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Andy Nowicki examines the growing sense of despair in America and the West, arguing that both conservatives and progressives feel increasingly disillusioned with society’s trajectory, a collapse of optimism that began with the end of the Cold War and continues to intensify.

I know for a fact that I am not alone in feeling a frequently intense sensation of consternation, if not panic, about the current state of things in the world, particularly the “Western” world, and even more particularly the United States of America (the nation of my birth, and the country in which I have lived for the entirety of my fairly long-lived life).

Indeed, there is a very real, even palpable apprehension about how things stand generally today, and even greater concern about “where things are headed.” Speaking for myself (and thus, admittedly, subjectively), for the past half-century in which I have dwelt in this body and walked (or in the beginning, crawled) on this earth, I can honestly say that, when I apply personal recollection, I find that there has never been a time when things have seemed worse than they do now.

Indeed, try as I may, I cannot recall a point in the past, at least not during the interval of years which comprise my lifetime, when there seemed to be such a conspicuous dearth of hope for the future, nor such an intractable state of despair with the present.

Nor, I think the reader will agree, am I alone in this sentiment. It seems, rather, to be quite widespread; even in a polity as bitterly divided as ours, there is at least common ground on this notion: “things are falling apart, the center cannot hold.”

“Burning burning burning burning” — T. S. Eliot, “The Wasteland”

And there are other notable aspects to the widespread sentiment concerning the collective disquietude over both the current state of things and the prospect of “where things are headed.” In the past, if someone complained that the present times showed a marked decline over the “good old days,” the malcontent would invariably be checked by another commentator with a more optimistic perspective on present trends. “Come now,” such a one would soothingly say, “what you are bemoaning as a decline is in fact little more than an evolution… things have changed, not all for the best, but certainly not all for the worse, for it is the state of culture itself forever to be in flux.”

Or, to put things more simply: as one singer/songwriter/pseudo-philosopher pronounced nearly forty years ago: The good ol’ days weren’t always good, and tomorrow ain’t as a bad as it seems. Things are undeniably different now, the optimist would admit to the malcontent, but “different” isn’t synonymous with “symptomatic of decline.”

And, the optimist would further aver, despite what may seem to be massive division amongst the populace on the subject of first principles, morals, convictions, and general perspectives, in fact deep down people will still rally together during times of crisis, and, when push comes to shove, will behave as if these differences of belief were matters of no importance.


The cultural optimist had his biggest “I told you so” moment over two decades ago, on September 11, 2001. On that day, and for weeks, even months, afterwards, there was indeed a feeling of remarkable solidarity amongst Americans. If this sense of unity dissipated not long afterwards, the fact that it happened still had a bracing effect on the collective psyche, which would reverberate for years afterwards: “Remember that time when we all came together, in spite of our differences!”

However, things have soured to such an extent that by now it is plainly impossible to fathom a similarly harmonious response to any event which savors of tragedy, disaster, or national crisis. Were “9/11” (at least as it was first understood to be, before doubt set in concerning the “official story”), or something similar, to happen again, few believe that it would induce the sort of “unity vibe” that was yielded by the original “9/11.”

Indeed, today, that once ubiquitous soothing-voiced cultural optimist seems to have utterly deserted us; in fact, we haven’t heard from him for a while.

Even those whom one would think would be happy with the current state of things — that is, the promoters of such insane abominations as “drag queen story hour” and “gender reassignment surgery” for young children, notions which incredibly enough have gained mainstream acceptability in some circles — are expressing extreme unhappiness with both the “current state of things” and with their understanding of “where things are headed.” That is to say, even the third-wave feminists, the advocates of “transing” children, and those notorious “mostly peaceful” anti-white activists are themselves seized with a sense of doom.

Whether the latter phenomenon is attributable to a delusion that their ideologies are under attack, when in fact they are being relentlessly promoted in high places, or whether it is due to some inner intimation that their pet causes are violative of nature and thus fated to failure, isn’t so much my concern here. The point is the nearly complete obliteration of optimism and the almost complete, across-the-board conviction of the surety of societal collapse looming on the horizon.

