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Andy Nowicki examines the misunderstood diversity of the Right while drawing parallels between the rise of National Socialism, Stalin’s consolidation of power, and FDR’s New Deal in 1933, proposing “esoteric 1933-ism” as a symbolic call for cultural renewal against the decay of the modern “Weimar” West.

The contemporary dissident Right is a “large tent,” a coalition of many types of thinkers with differing intellectual and spiritual presuppositions. From “trad” Catholics to Orthodox to unreconstructed Calvinist Protestants to Nordic pagans to Nietzschean atheists, there is truly a great deal of that much vaunted concept of diversity within our ranks.

This fact is fundamentally misunderstood by the supremely arrogant but pathetically obtuse contemporary Left, who feel sure that all of us on the dissident Right are pretty much the same. Since the Left still controls nearly all of the culture-shaping institutions in the West — from the mainstream media, to academia, to the bureaucratic establishment which has become known as the “Swamp” or the “Deep State” — they are effectively shielded from the truth by the insularity of their own glib and shallow mindset. That mindset, which is largely unexamined but which they nevertheless hold with the utmost confidence, assures them that we, their opponents, are nothing more than “Nazis,” with all of the attendant baggage that term carries in the thoroughly brainwashed public consciousness.

The irony of the situation is that it provides greater clarity and understanding to us dissident “Nazis,” since we are the ones forced to learn the stale and insular mainstream ideology, and thus to comprehend it, while those who hate us are handicapped by their very shortsightedness; their unearned hubris and absence of self-awareness fatally retards their ability to come to terms with those who see the world differently from themselves; thus, they can only view us as caricatures and stock villains, not as actual people with legitimate concerns.

Even during times, like the present, when they fume over having lost an important election, and fear losing the consequent cultural “narrative,” there is little actual introspection or attempt to grapple with “what went wrong,” so that a greater understanding may be reached; instead, there is mainly an unseemly proclivity to seethe, wring their hands, rend their garments, post videos of themselves throwing tantrums, and generally indulge in uncontrolled, hyperbolic invective against those who didn’t vote “correctly.”

Same as it ever was. It seems they just never learn!


Since we are the boogeyman/bad guy “Nazis” in the eyes of those who control the culture-shaping institutions of the West, and are unlikely ever to be regarded otherwise, there may be something of a usefulness to playfully plundering the lore that is, however unfairly, assigned to us.

With that in mind, I propose that we embrace what I call “esoteric 1933-ism.”

The year 1933, as author John Lukacs explains in his seminal work The Hitler of History, was a year of significant, harmonic coalescence across the globe. It was the year when some form of “national socialism” took hold in three separate nations. Just as Adolf Hitler’s appointment to the Chancellery marked the start of National Socialist rule in Germany, Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s ascension to the Presidency of the United States saw the start of the “New Deal” (a different stripe of “national socialism”), while Stalin’s consolidation of power in the Soviet Union signified the end of the notion of Marxian “worldwide proletarian revolution” for favor of the principle of “Socialism in One Country.”

Still, as contemporary Western “normies” are primarily trained to think of Nazism as the worst and most egregiously evil regime in the history of the world, the year 1933 is primarily associated with the rise of Hitler and the NSDAP.

If we are “Nazis” (not in any real sense, but in the asinine apprehension of our enemies), then perhaps we could gather some strength from what 1933 represents, in an “esoteric” (that is, hidden or occulted) sense. For the National Socialists, and for many other non-NS Germans, 1933 was the year that the notoriously degenerate Weimar Republic was brought to an end.

In recent years, the term “Weimerica” has seen increasing usage. This portamento of “Weimar” and “America” signifies the increasing realization that the contemporary West — which is indubitably, for better or for worse, led by the United States of America — has become sicker, more appalling, and more depraved than the Weimar Republic of Germany ever was.

Thus, all who ardently wish for the death of everything that is rotten and corrupt about the current culture, and concomitantly yearn for a glorious rebirth of the collective spirit, in the same metaphorical sense that 1933 marked a “glorious death and a mighty resurrection” of Germany for the National Socialist faithful.

You may say that I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us, and the West will be… 1933.

Andy Nowicki is the author of several books, most recently The InsurrectionistMuzeand Love and Hidden Agendas, as well as the just-published The Rule of Wrath. Visit his YouTube channel.

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Sebastian Marcus Olwyn Schoof
Sebastian Marcus Olwyn Schoof
2 months ago

As they predicted in the film Cabaret a film ostensibly set in the past, but really tomorrow belongs to us!

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