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Alexander Wolfheze views the turning of the tide in the great Weltanschauungskrieg currently being fought between the satano-globalist Neo-Atlantean West and the archaeo-futurist Eurasian East.

The Turn of the Tide

How many a township have We destroyed!

As a raid by night or while they slept at noon Our terror came unto them
No plea had they when Our terror came unto them

Save that they said: ‘Lo! We were wrongdoers’

— Quran 7: 4-5

Eighty years ago this autumn, much like a mighty river bursting back its banks and a great tidal wave carrying all before it, the Red Army swept into Eastern Europe, utterly overwhelming the Axis’ many allies and mighty ramparts across thousands of kilometres, from the icy shores of the Arctic to the sunny slopes of the Rhodopes. Decimated and driven back to the gates of Moscow during the ‘Barbarossa’ months of 1941, battered and backed to the wall on the Volga during the ‘Blue’ months of 1942, haughtily declared ‘defeated’ again and again, Russia had returned from the dead, as a fearsome revenant clinging to its enemy. The Red Army had risen from its grave, descending on the impious invader as merciless Nemesis, grinding the mighty Wehrmacht into the dust, finally carrying the fight into Germany itself. In the summer of 1943, the slack tide moment was passed when ‘Zitadelle’ failed at Kursk. In the summer of 1944, the flood tide reached the Danube and Vistula when ‘Bagration’ brought down the Axis’ Ostwall: the red flag was carried into Central Europe. That summer of 1944, the shrinking of the Axis’ Lebensraum accelerated significantly, as ‘Fortress Europe’ and the ‘Greater Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere’ were breached from east, south and west. The Axis were doomed and their leaders knew it: with larger-than-life avenging forces closing in, for them, the writing was on the wall. Their empires were about to be reduced to colonies, their histories were about to be rewritten, their peoples were to be sold into slavery, their children were to be ‘adopted’ by the enemy and their very names were to be reduced to curses:

And they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field

They shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and seven times shall pass over thee

Until thou know that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men

And giveth it to whomsoever He will

— Daniel 4:32

Eighty years later, in the fall of 2024, even as these words are being written, the memories of the momentous events of the fall of 1944 blend into an eerie sense of déjà-vu – at least for those few Westerners not entirely cut off from reality and the seismic geopolitical shifts that are changing the world outside the Alice-in-Wonderland bubble-life that the whorenalists of the satano-globalist lying press have created for the zombified Western masses.

In 1944, it was the German-lead Third Reich that was about to meet the last of the three Fates: Clotho, the ‘Spinner’ (representing the present), had given it birth in 1933, spinning it from the rich harvest of hate sown at Versailles, Lachesis, the ‘Allotter’ (presenting the past), had given it a measure of twelve years, sufficient to rewrite and invert the history written by the Versailles victors, and now Atropos, the ‘Inexorable’(presenting the future), was about to cut its life-cord, releasing those inhabiting the Third Reich’s existential niche to either the Elysian Fields (for its innocent war dead), the Asphodel Meadows (for its lukewarm plebs) or the Tartarus Dungeons (for its evil genii). Faithfully serving the three Moiria, the Erinyes were about to descend on the Third Reich, unleashing the full fury of a true ‘Hellstorm’ on the luckless peoples of Europe by land, sea and air. By sea, the cowardly Anglo-Saxon empire, its home islands safely shielded by impassable waters, imposed a hunger blockade while it conducted a terror campaign by air, with its airmen, virtually untouchable in their ‘flying fortresses’, laying waste to great swathes of the continent, burning alive its women, children, elderly and infirm. By land, the Soviet Red Army, remembering the unparalleled sacrifice of countless millions of its compatriots, descended on the enemy homeland with a vengeance, killing millions in return and pursuing its leaders down into the deepest underground tunnels and bunkers of Berlin.ii