Amongst conservatives, the sense of doom is perhaps the most palpable. We can see that even appeals to patriotism, a sentiment typically promoted if not fetishized by the right, are on the wane. A few months before his death, conservative icon Rush Limbaugh openly mused that secession may be necessary in the near future; more recently, in his populist anthem “Rich Men North of Richmond,” loved and lauded by red-state stalwarts, overnight superstar Oliver Anthony openly cursed the United States: “Young men are puttin’ themselves six feet in the ground/Cuz all this damn country does it keep on kickin’ them down.”

We are, indeed, awash in doom right now, in the throes of seemingly intractable despair. It may be the one sentiment which could be said to unite us.

The complete disappearance of optimism represents a radical shift from even a short time ago, although the momentum has arguably been moving in this general direction for over three decades (a significant point to which I shall return). Around 2015, there occurred a violent seismic eruption, a psychic upheaval which has continued unabated to this very day.

I myself can recall a time, not too long ago, when glancing at newspaper headlines or scrolling through news sites could be done without incurring a jolt of stress and a rush of anxiety. I remember when mainstream news sources at least made a pretense, however disingenuously, of striving for objectivity and fairness, when corporations weren’t constantly vomiting forth declarations of condemnation for half of the nation’s population whilst unabashedly promoting “woke” agitprop that alienates the vast majority of their customer base, etc.

But if the present era of discombobulating and discomfiting tumult, hysteria, and escalating polarization we have suffered through since 2015, an era of crisis which only seems to grow more frightfully intense as each year gives way to the next, giving one the impression of being pulled into an ever-more destructive vortex, the truth is that we began on this trajectory over thirty years ago, at the precise moment the Soviet Union fell and the Cold War officially ended.


What is the significance of this confluence of events? Why did the fall of the Soviet bloc seemingly set off the descent of the West, and of America in particular, into chaos and turmoil? Or, conversely, was there, despite appearances to the contrary, in truth no causation whatsoever between the first event and the second (ongoing) phenomenon? Did these concomitant occurrences in truth have naught to do with one another?

Would the unraveling of the West, and America in particular, have happened even if the Soviet Union had never fallen? Perhaps, but then again, perhaps not. There is, admittedly, no way to know for sure. Yet I, a confessed novice, not one greatly studied in historical matters, yet possessed nevertheless of a curious and discerning mind, suspect that when the once-mighty Soviet regime ceased to be, and the Cold War came to an end, and all seemed well because democracy had triumphed over totalitarianism and happy Germans were dancing atop the once-foreboding Berlin Wall, that it might just have been at that precise moment that, in the midst of the jubilation and self-congratulation, a Devil was unleashed in the West.

What was this Devil?

Perhaps, at the risk of incurring spiritual harm, we should summon it and ask it ourselves.

Then again, it is in the nature of demons to lie. especially if they intuit that a certain type of lie will have a desired effect upon a soul — that is, to cause that soul distress, to play upon that soul’s spiritual weaknesses, and to lead that soul away from God and towards psychic desolation, the demon will certainly seize upon such a lie… Let us, therefore, be sure to enter into the sacrament of Confession, followed by Holy Communion, and thus cleanse our souls of all residue of sin, so that the demon in question has no access to our most vulnerable points before we begin our potentially tricky task of engaging him in dialogue.

Ready? Then let us begin.


Author: I speak to you now, devil of our age. I charge you, by the power of Christ, to reveal to us your name.

Devil: (hisses insolently, and makes a variety of obscene noises)

Author: Show yourself, infernal one.

Devil: (comes into view, assuming the form at first of a beautiful smiling young woman, then suddenly transforming into a hideous specimen which looks vaguely human but whose sex is in fact indeterminate, but who is immensely obese, has multiple unsightly face piercings and blasphemous tattoos, along with colored blue hairHa! Behold how I have mangled and twisted your ladyfolk, human filth!

Author: Cease with this foolishness, accursed one, eternally expelled from Heaven. By now I know your tactic of inducing demoralization by fouling that which is lovely… I am not impressed.

