The recent week gone by in Britain saw several new outrages committed by non-whites against the native British, culminating in one of the most sickening and evil in recent memory. Firstly, an off-duty solider returning home in Kent, Lieutenant Colonel Mark Teeton, was stabbed multiple times and left with life-threatening injuries by an African.
Several days later in the city of Southport, another African attacked a group of little girls attending a Taylor Swift dance class, stabbing as many of the children as he could with a knife. He killed three of the girls and injured ten other people, eight of them also children. Bebe King, 6, and Elsie Dot Stancombe, 7, and Alica Dasilva Aguiar, 9, were the innocent children who lost their lives.

Naturally there was an immense outpouring of emotion, and a vigil was later followed by civil disturbance as protests grew stronger. This civil disturbance, which involved members of the public facing off with the police, objects being thrown and a police car set on fire, was widely reported by the media. What was not, and apparently was only reported on X, with a photograph as proof, was that just prior to the protests turning violent, a man of non-white migrant appearance was arrested close to the peaceful vigil, with a knife.
Presumably his aim was to do the same to the vigil attendees that the African did to those children. This did not make the headlines, but what did is endless reports of ‘far-right riots’ and ‘right-wing thuggery’. The righteous fury at the butchering of three innocent White girls at the hands of an African savage somehow became the primary news, rather than the very act which sparked this fury.
As if that were not enough, the majority of the media and police continued to report that the killer, widely reported on X as being a non-white, was ‘born in Cardiff’, even after the Daily Telegraph first broke that the killer had been born to Rwandan immigrants to the UK. The authorities and rest of the media continued to push the ‘from Cardiff’ narrative until the judge presiding over the case lifted the naming restriction on the killer, which was already known to many following events on X, which continues to make a mockery of the mainstream media.
Then with the cat out of the bag, the media resorted to the usual tricks intended to gaslight the public; showing photographs of the almost eighteen-year-old killer only as a schoolboy, with headlines informing us that this African savage who slaughtered three children ‘starred as Doctor Who for BBC Children in Need fundraising advert when he was 11’ and another describing him as a ‘quiet choirboy’. The intention of such headlines as these can be in no doubt. Only on X (again) could a more recent and accurate image of the killer be found; this one of him laughing in the courtroom as he stood trial for his crimes.

Let’s sum up the apparent priorities of the media in reporting this case:
- While they could get away with it, to conceal the fact that the killer was an African
- To pretend that the killer was native Welsh by only describing him as ‘born in Cardiff’
- To attempt to ‘humanise’ the killer by only showing pictures of him as a young child, linking him to charity fundraising, and describing him in the most harmless sounding terms possible (‘quiet choirboy’)
- To repeatedly describe native protestors as ‘far right’, ‘rioters’ and ‘thugs’.
The media, like our ruling class, are our enemies.
The murder of these three little girls, though it may be the vilest for some time, is just one of thousands upon thousands of sickening crimes visited upon the people of Britain, as well as every single White nation that has had multiculturalism forced onto it — demographic replacement and non-stop increases in crime as thousands of often violent and criminal non-whites are imported daily by a hostile elite against the wishes and interests of the native population.
It now seems that barely a day goes by without headlines of some horrendous new crime committed against our people. Those who forced multiculturalism onto us are guilty, as the actual savages who wield the knives are guilty. The misery and suffering caused by decades of mass third-world immigration are unquantifiable, and those who forced this onto us have committed an unforgivable crime.
The new Labour prime minister gave a much-awaited press conference. He spent about a minute talking about the crime itself, before launching into a blistering attack on ‘the far right’, focusing on the angry response to one of the most sickening crimes in recent British history. Over several minutes Starmer made his priorities very clear; a new task force will be established to prevent further such disturbances and ‘far-right’ activity by means of surveillance and increased policing. With no irony or shame whatever he spoke of ‘outsiders’ coming in from out of town to break the law, referring of course to the native British protestors.

Dealing with questions from a complicit and anti-white media also more concerned about the public response to the murders rather than the murders themselves, Starmer pledged to do everything in his power to protect mosques. ‘That is who we are’, he said.
Throughout the whole statement Starmer sounded distinctly nervous, his voice quivering. This should perhaps not be a surprise, for this is a weak man attempting to wield dictatorial authority in the knowledge he does not have the people on his side. He was fully conscious as he spoke that he was declaring war on the native British, which he despises. Many claimed Starmer ‘failed to read the room’. This is to misunderstand him. This anti-white agenda was not hastily formulated as a result of the events in Southport. Even before winning the election Starmer and his cabinet will have been eagerly awaiting the opportune moment to initiate an authoritarian, repressive war upon the White native British.
The Labour Party was established to represent the native working classes. Starmer, Prime Minister and leader of the Labour Party, could not despise the White working classes more.
For those unaware of Keir Starmer’s background prior to his political career, he held the office for several years of Director of Public Prosecutions (the key legal official responsible for prosecuting criminal cases on behalf of the state or government). In this position he presided over a system that failed to bring prosecutions for the hundreds of Pakistani rapists and paedophiles who abused and raped thousands of White working-class girls across cities like Rotherham and Rochdale. Despite the perpetrators in the vast majority of these ‘grooming gangs’ cases being Pakistani, Starmer was keen to claim otherwise;
With this latest press conference, barely a month into his premiership, Starmer has declared unwavering support for Britain’s non-white, unasked for immigrant communities while demonising and declaring war against the native British public. And yet despite Starmer’s authoritarian warnings, as I write, more angry protests are taking place across Sunderland and other cities across Britain.
If there’s any positive we can take from these events, it’s that the British may have finally had enough. Cultural commentator Morgoth, discussing the prospect of Labour replacing the Conservatives pre-election, astutely pointed out that he’d rather be stabbed in the front than stabbed in the back. We knew the Conservatives hated us because no matter what they said, their actions betrayed them. Labour are open about it. If you believe in the merits of accelerationism rather than being slowly boiled alive, then maybe it’s best that it’s never been clearer that Britain is ruled by traitors.