In 2024, it is the American-led Fourth Reich that is making a mockery out of European history, creating an inverted and perverted re-run of the history of World War II. In a larger-than-life, real-world enactment of some mind-bending Hollywood-style psyop scenario, with zero credibility outside the bubble space outside of the Western MSM, but with spell-binding effectiveness inside it, the satano-globalist Fourth Reich constructed by the Anglo-Saxon thalassocrats has cast the Orthodox and Tradition-oriented Russia of the 2020s in the cartoon-version role of Nazi-Germany in the 1940s, the modest and moderate Putin of the 2020s in the role of the mad Hitler of 1940s propaganda fiction and the clown-world actor Zelensky in the fantasy-world role of the wise Churchill of the 1940s. Underneath this ‘official narrative’ staged play layer there is, of course, another ‘subliminal messaging’ layer, where resurrected (‘Azov Brigade’) Neo-Nazis are deployed on a resurrected Eastern Front in an inverted crusade for Neo-Bolshevism (Wokeism), nobly risking life and limb for supposed ‘Western values’ (aptly summarized as the ‘Gay Disco’ by the inimitable Dr. E. Michael Jones) and where a Western ‘Waffen-SS 2.0’ (trainers, volunteers, mercenaries), appropriately outfitted with the latest German tanks, armoured vehicles and artillery, is giving a backbone to the bled-out ranks of Natostan’s ‘Ukrainian’ proxy-army. There, the World War II’s great Eastern Front good-against-evil battles scenes are inversely re-enacted in structurally reversed roles: now, West-to-East Natostan human wave attacks face Russian technology-based defences, inverting the East-to-West Russian human wave attacks that faced Germany technology-based defences during WWII (Artemovsk 2022-23><Stalingrad 1942-43), while studiously planned and propagandistically inflated tank pincer movements re-create ‘turning points’ that are supposed to ‘turn the tide’ (Kursk August 2024>< Kursk 1943).

These and many similar ‘Live Action Role Playing’ and ‘Double Think’ exercises, with multiple equivalents on the many other frontlines between the Unipolar fiction bubble and the Multipolar real world (e.g. ‘there-is-no-genocide-but-it-is-good’ in the Middle East and ‘black-lives-matter-but-not-there’ in Sub-Saharan Africa), serve two simultaneous aims, viz. (1) externally, to terrorize the Eurasian East and the Global South through unmitigated and undisguised ‘necropolitical’ power,iii and (2) internally, to drive the natives of the Unipolar West deeper into cognitive dissonance and mass formation. Starting with its 2020 ‘Covid’ scamdemic, the satano-globalist hostile elite is effectively conducting a series of MKUltra-style mass ‘conditioning’ experiments on the Western masses, building upon their successful ‘deprogramming’ during the preceding decades of nihilism-inducting ‘secularization’ and ‘emancipation’.iv These experiments consist of varying doses of technological virtualization (‘remote work’, ‘social media’, ‘dating apps’), habitat alteration (ethnic replacement, food modification, weather manipulation) and biotechnological intervention (‘birth control’, ‘gender reassignment’, ‘vaccine mandate’), all aligned with an – as-yet – undisclosed transhumanist agenda. This ‘zombie apocalypse’ agenda, consciously willed by the social engineers and unconsciously willed by the dehumanized masses, is effectively a function of the hostile elite’s demonic cultic identity.v To the Eurasian East and the Global South, facing the violent and ruinous consequences of satano-globalist necropolitics ‘in the flesh’, the psycho-drama dynamics playing out within the Western may seem to be of mere marginal interest, but they would do well to realize that these same dynamics actually shape the kinetic impacts they face on the battlefield outside the ‘Empire of Lies’: the ‘Live Action Role Playing’ scenarios and ‘Double Think’ exercises to which the East and the South are subject accurately reflect the psycho-historical and psycho-social complexes playing out within the West. The deliberately sadistic terrorism characterizing ‘Project Ukraine’ and the openly genocidal policies characterizing ‘Project Zion’ can only be fully understood as a function of the collective malignant narcissism that now characterizes the West’s deeply cognitively dissonant ‘public opinion’. Once upon a time in the West, not too long ago, to allege that deep-state psyop programs, such ‘Operation Mockingbird’, existed was to put oneself beyond the pale of reasonable discourse and to consign oneself to a parallel world of ‘conspiracy theorists’, but that is no longer the case. Since that time, however, deep-state psyop problems have started affecting reality itself, plunging the Western masses into a bottomless abyss of lies and deceit from which there is no escape:

We’ll know our disinformation program is complete

when everything the American public believes is false

— William Casey, CIA Director (1981)