Devil: (responds to this expression of scorn, which, as Martin Luther once astutely observed, he cannot bear, with a battery of obscene gestures, before reverting to the form of a young childNOW I am in the guise of innocence, which, as you know, human filth, my minions and I are destroying every day with great success… (proceeds to utter a string of horrific profanities, vulgarities, and blasphemies, still in his childish form)

Author: Devil, though you are a liar, I charge you, in the name of Christ, savior of the world, vanquisher of demons, to speak the truth. What is your name, cursed one?

Devil: You may call me HAVOC, human filth.

Author: And what, HAVOC, allowed you to emerge from Hell at the precise time you did, to wreak yourself upon our ravaged world?

HAVOC: You foolish, deluded follower of that bastard Nazarene—

Author: By “Nazarene,” you mean Jesus Christ, eternally incarnate of the Father, born from Immaculate Mary, Mother of God…

HAVOC: (screams in agonyDON’T SAY THAT NAME, I BEG YOU!

Author: In the name of Jesus Christ, whose Holy name you cannot bear to hear, I demand that you tell us how you were first given release from your infernal cell, HAVOC!

HAVOC: (screams again, then pauses, and, sulkily, capitulatesVery well. (His appearance now changes to that of a young, professorial-looking manSince our kind has so totally captured your institutions of “higher learning,” I feel that this is the appropriate visage to assume at the current juncture of our exchange… I shall give you a “lecture,” human scum, and when I am finished, your disconsolation will be most delicious, a sweet treat for me to feast upon… You must know, by now, that there is nothing we rebel angels love more than to drink your tears. For our advanced palate, they are like the sweetest wine… Likewise, your lot’s demoralization is something upon which we avidly feast! For example, the so-called “black pill” that so many of your dissident class are increasingly embracing.. do you not understand by now that we, the heroic rebel angels, were the ones who birthed this notion in your minds? It is — I say with full pride, since a rebel angel like me wants nothing to do with the enemy’s supposed virtue of ‘humility’ — our “black pill’ which has become one of the finest, most delectable means of torment we have devised. It causes men to feel smug even as they transmit despair and demoralization to their fellow men, which only adds to the glorious taste in our mouths as one man after another is driven, either to actual, physical suicide, or to a slow suicide of the soul, we are so nourished, nay, delightfully glutted, by the extremity of their self-induced injuries, all enabled by our formulation of this wonderful concept of the ‘black pill’!

Author: Very well, accursed HAVOC, it is well-enough known that you hate and loathe humanity with a unique passion and a peculiar gusto; in fact, that is the very hallmark of your infernal breed. But attend to my question, damned creature, and in the name of Christ, our Blessed Savior, tell us how you were first enabled to gain access to our world and to the minds of men?

HAVOC: Ha! The truth is that I was smuggled in by your own rulers! Ha, yes! As simple as that… And, what is more, they brought me in with absolutely no doubt about who I was.. They knew the likely ramifications, long term, but they didn’t care. That is, they didn’t care at first… but over time, they came to see things our way… Hence, the present state of things in your fair land!


Demons, if you must know, tend to be quite irritating as conversationalists.

Even when compelled by the power of the Almighty to speak the truth, they still succeed at trying one’s patience. They lead you down blind corridors, dwell on non-sequiturs, boast about their myriad accomplishments (which may or may not be true), they gloat over the numerous souls they have successfully lead down the path of damnation, and so forth.

In the case of HAVOC, he eventually broke down. After being tormented by my repeated use of the holy name of the man whom he can only, with impotent blasphemy, call “the bastard Nazarene,” he revealed his story.

Summarized, it is this: HAVOC was smuggled over to the United States via the American intelligence apparatus (his release being enabled due to the indispensable assistance of many occultist operatives working within those very auspices), namely with the project now known as “Operation Paperclip.” It was via “Paperclip” that numerous committed, unreconstructed National Socialists were quietly given entry to the United States, and what is more, allowed to hold positions of authority within that conglomeration of nefarious entities which has come to be known, these days, as the “Deep State.”

HAVOC, then, lived for a time in concealed form. That is, there were a group of men now ensconced within the bowels of power, who had absolutely no love for the United States. In fact, these men, promoted to positions of prestige and renown, in truth harbored a positive hatred for all that the United States represented. But then their sponsors in the American intelligence apparatus must have known this, and must not have cared too much.

