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Andrej Sekulović critiques the self-destructive ethnomasochism pervasive among modern Europeans, highlighting their misplaced sympathies in the Middle Eastern conflict while urging identitarians to focus solely on the preservation and interests of European peoples amidst the ongoing demographic and cultural catastrophe.

The ongoing conflict in the Middle East has revealed a widespread presence of a very worrying phenomenon among Europeans, which seems to be escalating — the pathetic and despicable ethnomasochist nature of the modern domesticated “Western man”, riddled with white guilt and brainwashed by the leftist-liberal secular religion. While there are pro-Palestinian graffiti on every corner of our cities, and the combined hordes of leftists and migrants march on the streets in support of Hamas, even some nationalist and identitarian circles have fallen into this trap of stubbornly supporting one of the two sides. Instead, we should be focusing, in strictly Eurocentric terms, on the struggle against the ethnomasochist virus that plagues our societies and is a part of the white guilt mentality that was introduced and forced upon Europe and the rest of the Western world by the globalists.

Crowds of young Europeans are marching alongside Muslims and other immigrants, who were imported — or were allowed to stay after crossing the borders illegally — to gradually replace them. Overpowered with emotions, they are shouting pro-Palestinian slogans and accusations about genocide being committed in Gaza at the top of their lungs. They wholeheartedly support the continued existence of the Palestinian people and their right to become a proper nation with its own country, while not caring about the future of their own countries. We can see some of them having fits of rage or bursting into hysterical screaming because of what they perceive as a great injustice happening to a people far away. At the same time, they do not seem to care what is taking place right before their noses, in their own cities, in the countries that their ancestors built. “Israel is stealing land”, they claim, but they do not care about their own land being invaded. “Israel is killing civilians, women and children”, they yell, while not caring about the children slaughtered on the European streets by migrants and remaining deaf to the cries of women being raped by the newcomers from the Third World. European lives do not matter as much as Palestinian lives to them. It seems that we are witnessing a case of collective self-hatred on an ethnic basis, a perverse reverse racism toward oneself, if we accept the generally accepted definition of the term “racism” as the left and the mainstream media understand it.

Whether they realise it or not, their attitude is highly hypocritical. Today they scream about the evils of Zionism, while only a few years ago they would demand that those who are critical toward the Jews or dare to speak of the negative influence of certain Jewish or “Zionist” lobbies, groups or powerful individuals within the Western world should be persecuted for antisemitism. In fact, nothing has really changed in this regard. The majority of the looney left and of the people who are infected with the plague of liberalism always make sure to highlight that while they oppose Israel and Zionism, they are certainly not “antisemites”. It may be true that, because of this conflict, criticism of Jews has become a bit of a lesser taboo than it used to be. But those who dare to point out that the common denominator of many (but of course not all) leaders and members of various subversive movements from Frankfurt School to radical feminism, as well as of many powerful globalists who seek to erase the biocultural characteristics of Europeans, is in fact “Jewishness” are still labelled as “evil racists” who should not have the right to freedom of speech. Regardless, it is a fact that among globalist false elites who are pushing for multiculturalism and the great replacement — from journalists, the entertainment industry and various public figures to wealthy businessmen and “philanthropists” — Jews are overrepresented. This can be easily confirmed by checking Wikipedia’s “early life” section, as countless internet memes remind us.

Here we encounter once again the ugly, hideous face of ethnomasochism: Jews are allowed to be criticised only when their actions are causing harm to a Third World ethnic group that is seemingly lucky enough to have found itself — at least temporarily — on a level even above the Jews within the hierarchy of victimhood. On the other hand, it does not matter that certain Jews also have a role in the subversion of Europe and in the slow and quiet genocide of white Europeans. Deluded white liberals will dismiss such claims as “dangerous thoughts that can lead to another Holocaust” and will support and cheer the destruction of their own lands, while pathetically supporting the rights of Palestinians. For them, nationalism or identitarianism is bad only when it is practised by white people, but Palestinian nationalism is perfectly fine. It should also be noted that the one lesson from this conflict that the leftist supporters of Palestine cannot see is the fact that while there are many different factors, the basis of the conflict is religious and ethnic, which shows us once again that multiculturalism is not a good idea.

While the Jews risk losing the status of the biggest victims of history, and the left traditionally supports those who it sees as the most oppressed at the moment, some white leftists are bringing their support for the new champions of suffering to the extremes. Such was the case of Aaron Bushnell, a 25-year-old serviceman of the U. S. Air Force, who set himself on fire in front of the embassy of Israel in Washington D.C. in February 2024. While he burned to death, he screamed, “Free Palestine”, proving that white guilt can be not only demographically but also literally suicidal. It was later revealed that he was supposedly an anarchist and a rabid leftist. He turned himself into a human torch to protest against the genocide in Gaza, which was, in his opinion, also aided by his country. A young white man killed himself for the sake of a foreign nation, while his people — white Americans — are being demographically replaced and slowly genocided into oblivion. It seems that not only liberals and leftists but even the average white people who are domesticated into following the politically correct dictates that they should be ashamed of their ancestors and their race have empathy only for foreigners but not for their own people. These are the consequences of the malevolent indoctrination which started in Germany in 1945 with “denazification” and gradually spread throughout Europe and the West, indoctrinating the granddaughters and grandsons of the victors of the Second World War that, in fact, their ancestors were not much better than those “Nazi bastards.”