Writing in the autumn of 2024, the writing is on the wall: the Moiria are returning to modern history. From day to day more clearly for all to see, the tide of history is turning even as the Fates, slowly but surely, exact their price. The West’s quest for Lebensraum, launching ‘Operation Barbarossa 2.0’ through its ‘Project Ukraine’, has misfired and its Weltanschauungskrieg, ‘cancelling’ Russia with unprecedented sanctions, has backfired. As a great bolt of fire from heaven, a larger-than-life reality check is now hurtling towards the West’s Empire of Lies and its impact is bound to be nothing less than world-altering. With Russia demolishing ‘Project Ukraine’ in the Blood Lands of Eastern Europe, the Axis of Resistance wearing out ‘Project Zion’ in the Holy Lands of the Middle East and the BRICS-SCO bloc driving its financial stakes through the undead heart of ‘Project Mammon’, there is no longer any doubt that Nemesis is coming for the West. A Death Star, a nova et nullius aevi memoria prius visa stella,vi is rising over the satano-globalist New World Order and over the living-dead Unipolar West:

Dim was its little disk and angel eyes
Alone could see the phantom in the skies
When first Al Aaraaf knew her course to be
Headlong thitherward o’er the starry sea
But when its glory swelled upon the sky
As glowing beauty’s bust beneath man’s eye
We paused before the heritage of men

And thy star trembled as doth Beauty then

Thus in discourse the lovers whiled away
The night that waned and waned and brought no day

They fell: for heaven to them no hope imparts
Who hear not for the beating of their hearts

— Edgar Allen Poe, ‘Al Aaraaf’

The City in the Sea’vii

(The Last Wave)

Lo! Death has reared himself a throne
In a strange city lying alone
Far down within the dim West
Where the good and the bad and the worst and the best
Have gone to their eternal rest…

And when amid no earthly moans
Down, down that town shall settle hence
Hell, rising from a thousand thrones
Shall do it reverence

— Edgar Allen Poe, ‘The City in the Sea’

As the Moiria are weaving the burial shroud for the satano-globalist New World Order and the Unipolar West, one worthy task that the few ‘old believer’ dissidents still remaining in the West may yet accomplish is to keep a record, explaining why and how their once-great civilization has come to this final and fatal pass. They may yet provide a great service to humanity by recording the incidents and accidents of the Fall of the West, providing a valuable object lesson for generations to come – as well as an invaluable warning of the steep price that the Fates always exact for human hubris. This may also redeem the faithful remnant of the West in the eyes of posterity as it wonders at the tale of the West’s final reckoning. When the last wave finally breaks over the great Neo-Atlantis empire of the West, forever covering the satano-globalist Western thalassocracy that has enslaved and destroyed much of the world for centuries,viii much valuable knowledge and many deep insights will be buried with it: some record should be preserved to explain why and how it met its end.

In keeping with the maxim that history does not repeat but that it does rhyme, one important fact that the ‘old believer’ dissidents of the West must record is that, even as the thalassocrat rulers of Neo-Atlantis have gone out of their way to simultaneously distort and appropriate the historical record of the Third Reich, the Neo-Atlantean Fourth Reich, is in fact, entirely unlike its purported predecessor in both intent and essence. By misrepresenting the historical reality of the Third Reich (how it arose in reaction to the proto-globalist bankster-and-pervert tyranny imposed on much of Europe after WWI and how it was brought down by Anglo-Saxon diplomatic entrapment, media frenzy, military provocation, hunger blockade and terror bombing) and simultaneously adopting its ideas and methods (racist supremacy, techno-totalitarianism, media manipulation, ethnic cleansing and systematic genocide), the rulers of the Neo-Atlantean New World Order achieve two goals at the same time: (1) as heirs to the Anglo-Saxon co-victors of WWII they claim legitimacy for their world-empire at home and (2) as conquerors of the vanquished Axis states they appropriate Axis status and Axis territory for ‘policing actions’ abroad. Thus, Neo-Atlantis has achieved an entirely counterfeit but – thus far – substantially unchallenged legitimacy at home, as well as an important geopolitical and military advantage over those still-sovereign nation-states defying its trans-national New World Order, most importantly the two major nation-states that made the greatest contributions and the greatest sacrifices to achieve the Axis’ defeat: Russia in the European theatre and China in the Asian theatre. As far as Europe is concerned, the historiographical distortion and cultural appropriation of all things pertaining to the Third Reich and its many European allies (which included key elite members and masses of sympathizers all across Western and Central Europe, including formally ‘allied’ and ‘neutral’ states), this state of affairs explains the doubly physical and psychological vassal position that the continental (EU and NATO) states occupy vis-à-vis the (‘Five Eyes’) Anglo-Saxon Neo-Atlantis power-centre. There will be no ‘awakening’ and ‘revolution’ in Continental Europe as long as the distorted historical record is not set straight and as long as the false Atlanticist narrative is not obliterated. If there is any ‘soft power’ initiative that the Eurasian East and the Global South can profitably pursue vis-à-vis the European part of the satano-globalist West – if not for the sake of the simple truth and to try and save some souls, then at least to weaken its ruling elite by disrupting its narrative comfort zone and destabilizing its vassal states – then it is this: they should promote truth-speaking about history, about WWII and the Third Reich.