And here is where we find the first seeming contradiction of the “Deep State,” for, as everyone knows, there is a particular ethnicity with which the National Socialist mindset has been historically at odds with, and, as many a bold soul has pointed out, that very ethnicity is heavily represented within the ranks of the power-elite. One would think that those of this ethnicity would have objected to Operation Paperclip, but that doesn’t appear to have happened. The upshot? Both Nazis and Jews have representation within the “Deep State”; more, they appear to be working in tandem, albeit for probably different reasons. (A mirror image of such an unlikely alliance can be seen today in a similarly corrupt nation much in the news lately.)

(Those who find this notion preposterous should perhaps study the “Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact” of 1939 to recognize a precedent. With this agreement, which amounted to an alliance, two ideologies supposedly at odds with one another opted, for mutually beneficially strategic reasons, to team up. Is it really so unlikely that powerful men, for whom power is the highest end, would agree to make mutually beneficial alliances within the “Deep State”?)

In any event, men who unabashedly upheld an ideology hostile to the United States were allowed access to high posts within the United States government. The most conspicuous of these men became a bona fide celebrity when America launched its “put a man on the Moon before the close of the decade” crusade in the 1960s. Nobody at the time drew attention to the fact the Wernher von Braun had a history with the Nazi SS. Nor, apparently, had he ever been induced to renounce his prior affiliations. How many other “von Brauns” similarly flew under the proverbial radar? A specific number has never been given, although “Operation Paperclip” has been declassified for a while. It is likely that the full extent of the program will never be revealed, as the CIA tends to guard its secrets zealously, allowing only dribs and drabs to leak out to the public, whom they, and the rest of their ilk, tend to see as unworthy of knowing the full truth of things, something like a father keeping the facts regarding Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy from his children (although this analogy is limited, as it is unlikely our “betters” view us with anything resembling paternal affection).

Throughout the tumultuous times that followed the end of World War 2 and the start of the Cold War against the Soviet Union, the American intelligence apparatus and its bought-and-paid-for allies in the media (see “Operation Mockingbird”) helped to instigate various instances of “culture creation.” It can hardly proven that the Beatles were a creation of Tavistock, as some firmly believe, or that all or even most of the music and fashion of the period were entirely cooked up and artificially distributed (or “astroturfed,” as the expression goes), yet Dave McGowan, in his seminal work Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon, does show certain indisputable facts with regard to many of the psychedelic era’s most prominent actors and artists having ties to military intelligence.

Likewise, the sexual revolution, which almost all of these ostensibly “counter-culture” figures heavily supported (and lived), was almost certainly promoted from on high, as was LSD, the supposed “counter-culture” drug, which the CIA first used in its notorious MK-Ultra mind control experiments. The Time-Life journal — no greater an example of a media organ of Establishment agitprop exists — heavily promoted both LSD and artificial contraception, as may be seen in the covers displayed below:


Yet, while undoubtedly instigating these cultural transformations through moneyed institutions and highly-placed agents and assets, it should be remarked that these same reigning authorities kept certain trends in abeyance, or perhaps, to put it more accurately, refrained from instigating certain other trends… until, that is, the early 90s, which, coincidentally or not, happened to coincide with the time when Soviet Communism fell and the Cold War ended.

For no matter how tumultuous things got during the 60s and 70s, the center still held. While the establishment (hiding behind the “counter-culture”) pushed notions that were deeply corrosive of the moral order, it is nevertheless shocking to look back at the popular culture from the 60s, 70s, and 80s, and behold the extent to which normalcy was reflected, even promoted in the music, TV shows, and movies of the period.

Let us just stick with the 80s for a moment, about which I (the author, not the demon named HAVOC, whose narrative of events I am putting in my own terms in order to prevent the readers’ exasperation at his infernal proclivity to prevaricate, to engage in self-glorifying non-sequiturs, and altogether to be an irritant, even, or perhaps especially, when charged by a higher authority — namely Christ, whose name the devils can’t pronounce without trembling) can speak with actual veracity, for I am old enough to remember!


