devil is the confuser, the disruptor. That is precisely what the Greek word diabolos means. Therefore, lying is especially diabolical. It sows discord, incites people against each other, and disrupts the natural order. In the Gospel of John 8:44, the devil is rightly called the ‘father of lies’.

In Germany, lying has become even more enshrined in law since last Friday. Specifically, it has become a state religion demanding submission. Since last Friday, when the Bundestag (German parliament) passed the so-called ‘Self-Determination Law’, all people living in Germany are legally obliged to believe evident lies, to accept them as truth, or at least to remain silent about them. Those who still speak out and rightly point out that Gabriele is actually Hans-Günther could face a hefty fine: up to 10,000 euros for referring to someone by their biological sex when he/she/it wishes to be ‘perceived’ differently. Thanks to the law, no surgery is now needed to change gender and have the change officially certified. The authorities are compelled by the law to assist in document fraud. And everyone else is forced to live with and cower before the lie.

This is satanic. Since last Friday, we have made significant progress in establishing a devilish, anti-divine world, whose foundation is falsehood. The criminalisation of truth is now publicly enthroned and knocking at everyone’s door. And because evil cannot stop but must always progress and subjugate more areas, this is just the beginning. One need not be a conspiracy theorist to see that what is ‘normal’, natural, and right in life is now officially declared a crime and persecuted: heterosexuality, family, offspring, people. Evil becomes totalitarian. The biblical representation of this is the reign of the Antichrist, which must necessarily precede the final victory of good. We will be amazed at what now comes more rapidly in succession. The COVID dictatorship was just a dress rehearsal. There will be martyrs.

It is surely no coincidence that the European Parliament has recently demanded in a resolution, with a large majority, that the right to abortion be declared a fundamental right (!). Also, the openly totalitarian ‘hate speech’ legislation in many Western countries, which prescribes multi-year prison sentences for crimes of opinion (‘tolerance!’), is part of this. Likewise, the Federal Constitutional Court, the highest judicial authority of the Federal Republic of Germany, tries to declare the natural, namely ethnic, concept of the people as ‘unconstitutional’ both in the NPD (National Democratic Party of Germany) ban proceedings and now against the AfD (Alternative for Germany) — all straight out of Orwell: war is peace, freedom is slavery, death is life. This is perverse. It is the dictatorship of the lie.

One must recognise the inner dynamics of the development, which are not human but ultimately spiritual: evil against good. Therefore, it is not merely a personal belief but the adequate description of the situation when the devil is brought into this — as the principal, cosmic adversary. He is now letting his mask slip. This is evident in all areas of life. Apocalypse — the time in which we are currently living — means nothing other than revelation.

The good news in all this: Satan does not have the last word. The lie, which creates a false image of the world, is as unsustainable as a cancerous growth. The Federal Republic of Germany was founded on lies from the beginning; now, lying is essential for the simulation of the German state. Therefore, it will soon come to an end. The ‘Self-Determination Law’ and all the perversions that are still to come are the necessary nails in its coffin.

Karl Richter

Karl Richter was born in Munich in 1962. After completing his military service, he studied history, folklore, Sanskrit and musicology at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. From 2014 to 2019 he was the office manager of a member of the European Parliament; from 2008 to 2020 he was a member of the Munich city council.

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