Such truth-speaking can start with the simple statement that, despite its supremacist hubris and genocidal fury, the doomed national-socialist Third Reich of 1944, then about to meet its Nemesis, still appears as a beacon of health and honour in comparison to the doomed satano-globalist Fourth Reich of 2024, now hopefully about to meet its Nemesis. Whereas the Axis powers of the 1940s still claimed to be fighting for the sovereign rights of their nations and the future well-being of their peoples and to be guided by a sense of historical mission and greater vision (however shortsighted and blinkered these may appear in retrospect), no such claims can be made by the Neo-Atlantean powers of the 2020s: Neo-Atlantis is hell-bent on destroying all true nation-states and all authentic ethnic identities, because they are incompatible its trans-national agenda of full-spectrum global dominance, and it is rabidly opposed to any anagogic mission and transcendental vision for any human collective or individual, because its mission and vision are essentially meant to trans-human and, in the final analysis, anti-human. Neo-Atlantis’ socio-political agenda of the dissolution of all forms of authentic religion, culture, birth-hierarchy, family and gender finds its logically necessary adjunct in its geo-political agenda of the dissolution of all forms of authentic nation-state sovereignty and ethnic identity. In comparison with the demonically anti-human socio-political and geo-political agendas of Neo-Atlantis of the 2020s, which include the programmatic mass-murder of the most vulnerable and innocent (‘abortion’, ‘euthanasia’), the systematic mutilation and manipulation of the young (‘gender transition’, ‘LGBT rights’), the effective tolerance of the sickest perversions (‘pedo-sexuality’, ‘zoophilia’, ‘sex industry’) and the cognitively dissonant normalization of legalized torture and cruelty (‘bio-industry’ in the animal realm, ‘single motherhood’ in the social realm, ‘vaccine mandates’ in the medical realm’), those of the Axis powers of the 1940s, however cruelly flawed to outsiders, stand out as indicators of the relatively sane collective life they aspired to for insiders. The truth of this comparison is borne out by the unparalleled ferocity with which the Neo-Atlantean Fourth Reich is currently fighting its enemies, which it simply cannot accept as equals or even as fellow humans: it cannot stand any comparison or any competition, because any such exposes it for what it is, viz. a truly evil empire, incompatible with the continued existence of anything defined as ‘humanity’ throughout all of recorded history. Whenever it has to face any comparison and any competition the Neo-Atlantean Fourth Reich has simply no choice but to resort to denial. This explains the unparallelled totalitarian clampdown and the near-total censorship imposed on any alternative narrative from either dissidents at home or enemies abroad. As their narrative comes under attack in multiple ‘hybrid’ wars, fought with increasing numbers of enemies abroad and on multiple ‘multidimensional’ fronts simultaneously, from the Blood Lands of Little Russia across the Holy Lands of the Near East to the Pacific Rim of the Far East, the best the satano-globalist rulers Neo-Atlantic can do is to impose total censorship on dissidents at home until all challengers abroad are eliminated. But the longer this ‘bubble life’ lasts, the more energy is required to prevent reality from seeping in and the greater the discrepancy becomes between the ‘virtual reality’ inside and the kinetic reality outside. Long before the last wave of reality finally crashes into its bubble life, the West will have already completed its final descent into madness.

The Descent’ix

(Kali Yuga Depths)

It was chaos and night at the first

And the blackness of darkness and hell’s broad border
Earth was not, nor air, neither heaven

When in depths of the womb of the dark without order
First thing, first-born of the black-plumed Night was

A wind egg hatched in her bosom

— Aristophanes, The Birds (translation Algernon Swinburne)