To clarify, it certainly wouldn’t be truthful to claim that degeneracy was utterly absent from popular culture in the 80s. In fact, for most of the decade, movie theaters were flooded with “teen sex comedies” and “slasher films,” both of which are extremely sleazy genres aimed, either directly or indirectly, at corrupting the morals of the youth. And there was a trend, so frequently manifested that it seems patently ubiquitous, of portraying righteous and upstanding people as undesirable, either due to being shown always acting sanctimonious or due to being exposed as hypocritical, or, more often than not, as both sanctimonious AND hypocritical.

A notorious instance of 80s cinematic degeneracy

Slasher films, meanwhile, were mostly just lurid pornography, in which predominantly male audiences were invited to enjoy seeing nude and semi-nude women (and sometimes men) get terrorized, menaced, and hacked to bits. Television, for its part, was chockful of tawdry, oversexed soap operas appealing to women’s baser drives (lust, greed, the glorification of cruelty and manipulation).

For all of the objectionable material being churned out — relics of the sexual revolution foisted on culture from “above,” via the machinations of so-called “elites” (though spiritually-speaking most assuredly conceived “below,” in the infernal regions), one should note the myriad ways in which, particularly from the perspective of one who dwells in the terrible 20s, normal, healthy, and functional human relationships were held up as ideals, to a plainly shocking degree, at least by today’s depraved standards.

Indeed, when one examines the sitcoms of the period (situation comedies being one of the most popular formats, consistently getting high ratings and drawing the “family” audience most consistently), one is struck by how wholesome the vast majority of the top-rated shows are. The Cosby ShowFamily TiesGrowing Pains, et al, all portray families that are intact, happy, loving, harmonious, and affectionate. What is more, they all feature complete racial homogeneity. Mostly (Cosby obviously excepted), the cast of these shows were entirely white. The same may be said of numerous famous movies from the period. Commercials from the 80s likewise overwhelmingly featured white, heterosexual couples together. Sometimes one saw a black couple, and on rarer occasions, a couple of some other race. Hardly ever, however, was a mixed couple featured, and a homosexual couple was absolutely never shown.

The white, wholesome, loving family of “Family Ties”

No one complained about such depictions or about what today would be assailed as the “lack of representation” of non-whites, or if anyone did, these complaints went generally ignored by the corporate and political establishments. The notion that America was, generally speaking, a white, heterosexual nation was in fact not at all considered controversial. Positive depictions of men, depicting them as handsome, successful, prosperous, and happy, were the staple of many an ad campaign (including Gillette, a company now widely infamous for their man-hating PSA of recent years).

A Gillette ad from the 80s, depicting masculinity positively

Though by the 80s, there was certainly ethnic activism, feminism, and gay rights advocacy, these groups were not enthroned as arbiters of taste. They had little, if any, influence over the subject matter, or the casting, of movies, television shows, or commercials. No one was forced to sit through anti-white and anti-male company-sponsored seminars, as is so drearily commonplace a circumstance today. While left-wing activists did tend to predominate in academia, their overall cultural relevance was close to nil, because their ideas were simply granted no boost by institutions with greater power over the general culture.

Corporate “virtue-signaling,” of a sort, did exist, but when it manifested itself, it generally took the form of corporations attaching their names to charities that were resolutely non-controversial (for example, organizations dedicated to assisting children with cancer, or supporting disabled veterans, or preventing drunk driving, etc.).

All in all, the establishment displayed approval of the normal citizen, and depicted, and promoted, the normalcy of society. Unlike today, there was no habitual castigation of the “hoi polloi” or the “proles,” on the part of those who reckoned themselves the “elites.” That is to say, citizens who represented the majority culture (so-called “Middle America,” often sniffingly called “flyover country”) weren’t perpetually scolded for being “deplorable” or bigoted, or otherwise benighted. Instead, there was an overall atmosphere of respect for that which was natural, healthy, ordinary, and wholesome.


I hasten to add (and the devil HAVOC was quite emphatic on this point) that this attitude on the part of the “elites” did not in any sense reflect the reality of how they really felt towards those whom they deemed to be their social inferiors. “They always hated you!” HAVOC hissed. “They learned that from us, their masters, the infernal ‘lowerarchy’… We taught them that their hatred and contempt for their fellow humans was in fact a virtue, an indication of their righteously progressive mindset!

