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Andrej Sekulović warns that modern European man, seduced by false ideologies, faces potential self-destruction unless he reclaims his blood and heritage.

None who have disregarded the religion of the blood have escaped this nemesis — neither the Indians nor the Persians, neither the Greeks nor the Romans.

— Alfred Rosenberg, The Myth of the Twentieth Century

Nature is ruthless toward those who betray their blood, their genes, and their ancestors. She never forgets, and she never forgives. But since man is a social creature, that means that as a species, we can achieve more when we work together within our biocultural group. Because of that, nature’s law of struggle does not mean a chaotic war of all against all but stimulates solidarity inside one’s racial community, which ensures its greater strength when fighting against outside threats and foreign enemies, while also strengthening the instincts that can detect the enemy within and those with malevolent intents inside the community itself.

Punishment for mixing one’s own blood and breaking the laws of nature is not sudden. Nevertheless, it is terrible and can be brutally irreversible once it takes hold. Today, not only spiritual, but also the tangible, visible decay of Western civilisation is happening before our eyes. The Faustian spirit that once encouraged European man to explore his own thoughts and existence, as well as his surroundings and the workings of nature, the spirit that pushed him from the depths of his own being to conquer and overcome the barriers laid before him, has shown its other, darker side. If the spark of creativity was the positive aspect of this eternal source of movement and restlessness that gave rise to Western civilisation, the negative aspect of the Faustian will and appetite may bury it. Instead of reaching toward the stars, modern Western civilisation, guided by insatiable greed, the false feeling of triumph over nature’s laws, and the belief in the universality of mankind, is focusing on such things as enabling biological men to give birth. The Faustian spirit is a part of our nature, but it can be perverted if a certain awareness about the invincibility of the eternal natural laws does not balance it. Overcoming oneself should be focused on self-improvement, cultivation of the strength of one’s will and perseverance, not grotesque transformations and experiments that violate every principle of preserving one’s own kind, which is the first law of nature.

If the Faustian spirit is fueled by a contemporary liberal mindset, instead of being led and tempered by European traditional values, it turns into a weapon of its own destruction as the enemies of Europe start to influence and direct it as they see fit. Such a course is evident today as the bizarre sex-change operations and the murders of unborn children in the wombs are presented as the great achievements of the modern world and a sign of the advancement of humanity. European man is all about movement and creativity. That is why, after he climbed every mountain peak of the European continent, he set his eyes on the highest peak of the world and gradually conquered it too, while the people who lived in its shadow for generations were never too eager to try and climb it themselves and probably thought that such adventurous and dangerous activities were a bit foolish. European man dove into the deepest oceans and stepped on the moon. But as time went on, he became too arrogant and too full of himself. He stopped obeying the law of the blood. He was convinced that he had bested nature. He fell prey to the forked tongues that whispered lies in his ears about the equality of all men and women on Earth. He did not want to be a European man anymore, a member of a great race, an inhabitant of his homeland, and the keeper of the legacy of his forefathers. No, he wanted to become only a man, a member of humankind, a citizen of the world, who turned his back on the ‘outdated’ traditions of his ancestors. He became an individual who is nationless, raceless, and now even genderless. He declared war on those of his (former) kinsmen and countrymen who would not follow him on this path of self-destruction, while he started worshipping foreigners and allowed them to rule over him. Convinced that he was still the master of his destiny, he became a slave to his comfort and the interests of a parasitic minority. A pale shadow of his ancestors that he renounced.

The decline of civilisation has become progress in the eyes of the new European homo liberalicus. He happily welcomes the racial contamination of his gene pool. He dreams about the castles in the sky while he stands amidst ruins, not realising that the chaos he created will soon swallow him too. His new world of tolerance and equality will perish in the flames of the fire he kindled. European man is at a crossroads. He is faced with one of the most important decisions he has ever had to make. Will he continue on the path of self-destruction until he finally invokes the fury of nature and the vengeance of blood upon himself and disappears once and for all from this planet in the pandemonium of a multicultural melting pot? Or will he manage to open his eyes and free himself from the shackles of foreign parasites and his delusions? Will he be able to ask his ancestors for forgiveness and try to earn it with his deeds and actions? Can he prove that he is once again worthy of his mighty inheritance and of the blood that runs through his veins?

Regardless of the fate that awaits our race, everyone can choose the path that they are willing to take. To be able to stay sane in an age of collective madness is an important virtue. So let us take the path of true progress that can only be built on the eternal values and traditions that stem from our civilisational and biocultural ancient well and brighten the way before us in the darkness of the current age. The path on which we will try to awaken as many of our kinsmen as possible. With every pair of blue, green, or brown eyes that are finally wide open, we are closer to the European rebirth. History can be unpredictable. What awaits us at the end of the road — a bright victory or an eternal defeat? Whatever the future has in store for us, if we choose the path worthy of our heritage today, then one day, when our time will come to leave this world, if we will find ourselves in the company of our ancestors, we will not have to bow our heads in shame before them.

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Andrej Sekulović

Andrej Sekulović was born in 1987 and lives in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. He has been active within the dissident right and identitarian sphere for more than ten years. He currently works as a journalist for a Slovenian conservative magazine and publisher. His articles, columns and translations were mostly published on various Slovenian blogs and websites, and he has also contributed interviews, essays and forewords to different books published in Slovenia and other countries. In 2017, he started the metapolitical project Tradition Against Tyranny, which focuses on introducing identitarian and authentic right-wing views to the Slovenian public. He enjoys reading, hiking and spending time with his family and dogs.

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