In some ways, the death spiral of Western civilization represents a symbolic ‘return to the womb’ as well as an existential regression to an embryonic ‘wind egg’ state of utter non-identity. In the Vedic versions of Traditionalist teaching, the final stage of the decline of the ages (i.e. the ‘metal’ cycle Gold-Silver-Bronze-Iron, interspersed with some Heroic and Iron-and-Clay episodes) is also known as the Kali Yuga. In the socio-political realm, the Kali Yuga is characterized by dishonourable feminization and neo-primitivist matriarchy as symptoms of an increasing gap between earth (black, south, body, female) and heaven (white, north, spirit, male), a gap that is a function of the final closure of the transcendental sphere.x From the Traditionalist perspective, it is unsurprising that the terminal decline of Western civilization, which is the ‘most modern’ of all civilizations in the sense that it is slightly closer to the end of the present cycle of the ages, shows all the hallmarks of the Kali Yuga. What political philosophers and policy-makers in the Eurasian East and Global South would do well to remember is that the rule of Kali, which is the personification of the untethered female principle, eliminates reason and calculus from the political realm, replacing them with passion and fashion: the Vedic principle of Maya, i.e. ‘Magical Delusion’ has become dominant. As it acquires more and more typically ‘feminine features’, the Western political realm is now increasingly characterized by that most dangerous of all political pitfalls: denial-driven delusion. Fragility and risk aversion are followed by fear and cognitive dissonance, which in turn are followed by rage and the inability to face reality. In the final stage, the preference for fiction over fact and the deliberate denial of reality dominate the political realm. Of course, this ‘feminization of politics’ is facilitated and enhanced by technological developments: various forms of technology, from ‘production automation’ to ‘birth control’, now sabotage the character-building and humanity-shaping burdens attached to being either a man or a woman, respectively labour and childbearing. These two great ‘blessings in disguise’ have shaped the life of the descendants of Adam and Eve since their expulsion from Eden but Western men and women have largely been deprived by so-called technological ‘progress’, taking away natural control mechanisms that are – overall – indispensable for individual dignity and sustainable society. It can be argued that the bubble life and ‘virtual reality’ currently engulfing most Western men and women have effectively reduced them to Non-Playing Characters in a life of ‘science fiction’-style unreality.

There is no cure for this level of narcissism except hitting rock bottom,

which is an outcome that Western women, and society as a whole, are swiftly approaching

— ‘Have Feminism and “Hoeflation” Destroyed Dating in the West?’, 1 January 2021

To the extent that almost all of humanity is affected by technological ‘progress’, its effects are felt all around the globe, but to correctly assess the unrivalled degree to which these effects now affect the political realm in the Neo-Atlantean West, political philosophers and policy-makers in the Eurasian East and Global South must take into account the far longer duration and far greater depth of technological nirvana in the West: much of the West has lived far longer and far deeper in technology-enabled ‘bubble reality’ than most other parts of the world. From this perspective, the unfathomable deprivation and despair episodically suffered by countries such as Russia and China during the 20th Century, some of it within living memory, still serves to ‘immunize’ them against the worst perception distortions and denial-driven delusions induced by long exposure to ‘science-fiction’-style bubble life. Much as the Second and Third World hankered after the ‘Three A’s’ of the First World technological nirvana during the 20th Century, their relative late ‘catching up’ now appears to give the Eurasian East and the Global South a psycho-social as well as a political advantage: they know how to do without them and to live in the real world outside. The Automobile, a magical speed machine once associated with masculine daring, futurist adventure and individual freedom, has been reduced to a standard household item associated with feminine comfort, traffic jam monotony and mass conformity. The Automobile now insulates the bored commuter from the natural realities of geographic distance, terrain conditions and seasonal weather, even as its ubiquitous usage by billions of unthinking ‘consumers’ is driving the ‘well-to-do’ into suburban bubble life and ‘oil wars’ over depleted fossil fuel resources – not to speak of global climate change. The Airplane, an astounding flying machine once associated with masculine playfulness, high-risk heroism and the break-out from earthly bondage, has been reduced to a mass transport tool associated with plebeian holiday escapism, tinder-girl convenience and globalist conformity. The Airplane now allows homo aeroporticus to ride roughshod over the previously precious realities of natural separation, cultural-historical incompatibility and sacred geographical limitation,xi even as its mass usage by billions of ‘businessmen’, ‘expats’ and ‘tourists’ is destroying natural and cultural habitats – and exacerbating global climate change. Finally, the use of mechanical Airconditioning, necessary in specific laboratory and factory settings and appropriate for the protection of vulnerable groups such as infants, the elderly and hospital patients, has exponentially expanded, invading homes, offices, shops, restaurants and even outdoor terraces. During the 20th Century, the use of Airconditioning was largely limited to the bubble life of the bourgeoisie, allowing it to ignore natural reality for the sake of dress codes and social distinctions, but during the 21st Century, it came to facilitate the bubble life of the plebs, allowing the Golden Billion’s moronic masses to impose their expat and tourist ‘lifestyle choices’ on the Global South.