He went on at some length on this subject, gloating over his and his fellow-traveling demons and demon-adjacent entities’ success on this front, but I am omitting the bulk of this mostly unenlightening rant.

To return to the subject at hand, the claque of would-be “masters” — the “principalities, powers, thrones, and dominions,” as the Bible helpfully calls them — signaled approval of the “normal” American. But this was not due to any sort of actual affection felt; rather, this gesture of seeming endorsement of normalcy was, strictly speaking, a means to an end. And what was this end? It was this: to work towards the defeat of Soviet Communism.

The “Operation Paperclip” faction of the Deep State, after all, viewed Bolshevism as an enemy to be vanquished, and thereafter exterminated. The other factions within the bowels of power likely did not disagree. American foreign policy, after all, was one issue that has rarely, if ever, changed. Throughout all of the Cold War years, regardless of which faction of the Republican-Democrat uniparty held the reins, “defense” spending (which is to say, spending on the creation and implementation of instruments and weapons of war) always received the lion’s share of the federal budget, and this is without even mentioning the continuous and absolutely unrestrained activities of the CIA, who rigged elections, staged coups, engaged in assassinations, took part in the drug trade, and participated in various other types of chicanery across the globe with utter impunity, funded always presumably by “black” money, of which there never seemed to be a limit, during that very same era.

But spending money on weaponry is one thing; it is also crucial, during wartime (even the “Cold” variety) to have a population remain motivated and supported. Hence the persistently pro-white, pro-masculinity, pro-femininity, pro-normalcy aesthetics which predominated in the media during this period. American majority culture was to be celebrated and heartily, even sentimentally, endorsed; after all, it wouldn’t do to demoralize the public were the “Cold” War ever to become hot and bodies were needed to serve as the requisite United State cannon fodder. After all, if a public gets the impression that its nations’ leaders hate, loathe, and despise them, they aren’t very likely to enlist in the defense of said country — as evidence, please note the conspicuously declining enlistees in the US armed forces of late, as good an indicator as anything else that the culture has shifted ominously since the halcyon Cold War days.


Indeed, with the benefit of hindsight, one can see that the end of the Cold War changed everything.

Once the Soviet empire dissipated, there was no longer a compelling reason for the controllers, culture-creators, and opinion shapers of the Deep State and their media minions to cultivate the good will of the majority culture, a culture which, as our garrulous infernal friend reminds us, has likely ALWAYS been hated, loathed, and despised by its supposed “betters.”

But it was only with the fall of Soviet Communism that the surely infernal mindset which came to be known as “political correctness” suddenly flared up everywhere in the Western world.

Prior to the Cold War’s end, political correctness would never have been permitted to gain ascendency At its essence, political correctness or “PC,” afterwards called “wokeness,” operates as psychological warfare, deployed against American majority culture. Contrary to what some believe, its object is not to uplift women, or minorities, or the LGBT population, or anyone else; it is not a movement of “uplift” in any sense, though it disguises itself as such. In fact, its ultimate goal is to enervate all healthy, normal, wholesome inclinations, and in their place to induce defeatism, demoralization, and despair.

In every sense, “wokeness” is a bait-and-switch affair. It wants to make you think that it is standing up for blacks and other racial minorities, when the actual emphasis is on getting white people to hate themselves, and to despise their own history, heritage and traditions, a process even once explicitly described as “white wounding.” It wants you to think that its professed feminism is intended to improve the lot of women, when the aim is more accurately to denigrate masculinity and demonize and render as pathological what are in fact natural male inclinations towards occupational ambition and breadwinning, as well as to heap scorn upon natural feminine inclinations towards domesticity and nurturance of children. It wishes to advertise itself as promoting greater cultural acceptance of gays, lesbians, and transfolk, when it is truly focusing its efforts upon denigrating what it calls “heteronormative” mores; that is, denigrating the normativity of what is… well, normal, for the vast majority of people.

