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Dr. Charles William Dailey examines how, like the enduring identity of Jews across millennia and lands, true peoples preserve their cultural and racial essence despite external changes, akin to the distinct races in The Lord of the Rings, standing in opposition to the modern forces of homogenization and globalist ideology.

Before the outbreak of World War I in 1914, the American public generally took it for granted that the constant flow of newcomers from abroad brought strength and prosperity to the country. The metaphor of the ‘melting pot’ had been introduced to symbolize the mystical potency of the great democracy, whereby people from every corner of the earth were fused into a harmonious and admirable blend.


Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. One Ring to Rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

— J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

Beginning at least three thousand years ago, Israelites, and then Jews, ‘migrated’ to, and lived for substantial periods of time in, Egypt, Babylon, China, Europe, the United States, and other places; they had children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren who also lived in these, and other, places. By their own claims, they, their children, their grandchildren, and their great-grandchildren, after residing in these foreign lands for both long and short periods of time, remained Jews. But what does this mean? For, it certainly does not mean the same thing as when Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims and their scions, those who still remain of the faith, move to foreign lands. Today, these latter groups are often, instead, individually ‘identified’ by means of their skin color, ‘gender,’ or other currently popular traits — not by means of their true racial and cultural heritage. It is presumed, so it would seem, that these latter qualities will, and should over time, ‘blend’ together with other racial and cultural heritages — as if this is what is desired by…who knows? ‘White,’ ‘brown,’ and ‘black,’ need it be mentioned to any thinking person, are colors, not races, and can meaning anything at all in a given case. In spite of this, in both film and literature, and in the deepest feelings of individuals of all backgrounds, especially those who have not been artificially disconnected from an innate love of, and curiosity about, their ancestors, there persists an intuitive understanding, perhaps best exemplified in the Jews, of what a true nation, a people, actually is. This understanding has been, in modern times, and especially in the last twenty years or so, confused and mystified by agents and ‘historical factors,’ of which, perhaps, the most noticeable are the pervasively piped-out slogans of social programming that are conspicuously mass-advertised on a daily basis — such as: “Everyone is the same,” “You can be anything you want,” “We must defend ‘our’ democracy,” and, most commonly, “Racism is evil,” the last of which narrows the term ‘racism’ to one, very limited, way of thinking about race, and then demands that it be identified as ‘bad’ or elseWhy, however, this constant attack on the mind of natural man? Why this pervasive attempt to employ (mostly subliminally) mass methods of shaming and discreet associations (in films, commercials, and other marketing devices) to persuade and cajole the weak-minded among us that they shouldn’t value the ancient racial and cultural differences that have grown up on Earth over millennia, tens of millennia, and hundreds of millennia? Why, most centrally, the hot and steady project of blending humanity into a single homogenous ‘look,’ a single homogenous ideology — one predictable, thus easily controllable, mass? For, that is what is underway.

The Peoples of all true nations remain what they are whether they and their descendants move their bodies and property to other locales or not, learn to regularly speak other languages or not, change their clothing, diet, and religion, or not. As is the case with intelligent individuals, the ancient tribes of the world have eternal identities that are sacred, beautiful, and that should not be confused, underappreciated, or intentionally corrupted. For those with eyes not dimmed by empty promises of future glories but, instead, open to the innumerable examples of past greatness, there is an obvious innate beauty to these ancient and invaluable groups, one that all innocent, happy, individuals see, for example, in the distinctions expressed in J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings between Elf, Dwarf, Human, and other races — distinctions that all psychologically healthy, natural, individuals, whether children or adults, deeply resonate with. Such individuals know, at a level deeper than they know almost anything else, that whatever happens to a people externally, any people, the priceless cultural and racial essence which animates its deepest projects and desires merely sleeps, eternally awaiting reactivation by future authentic exemplars. In The Lord of the Rings, the Elves Galadriel and Elrond, in spite of being born several hundred years apart, are clearly of precisely the same type and nature. Each carries the same bearing, the same dignity, the same zeitgeist that is common to all (although there are small regional personality and survival method differences) of the Elves of Middle Earth.1 The situation is similar with respect to Tolkien’s Dwarves, Humans, and other distinct intelligent kinds living during the Third Age. Recognition of this fact — the fact that there is a deep and eternal continuity of distinct intelligent types in Tolkien’s works — as a natural good, just as with the peoples of Earth during our historical Age, I suggest, is the deepest of all faiths, one that goes far beyond all later-invented,–revealed, ‘world religions,’ such as Judaism, Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam.