Ironically, the point has been reached at which the Three A’s of technological nirvana, now irrevocably harnessed to the bubble life of the Golden Billion’s moronic masses, are about to undo that same bubble life: they are not only straining global energy resources and infrastructure networks (already creating very real issues of sustainability in some places), but they are also causing a run-away, self-reinforcing feedback loop of global climate change, imposing conditions of ‘global warming’ (already reaching the stage of ‘global boiling’ in some places) that are simply incompatible with ‘business as usual’ – and, eventually, with human life itself. Climate change may very well be the Golden Billion’s ultimate Nemesis: as nature catches up with human folly, the Three A’s currently shielding the consumer masses from reality are eventually bound to fail, ending many comfort zones and bubble lives. According to multiplying numbers of increasingly alarmist climate experts, it is even conceivable that civilization, humanity and life itself will come to an abrupt end, proving the point that ‘nature bats last’.xii Whatever the truth of that point, one thing is already certain: already, ‘things are heating up’ under the aegis of Kali: many things that symbolically represent the male principle – heaven, snow, ice, cold, the colour white – are withering away all across the Western world – and, increasingly, elsewhere. The terrifying reign of Kali in the cultural sphere, now characterized by the rancorously feminist Umwertung aller Werte and the rise of a neo-primitivist Mutterrecht, has its horrifying equivalent in the natural sphere. Following the desecration of the poles and the heights by ‘exploration’ and ‘exploitation’, the eternal ice of the farthest north and south and the great glaciers of the mountain heights are rapidly melting away.xiii Blue skies are blotted out by ‘chemtrails’ and starry nights are suppressed by ‘light pollution’. White Christmases and sculpted snowmen are fading from living memory. White skin and blue eyes are becoming curious rarities in the streets and schools of the now ‘ethnically diverse’ and ‘culturally enriched’ West.

The prophecies of the world’s great religions all agree that the final stage of the Kali Yuga is nothing less than a ‘descent into hell’. From a Traditionalist perspective, this is self-evidently logical because a complete purification is a precondition for the cycle of the ages to renew itself and return to the pristine ‘zero setting’ of the Satya Yuga. Visions of the final stage are preserved in the eschatological teachings of the world’s great religions, which also show striking agreement as to the means of purification, viz. fire. Symbolically, fire represents the highest stage of untethered feminine power, personifying heat, ultimately consuming the body and the earth, leaving only blackness, blotting out all that is male, cold, spirit and heaven, obliterating whiteness. Mercifully, the exact nature and timing of the final lighting of this purifying fire defy human calculus, but that also means that human agency cannot be ruled out as its trigger, perhaps even as a virtuous act of will during what used to be called Holy War. Thus, a nuclear holocaust scenario is not intrinsically more or less likely than a ‘run-away greenhouse effect’ global warming scenario. In fact, given the denial-driven delusions now characterizing the political realm of the Neo-Atlantean West, it is probably more likely, even if the human agency factor takes the form of simple miscalculation, perhaps coinciding with some perverted death-wish on the part of the doomed satano-globalist Western elite, which may prefer to see the world burn than to admit defeat.

From a Traditionalist perspective, the Kali Yuga is not merely the last phase of a cosmological cycle end-scenario, it is also the shortest: as the clock of cosmological time winds down, historical events speed up. As historical ‘progress’ reaches its asymptotic end phase, the sequences of unprecedented developments are accelerated to the point of hallucinatory surrealism, as borne out by the ever-shorter intervals between the major ‘turning points’ of recent history. In the ideological realm, communism lasted seven decades, but neo-liberalism lasted only half that time. In the geopolitical realm, the Duopolar ‘Cold War’ lasted four decades, but the ‘Multipolar Moment’ lasted only half that time. Inevitably, the increasingly rapid vortex of events induces a collective sense of vertigo, imparting a dream-like quality to any sustained observation, affecting the masses’ grip on reality. As the Kali Yuga’s final ‘event horizon’ approaches, only a handful of ‘untimely’ observers are still able to stand aside from the deepening vortex of end-time events, offering various insights into their true eschatological significance (e.g. Teilhard de Chardin’s religious concept of the ‘Omega Point’, Kurzweil’s technological concept of the ‘Singularity’, Jorjani’s philosophical concept of the ‘Spectral Revolution’ and Dugin’s military concept of ‘Dromocracy’xiv). In the meantime, multiple ‘points of no return’ are passed without the masses so much as noticing: the ‘ABBA-year’ tipping point for the global climate, followed by irreversible (run-away) warming, the ‘January 6th’ tipping point in Western politics, followed by irreversible (neo-feudal) totalitarianism, and the ‘vaccine mandate’ tipping point in transhumanism, followed by irreversible (nanotechnological/mRNA) bio-engineering, almost wholly escaped public awareness. For the trans-humanized, sub-humanized and de-humanized masses of the West (not yet those of the rest of the world), irredeemably mired in mortal sin and proudly clinging to free choice, the very speed and hallucinatory nature of their collective fall effectively precludes individual awareness of their final destination, which is hell. Living outside of God’s Law, without God’s Spirit, deprived of God’s Grace, they have already consigned themselves hell – irretrievably lost.