Political correctness, or wokeness, aims to erode trust between men and women, between whites and minorities, between normative and fringe populations. While it is certainly possible to uplift women, minorities, and non-heterosexuals without promoting the concomitant “wounding” of men, whites, or straights, this is the very opposite of what is intended here; instead, it is precisely the spirit of malice, spite, and vindictiveness that the demon HAVOC specializes in promulgating. And HAVOC was unleashed after the Cold War ended because, following the Soviet Union’s fall, the Deep State-based culture controllers no longer had a need to uphold and promote normalcy in the United States or the Western world generally. Since the enemy from without (Soviet Bolshevism) had crumbled, it was now time to train their weapons, psychic and otherwise, on the native populations of Western nations.

The initial wave of politically correct blandishments took place in the very early 90s. An early rallying cry heard at a campus curriculum protest proved to be prophetic indeed: “Hey ho, hey ho, Western Civ has got to go!

In the three decades to follow, PC/wokeness has only gained ground in spite of the fact that with each passing season it seems to become more violently hated by an ever-expanding number of people. This fact, if little else, testifies to the self-evident truth that this ideology is being artificially boosted, that without the tacit, and sometimes blatant, support of powerful and influential factions of the political and corporate establishment, it would dissipate just as surely as it suddenly appeared on the scene at the advent of the post-Cold War era.

That is to say, the “woke” campaign is not and has never been in any sense a “grass-roots” phenomenon; rather, it has always been a patently top-down campaign: societal degeneration disguised as revolution, all rendered from above; that is, originating from the very heart of the “principalities, powers, thrones, and dominions” who rule the scene.

And what, precisely, is the endgame of this three-decades-and-counting “long march” through the institutions of the West? On this point, I shall permit HAVOC”s testimony to speak for itself.

With each passing year,” he hisses, grinning fiendishly, still in his faux-professorial garb, and launching into a sort of faux-lecture, “the West grows ever more anemic. Spiritually, mentally, physically anemic. This process has been by design. Indeed, your own invisible rulership has fomented this transformation. The ‘woke’ agenda is not an end in itself, not to those who have masterminded it. Instead, it is merely a means to the end of undermining, enervating, weakening, and finally destroying the once-proud, once-strong culture of the West generally, and of America in particular…

“It is not uncommon for a nation’s enemies, especially during wartime, to attempt to effect a transformation of that nation from within, to afflict it with parasitical influences, in order to cause that nation to lose its will to fight, that it might be best ripened for conquest. But in the West, ever more transparently since the end of the Cold War, we have seen something altogether unique, a situation in which the nation’s enemies are in fact its own ruling class.

“When the Central Intelligence Agency initiated Operation Paperclip, a program that they no longer even make any pretense of concealing, they were perhaps tipping their hand.”

At this point, HAVOC, who had up to now affected an erudite and scholarly persona, exploded into convulsive, hyena-like peals of abrasive laughter.

“You fools!” he shrieked, with spittle-flecked ferocity. “They brought your enemies over, to rule over you! They allied themselves with those who want you dead. What do you think that says about them? Have you not figured it out yet? Are you that dense? Do you still trust the institutions which have all, as if with one collective will, turned on you? Everywhere you go, everyone is calling you names and telling you to be ashamed of yourselves… everywhere you look, they are asking you to show enthusiasm for disgusting, degenerate behavior, and relentlessly casting aspersions on everything normal, wholesome, and good… and you dumb beasts still don’t get it?

“They… we, for as their guardian dark angel I am leading the charge.. are readying your enslavement, and you lot keep marching toward your demise, thinking all along that you can just talk your way out of it, or vote your way out of it, or that it’s all just a passing fad that will eventually wither away?”

Though it may sound counterintuitive to heed the words of a demon, I humbly offer that we should all take heed of HAVOC’s final words… the last thing that he managed to say, that is, before I ordered him to begone, to return to the infernal realm which spawned him, and he scattered away, leaving the foulest of stenches in his wake…

Andy Nowicki is the author of several books, most recently The Insurrectionist and Muze. Visit his YouTube channel.

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Twin Ruler
Twin Ruler
2 months ago

Strangely, I am beginning to miss the 1980s.

6 months ago

Oh my gosh. It wasn’t havoc, it was jewbacca the butt. Sorry, it’s a tough line of ‘reasoning’ you have there for anyone to accept. A much simpler and rational explanation is the international jew.

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