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Alexander Dugin — POLITICA AETERNA

Political Platonism & the Dark Enlightenment

Alexander Dugin’s Politica Aeterna takes readers on a compelling journey through the timeless structures of the political Logos, uncovering their deep connections with philosophy, metaphysics, and ontology. Dugin masterfully explores politics as an eternal framework and then traces its dramatic evolution through the ages. By contrasting traditional and modern societies, he reveals how political ideas that once dominated can become marginalized or even “heretical” over time. The book brilliantly captures the tension between these opposing forces, showing how history itself brings certain political structures to the forefront while others recede into the background.

Dugin challenges us to rethink our understanding of political metaphysics, arguing that time distorts our perceptions and offers only partial truths shaped by specific historical moments. As we navigate through different phases of political history, our views are inevitably coloured by the era we live in. Politica Aeterna is a must-read for anyone fascinated by the deep philosophical roots of politics and the ever-evolving landscape of political thought.

Buy it here.

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