Je suis perdu ! Quelqu’un possède mon âme et la gouverne ! Quelqu’un ordonne tous mes actes, tous mes mouvements, toutes mes pensées. Je ne suis plus rien en moi, rien qu’un spectateur esclave et terrifié de toutes les choses que j’accomplis. Je désire sortir. Je ne peux pas. Il ne veut pas ; et je reste, éperdu, tremblant, dans le fauteuil où il me tient assis. Je désire seulement me lever, me soulever, afin de me croire encore maître de moi. Je ne peux pas ! Je suis rivé à mon siège ; et mon siège adhère au sol, de telle sorte qu’aucune force ne nous soulèverait. ‘I am lost! Somebody has taken possession of my soul and governs it! Somebody commands all my actions, all my movements, all my thoughts. I am no longer anything within myself, anything other than an enslaved spectator and terrified of all the things I have done. I wish to go out. I cannot and I stay, distraught, trembling, in the chair where it keeps me sitting. I only wish to get up, to lift myself up, so that I can make myself believe that I still my own master. I cannot! I am riveted to my seat and my seat adheres to the ground, in such a manner that no force can lift us up.’ – Guy de Maupassant, Le Horla

Hors làxv


It is the dead, not the living, who make the longest demands

— Sophocles, Antigone

As black-robed night descends over the lands of the West and as implacable Nemesis is about to re-enter the consciousness of the West, the life of the peoples of the West is increasingly taking on a sinister nature: the shun the truth as vampires shun the light, embrace evil as demons cling to the possessed and persecute the righteous as zombies hunt the living. Increasingly, the masses of the West are truly living hors là, ‘out there’, outside the law, following the antinomian ideology of their satano-globalist masters. Eerily, they resemble the undead, straddling the boundaries of reality and virtuality. That does not mean, however, that they will be exempt from being called to account by both the living and the dead.

It is widely known that to fund its hybrid wars and colour revolutions, totalitarian bureaucracies and lying media, social distortions and biotechnical experiments, jaded perversions and blasphemous arts, the West has incurred an impossibly high financial debt, which continues to mount at an ever-accelerating pace as interest accrues, as costs mount and as returns diminish – its repayment would require endless generations of debt slavery. What is less widely known is that it has incurred another, even greater debt: a debt to the dead. Writing in the autumn of 2024, with the number of victims of each of the West’s various genocides – Vaccinocaust, Ukrocaus and Gazacaust, to name but the most sensational – rapidly accumulating but wholly obfuscated by ‘narrative’ switches, ‘news’ black-out and ‘statistics’ controversy, it is increasingly hard to keep a record of that debt. Trusting the accounts of Divine Providence to be complete and precise, it is only proper to here refrain from the futile attempt to recall all the countless victims of forty years of neo-liberal Third World colonialism, thirty years of globalist Unipolar misrule, five years of neo-feudal Great Reset totalitarianism, two and a half years of ‘Project Ukraine’ proxy-war in Eurasia and one year of ‘Project Zion’ state-terror in the Middle East – or of any of the other hidden crimes committed by the Neo-Atlantean overlords of the West. It should be remember that the masses of the West are now complicit in these crimes, either by commission (enacting, funding, supporting, profiting) or by omission (covering up, excusing, tolerating, looking away). Suffice to say that the names of the dead may be too many to list (some, including the infants buried in Gaza, were even too young to have their names recorded), but that they will remain unforgotten – also by those few Westerners still dedicated to truth and justice. To the enemy there is nothing more to say, except this: the mills of the gods may grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine – and as the Moiria return, all debts will have to be paid in full.