It should be pointed out that in light of this conflict, Israel is seen by both its opponents and supporters as being part of the West. So, while the “kosher conservatives” see Israel as part of “Judeo-Christian Western civilisation”, the left now claims that the Israelis are the “new fascists” and that this war is just the latest case in the long line of Western oppression against coloured peoples. The West has become an ambiguous term today. Many identitarian authors and thinkers refuse to use it in its old sense as a synonym for European civilisation and only use it as a term for denoting the current “Western liberal hegemony”, which, one could argue, Israel is indeed a part of. On the other hand, it is hardly a part of the “true West”, of the old West that stands for Europe, its peoples and traditional civilisation, which is being supplanted by the consumerist, multicultural nightmare, a manifestation of “Western liberalism”.

In any case, it is quite frustrating to see so many deluded white Europeans sentimentally supporting the cause of the Palestinians and joining the extreme left and the migrant hordes to stand against injustice happening thousands of miles away to a completely foreign people, while being completely oblivious to the crisis and dangers that they are faced with as members of a particular ethnocultural group. Undoubtedly, a lot of support for Palestine is just virtue signalling, especially on social networks, but judging from their hysterical outbursts, a great number of people are genuinely overwhelmed by the happenings in the Middle East, while, I repeat, not caring about the fate of their own nations. Most of them will probably claim that the great replacement is just a conspiracy theory, while some would even be glad to see their race perish from this Earth since, in their perverse logic, they love the foreigner while hating their own kind. This is the grotesque logic of white guilt and liberal morality.

This also brings us to the question of what the viewpoint of self-respecting Europeans and identitarians should be. Our only focus should be on what is good for our struggle and for the future of Europeans. None of the two sides in the conflict can honestly be seen as a friend of Europeans since both Muslims and Jews have their roles in the conflict, which is not happening far away but right before our eyes — in the cultural and demographical war against European peoples. If Islam has a long history of trying to invade and conquer the old continent, Jewish activists or intellectuals have been at the centre of many movements and actions whose goal was to undermine the pillars of our civilisation. Therefore, we should be cautious in supporting those who see us as mere “infidels” or “goys”. Instead of fanatically cheering for either of them like watching a sports match, one of our main concerns should be the consequences in the form of a new wave of refugees and migrants in the case of the escalation of the conflict in that region. With that being said, one could argue that since the public is closely following the happenings in the Middle East due to the reports of the mainstream media, which rather report about the Palestinian casualties of war than about the victims of migrant crime in Europe, drawing parallels could give us some advantage in furthering our message.

For instance, one could claim that just as Israel is defending itself against terrorist violence, our countries should defend their people against the violence and attacks of migrant gangs. If Israel has a leadership which defends its people, we need such leaders ourselves. In a similar fashion, one could claim that if the Palestinians have a right to fight for what they perceive to be their ancestral land, Europeans should be supported as well when taking a stand for the preservation of their native lands instead of being censored and ostracised. To return to the point made above, if Palestinian identitarianism is good, why should not the same be true for European identitarianism? The widespread criticism of Zionism could also be used to highlight some of the things which are mentioned above, although, as was noted, those critical of Israel from a leftist or a mainstream perspective are quite careful not to be mistaken for “antisemites”. Still, it seems that this label has lost some of its potency, at least for the moment, which may be a good opportunity to highlight some historical facts. Unfortunately, it seems that for some on the right, their support towards either side is sentimental and emotional, not only tactical. This leads to new quarrels among identitarians and nationalists. Instead of benefitting the European cause, it is causing new senseless divisions at a time when European patriots should be united. We should not fall into this trap of bickering among each other over the war of foreign peoples. Identitarians should not let themselves be entangled in emotional and heated support for any of the two sides but should instead only focus on specifically European interests.

Andrej Sekulović

Andrej Sekulović was born in 1987 and lives in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. He has been active within the dissident right and identitarian sphere for more than ten years. He currently works as a journalist for a Slovenian conservative magazine and publisher. His articles, columns and translations were mostly published on various Slovenian blogs and websites, and he has also contributed interviews, essays and forewords to different books published in Slovenia and other countries. In 2017, he started the metapolitical project Tradition Against Tyranny, which focuses on introducing identitarian and authentic right-wing views to the Slovenian public. He enjoys reading, hiking and spending time with his family and dogs.

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3 months ago

Thanks. People must wake up to the jewish evils in their own country, and stop the assnine virtue signalling.

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