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Alexander Dugin argues that a union of true right-wing and left-wing forces is essential to combat the global influence of liberals, whom he views as inherently aligned with capitalist and Western hegemonic interests.

In the West, there are both excellent right-wing and very respectable left-wing figures. For instance, the AfD (Alternative for Germany) is a remarkable right-wing movement, and Sahra Wagenknecht is an outstanding leftist. In the United States, there are right-wing figures like Trump and Vance, but also leftists like Tulsi Gabbard and Kennedy. This pattern exists everywhere.

However, there are also globalists — like Mélenchon, who, in a critical moment, saved liberal Macron from the people’s uprising led by Marine Le Pen. Additionally, there are European far-right individuals who join forces with Nazis from the Azov battalion to fight against us. These far-right individuals conveniently ignore the fact that Zelensky is a Jewish liberal clown, a drug addict, and a pervert. How can these people be considered right-wing? They are merely service dogs on the liberal NATO leash.

This situation is mirrored in our own country. We have honest right-wing patriots, Orthodox Christians, monarchists, and even (God forgive them, they do not understand what they are calling themselves) “ethnic Russian nationalists” — who, in truth, are holding the front lines. Equally, there are honest left-wing patriots who are heroes of the Special Military Operation. But then, there is also the scum that attacks Putin from the right and Ilyin1 from the left. It is the same story everywhere.

Thus, both the right and the left can have reasonable, honorable people, but they can also have those who are not. However…

When it comes to liberals, it is a different story. There are no good liberals. All liberals are aligned with the world government and Western hegemony. Anyone on their side is an absolute enemy of both true right-wing and true left-wing people. This is because capitalism is pure evil and must be destroyed from both the right and the left, simultaneously.

It is liberals — people like Soros — who manipulate unaware “right-wingers” and corrupt, decaying “left-wingers” to serve their own interests.

We need a union of the right and the left against the liberals. This is what we need, both within Russia and beyond.

True right-wing and left-wing figures represent the people. Liberals, on the other hand, represent the comprador elite. There are no good liberals. A good liberal is one who is absent or, at the very least, a former liberal. There is no use trying to argue that not all liberals are the same — they are. The right and the left can be different. But all liberals are united.

(translated from the Russian)

Alexander Dugin’s books can be purchased here.


Translator’s note: Ilyin refers to Ivan Ilyin (1883-1954), a Russian philosopher, monarchist, political theorist, and prominent figure in the Russian émigré community after the Bolshevik Revolution. He is best known for his conservative views and his advocacy for a Russian authoritarian state based on Orthodox Christian principles.

Dr. Alexander Dugin

Alexander Dugin (b. 1962) is one of the best-known writers and political commentators in post-Soviet Russia, having been active in politics there since the 1980s. He is the leader of the International Eurasia Movement, which he founded. He was also an advisor to the Kremlin on geopolitical matters and head of the Department of Sociology at Moscow State University. Arktos has published his books The Fourth Political Theory (2012), Putin vs Putin (2014), Eurasian Mission (2014), Last War of the World-Island (2015), The Rise of the Fourth Political Theory (2017), Ethnosociology (vol. 1–2) (2018, 2019), Political Platonism (2019), The Theory of a Multipolar World (2021), and The Great Awakening vs the Great Reset (2021).

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Sebastian Marcus Olwyn Schoof
Sebastian Marcus Olwyn Schoof
6 months ago

Without trying to sound to obnoxious let me just put out the pedantic reminder that Dugin is in contact with many Libertarians like Alex Jones who ideologically classify themselves as Classical Liberals, even as Dugin simultaneously announces “everything that is anti-Liberal is good”.

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