Whether German, Chinese, English, Aboriginal Australian, or any other true nation, as Tolkien impressed upon billions of fans by means of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, it is peoples that remain what they are no matter where they live, what they wear or regularly eat, how many new customs they adopt, or what popular ideology currently excites the mentally frail among them. From an intuitive and common sense perspective, everyone knows this. A child can see major, essential, differences among the groups listed — Germans, Chinese, Aboriginals, etc. — immediately. As he learns more about their distinct cultures, the ‘child’ — the innocent who has not had his brain warped by unnatural ideologies — even more clearly sees the differences, as clearly as the differences between Elf, Dwarf, and Human in Tolkien’s mythos. The ‘child,’ in order to not see these differences as both obvious and innately valuable, has to be trained by appeal to his animal, sub-human, nature — like the Orcs of Isengard are trained by the traitorous Saruman of Many Colors — by means of specious, magical dare I say, methods. Why, then, today’s constant categorization of such obvious truths as ‘forbidden’ subjects? Why such widespread fear of engaging in public discussion of them? The only possible answer, since it is the most natural of natural things to notice and comment upon real differences of race and culture, is that this healthy urge, this natural curiosity, has been clandestinely and artificially contorted — sublimated — by individuals and groups that believe that superficial changes imposed upon humankind can, and should, affect essential transformations — in species, in individuals, and in true nations (peoples). And this, I contend, can only be for the purpose — the Final Cause, in Aristotelian language — of obliterating the self-evident and stark reality of these differences, which all natural and healthy minds see as clearly as they see the differences between sun and moon, between mountains and sea. As C. S. Lewis not-so-covertly indicated in his novel That Hideous Strength, such obliteration is nothing less than the long-planned-for destruction of Nature itself.

The exceedingly unnatural human type that supports the philosophy of mass human blending of historical races and cultures — the ‘Globalist,’ let us call him — one who believes, or pretends to believe, this sick hypothesis — bases his philosophy on the incomparably nebulous idea of ‘the Environment,’ which, he claims, can fundamentally alter not only human attributes, but human essence. The foundational idea of this Anti-philosophy is that ‘the Environment’ can, should, be used by those who ‘know best’ to fundamentally change human being into another kind of being, another essence. The term ‘kind’ is employed here in the ancient and medieval philosophical sense of ‘natural kinds’ — as a human, for example, is a ‘kind,’ an animal is a different ‘kind,’ and a celestial body is a third ‘kind.’ All of these ‘kinds,’ as philosophers well knew for millennia, are inalterable and non-transformable into other ‘kinds.’ The exceedingly unnatural human type, however, who tries to systematically throw doubt upon such truths, who wants humans to be, and thinks that they should be, endlessly malleable, also wants all humans to be endlessly malleable, wants all humans to believe in the unnatural philosophy of endless malleability — his opinion of human nature as ‘fact.’

Many humans in recent times have been persuaded, against their own natures, to accept the alien philosophy just described. Many have implicitly accepted such articles of nonsense as that, to live somewhere other than where one’s ancestors lived for millennia, to learn to speak a new language regularly, or to change one’s religion — simple external adaptations, that is — can magically ‘make’ a person essentially different: part of a different people, part of a different nation. There are a few historical exceptions that have bucked this ‘system,’ have bucked the unnatural propaganda that has been imposed from the ‘top down,’ as well as the wishful thinking or specious ‘reasoning’ behind it. The Gypsies and the already-mentioned Israelites/Jews are the most well-known cases. Such ‘group identities,’ unusually, are widely and often uncritically accepted. Why this is so is a matter requiring detailed examination, since the purveyors of the Globalist mindset (religion!) with their feel-good tag ‘Global Village’ — purveyors of, shall we say, a Great Blending of natural distinctions of culture, race, and heritage — aren’t bothered by such exceptions. They also know that the superficial changes that they promote — by means of, for example, incessantly moving humans about the globe to alien lands on the pretense of vague ideas of ‘Progress’ and ‘Economy’ — cannot really make these humans different, although they also know that it encourages behaviors which can. But this is why such, let us call them what they believe themselves to be, ‘meta-humans,’ try so hard, on a daily, hourly, and minute-by-minute basis, to cajole natural humans into unconsciously absorbing their devious fictions.