Fiat iustitia ruat caelum:

Hear me, illustrious Furies, mighty nam’d

Terrific pow’rs, for prudent counsel fam’d
Holy and pure, from Jove Terrestrial born
And Proserpine, whom lovely locks adorn
Whose piercing sight, with vision unconfin’d

Surveys the deeds of all the impious kind
On Fate attendant, punishing the race

With wrath severe, of deeds unjust and base
Dark-colour’d queens, whose glittering eyes are bright

With dreadful, radiant, life-destroying light
Eternal rulers, terrible and strong

To whom revenge and tortures dire belong
Fatal and horrid to the human sight

With snaky tresses wand’ring in the night
Either approach, and in these rites rejoice

For ye, I call, with holy, suppliant voice

— Orphic Hymn LXIX (translation Thomas Taylor)


i Arabic: ‘The Heights’, associated with the religious notion of ‘purgatory’, the title of Surah 7 of the Holy Quran. Also the title of the 1829 poem ‘Al Araaf’, one of the earliest and longest written by American writer Edgar Allen Poe (1809-49).

ii For the author’s psycho-historical analysis of the ‘Hellstorm’ that ended WWII in Europe, cf. Alexander Wolfheze, Alba Rosa. Ten Traditionalist Essays about the Crisis in the Modern West (Arktos: London, 2018) 13ff.

iii For the author’s update of Cameroonian philosopher Joseph-Achille Mbembe’s ‘necropolitical’ analysis, applied to recent geopolitical developments, cf. Alexander Wolfheze, ‘Geosophy: Neo-Byzantine Approaches to Multipolar Geopolitics and Sacred Geography’, 29 April 2024.

iv For the author’s observations and analyses of the Great Reset, cf. Alexander Wolfheze, Globus Horribilis. Twelve Futuro-Fundamentalist Essays (Arktos: London, 2024) 35ff.

v For the author’s psycho-historical analysis of the ‘zombie apocalypse’ theme as a function of the satano-globalist Western elite, cf. Wolfheze, Alba Rosa, 177-83.

vi Latin: ‘Concerning the Star, New and Never before Seen in the Life or Memory of Anyone’, the title of Tycho Brahe’s 1573 treatise on the 1572 supernova of star Cassiopea B, a phenomenon that inspired multiple great works of European literature, including Poe’s earlier-quoted poem ‘Al Araaf’.

vii Title of the 1845 poem, one of the greatest written by American writer Edgar Allen Poe (1809-49), entitled ‘The Doomed City’ and ‘The City of Sin’ in earlier versions.

viii For the author’s cultural-historical analysis of the origins of the contemporary Western Neo-Atlantean empire in the earlier Anglo-Saxon-led ‘Global Modernist Thalassocracy’, cf. cf. Alexander Wolfheze, A Traditionalist History of the Great War, Book II: The Former Earth (Cambridge Scholars: Newcastle upon Tyne, 2020) 70ff.

ix Title of a 2005 ‘harrowing of hell’ themed horror movie by British director Neil Marshall.

x For the author’s cultural-historical analysis of the rise of neo-matriarchy in the West, cf. Wolfheze, Alba Rosa, 168ff.

xi For the author’s summary of the Traditionalist concept of Sacred Geography, cf. Wolfheze, The Former Earth, 33ff.

xii For the author’s Traditionalist analysis of the climate change phenomenon, cf. Wolfheze, Globus Horribilis, 434-44.

xiii For the author’s cultural-historical investigation of the Traditionalist concept of the ‘sacrilege of the boundaries’, cf. Wolfheze, The Former Earth, 57ff.

xiv Cf. Aleksandr Dugin, ‘Dromocracy. Speed as Power’, 18 October 2022.

xv Skewed reference to the title of the 1887 ‘demonic possession’ themed horror novella Le Horla by French writer Guy de Maupassant.

xvi Rejoice, O ye nations, with His people: for He will avenge the blood of His servants, and will render vengeance to His adversaries, and will be merciful unto His land, and to His people – Deuteronomy 23:43 (King James Bible)

Alexander Wolfheze

Alexander Wolfheze received his MA in Semitic Languages and Cultures in 2004 and his cum laude PhD in the Humanities in 2011, both from Leiden University. With extensive research experience in the fields of Assyriology and Cultural Anthropology, he subsequently authored several publications in the field of Near Eastern cultural history.

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5 months ago

Good grief. Look to overly simplify things: Jews controlled Russia in the 1940s and slaughtered millions of white people of the west. Now jews control the west and want to slaughter Russians and anyone else that hurts their feelings.

Intellect and money are destroying white culture

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