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Constantin von Hoffmeister illuminates how the recent assassination attempt underscores Donald Trump’s defining role in thwarting the insane acolytes of Cthulhu from unleashing World War Three.

The shadows gathered thick and oppressive, a stinking miasma of chaos swallowing the American political landscape whole. Donald Trump, the last Caesar, as Oswald Spengler prophetically foretold, stood at the precipice, his very existence an act of defiance. The assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania — blood, bullets, and the stench of conspiracy mingled with the cries of his supporters, a cacophony of desperation and hope — was a grotesque spectacle of violence. A 20-year-old youth, Thomas Matthew Crooks, opened fire, the shot skimming Trump’s ear, a blood-drenched reminder of the lurking nightmares that haunt those who dare defy the liberal order. The Secret Service neutralized the threat, Crooks’ motives left to rot in the abyss of hatred and extremism. This was not the first attempt on Trump’s life. From the crude forklift attack of 2017 to the insidious ricin-laced letters of 2018 and 2020, an unholy pattern of relentless dread marks the timeline for those fearing Trump’s power over the people.

First, they sought to jail him, now they want him dead. The liberals, masked in progressive lies, have embraced a zeal akin to Cthulhu cultists. Their deceit, their treachery, seeks to fracture the natural order, preventing Trump’s inevitable rise. He is more than a man; he is the blazing sun against the encroaching unholiness. The political battlefield has become a blurred frenzy where right and wrong bleed together, the struggle for America’s heart intensifying — a symphony of chaos.

Yet, in this hurricane of malevolence, hope shines through. The Trumpist movement, a coalition of American nationalists and true believers in the sanctity of the American Dream, stands by Trump’s side. This movement — inspired by the ancient virtues of honor, duty, and patriotism — draws strength from the righteous fury of a populace determined to reclaim its nation from the grasp of those who serve dark, eldritch masters. The Trumpist movement is not only a political ideology but a crusade against the forces of corruption and decay that have seeped into the fabric of society. Its adherents, drawn from every corner of the land, are united by a singular purpose: to restore America to its former glory and to expunge the insidious influences that threaten its foundation. They march forth with the passion of crusaders, their hearts ablaze because they know their cause is just and their leader chosen by fate to lead them through the valley of liberal death.

In this context, the Trumpist movement’s proclaimed “power of Christ” becomes a formidable force against the malevolent cultists. The Christian faith — with its teachings of love, redemption, and ultimate triumph over evil — serves as a bulwark against the waves of nihilism and despair propagated by the worshippers of Cthulhu. The faithful, emboldened by their belief in the “divine providence” guiding Trump’s hand, see in him a modern-day David standing against the Goliath of globalist machinations. Their prayers, like a chorus of celestial voices, rise in unison, calling for divine intervention and protection for their champion.

The liberals wanted Trump jailed; now they want him dead. Trump is the biggest obstacle to these sinister fishmen forces unleashing World War Three, a war that would engulf the world in madness and annihilation. The liberals’ thirst for vengeance knows no bounds. They see him not as a man but as an embodiment of everything they seek to eradicate, a symbol of resistance against their progressive dystopia. They whisper in hushed tones, plotting in the shadows, their agendas weaving a web of chaos that spans the globe. The modern-day Cthulhu worshippers can taste the blood in the water. Trump’s every move, every breath, is a threat to the liberals’ grand design — a world submerged in anarchy, where their twisted ideologies reign supreme.

Imagine the chaos that would ensue. The architects of destruction have drawn their plans in the darkest corners of their minds, envisioning a global conflagration that would reshape mankind in their grotesque image. They don masks of democracy and “equality,” yet their true faces reveal a hunger for netherworldly power that makes comprehension impossible. Trump, standing in their path, is the final obstacle against the utter insanity they wish to unleash. His mere presence disrupts their rituals, his rebellion a glaring light in the shadowed halls of their demonic schemes.

Every accusation, every indictment, is a chapter in their grimoire of chaos. First, they sought to imprison him, to silence his voice behind cold iron bars. However, his spirit proved unbreakable, his supporters legion. Now, the liberals’ desperation has turned lethal. They crave his blood, seeing in his demise the final key to their cherished apocalypse. Trump is the linchpin in their mad designs, the last bastion of sanity against a rising tide of demented global hysteria. To remove him is to open the floodgates to a war unlike any the world has seen, a war that would consume nations and souls alike.

Discover Constantin von Hoffmeister’s Esoteric Trumpism, an exploration of Trump’s political journey through Spengler’s cyclical theory, presenting Trump as a Faustian figure while blending Lovecraftian mystery, Robert E. Howard’s barbaric glory, biblical motifs, and apocalyptic imagery.

Purchase your copy here.

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Constantin von Hoffmeister

Constantin von Hoffmeister studied English Literature and Political Science in New Orleans. He has worked as an author, journalist, translator, editor and business trainer in India, Uzbekistan and Russia. You can subscribe to his newsletter here:

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