There is, to say the least, much confusion today about what makes a person what he or she is. Some of this is based upon Existentialist defeatism of the last one hundred and fifty years, as well as the mass depression brought on by engineered global wars of the last one hundred years — the idea that individuals can ‘create meaning’ after all natural meaning has been taken away. More recently, the idea has been pushed, at light speed, that a person can ‘change’ (completely invent) his or her gender. Covert steps, these are — taken by the Un-naturalists along their path to creating ‘meta-humans.’ “More human than human is our motto,” Dr. Eldon Tyrell blithely pontificates in the sci-fi classic Blade Runner. Quite. For one, however, who duly reflects on this laconic incantation, there is an oblique revelation as to why there is less and less focus in Western societies on such eternal goods as classical education and the Great Books of the West — the natural philosophies of Aristotle, Aquinas, and others who tried to learn about, rather than alter in accordance with their egotistical projects, reality. For, make no mistake, Aristotle, Aquinas, and all foundational figures in Western thought are roadblocks in the path of a centralized homogenizing project — of thoughts and bodies: again, a Great Blending. Those easily distracted will allow noisy and noticeable strangers shouting ‘Conspiracy Theory!’ to disrupt their true reasonings on this subject, just as a well-trained dog surprises no one by his repeatedly chasing a stick thrown into dense bushes. Some of the mass confusion that results from such indoctrination, admittedly, is innocent — based upon ignorance and little time for reflection due to a ‘busy life.’ Some, however, is nefarious, and founded upon long planning by individuals and groups who hate the real diversity of the natural world whereby cultures, races, and ethnicities have naturally evolved and naturally maintain their healthy, incomparably beautiful, order.

Order Dr. Charles William Dailey’s The Serpent Symbol in Tradition here.


This is not to say that all of the Elves of Middle Earth are ‘pure of blood.’ For, how can this be proven in any case? It is, rather, a question of bearing, an indefinable ‘something’ (‘Je ne sai quoi’) that makes one know, as much as he knows anything, that he is in the presence of a certain type of being, and which, nevertheless, is based, in large part, upon unique genetic predispositions. Elrond the ‘Half-elven’ was born as a Half-elf — both of his parents were Half-elven. He later chose to become a ‘full’ Elf. But this ‘choice,’ clearly, was based upon concrete realities. states, “Following the War of Wrath, because of his Half-elven heritage, the Valar gave Elrond and his brother a choice to be counted among the kindred of Elves or Men. Elrond chose to belong to the Firstborn, while Elros [his brother] chose to become mortal.” This being the case, how often is Elrond’s human lineage actually expressed? Note that he and his brother Elros, both, chose not to be Elf and Human; each of them chose to be only one of the two — each, that is, maintained an eternal type. Also note that Elves do not, for Tolkien, simply disappear from Middle Earth due to being blended over time with humans — many of them leave Middle Earth as Elves. There is also the case of the wizard Saruman’s Uruk-hai, clearly portrayed by Tolkien as an unnatural blending of two or more distinct types — races.

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Dr. Charles William Dailey

Charles William Dailey, PhD, is a researcher in the fields of Comparative Religion & Philosophy and the Philosophy of History, specifically the meanings of ancient symbols and the idea of Tradition. He holds a Doctorate in Philosophy from the University of North Texas, an M.A. in Philosophy from the University of Houston, and a B.A. in History summa cum laude from Lamar University. Dr. Dailey’s research involves investigations into the religious, philosophical, symbolic, and esoteric connections among South Asian, Mediterranean, European, and pre-Columbian American religions.

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