It appears likely that the recent massive leftist student demonstrations in Serbia, which have been ongoing since November 2024, are part of an attempted color revolution by Western intelligence agencies, NGOs and European establishment leftist political parties.
The current controversy in Serbia began in November when a railway station canopy collapsed in the city of Novi Sad killing 15 people. This was seized upon by leftist activists as being the result of government inefficiency and corruption and very large student demonstrations began against the government of Alexander Vučić. Vučić has been president of the country since 2017. In recent days, the anti-government forces have been able to put many thousands of people on the streets.
The ideological aspects of the controversy are difficult to untangle because Serbian politics, post-civil war, defies easy categorization. You can basically throw out the classic left-right dynamic when it comes to Serb politics. The demonstrators are supported, in a public way, by Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, an EU parliament political party. They also have the support of the European Green Party and the center-right EU “Renew Europe” party. Mr.Vučić’s government is a coalition of the Serbian Progressive Party, a kind of mixed-bag centrist outfit, the Socialist Party of Serbia (old school leftists) and the Oathkeepers Party, which is nationalist.
President Vučić has had to walk a fine line politically. He desires EU membership because he’s convinced it will bring prosperity to his country. On the other hand, he doesn’t want to completely abandon the ethnic Serbs in Kosovo and Western European governments really don’t like that. He also doesn’t want to be seen as being too anti-Russian because of Serbia’s traditional cultural and religious ties with Russia, Serbia being 84.6% Eastern Orthodox. The poor fellow has a lot to juggle.
It’s important to remember that the globalists really, really hate Serbia. A lot of this has to do with the bad blood from the Yugo civil war of the 90s. Serbia has been a “candidate” for EU membership since 2012 and it does not look as if they will get full membership anytime soon. You read writings by globalist institutions and they can barely disguise their dislike of Vučić. I read a paper by Iliriana Gjoni of the globalist Carnegie Endowment for International Peace breathing out hate against the Serbian government. Not very peaceful, in my opinion. You hear a lot of words like “strongman,” “illiberal,” etc.
What is the evidence of a color revolution? I think there are several reasons why these protests are a color revolution organized by globalist forces outside Serbia. The first is the sheer number of the protests. The supporters of the demonstrations are stating that protests have taken place in 400 towns. This takes lots of organization and coordination. Organizing demonstrations isn’t easy; having done it several times myself, I can say it’s extremely difficult. There are not only demonstrators but organizers and stewards on site of these protests, which are going off like clockwork. It appears likely that money is being thrown around.
Another element in the mix is media coordination. Fawning articles about the demonstrators have appeared in the English-language European press since the beginning of the controversy. One of the unique things about the coverage is that Vučić is constantly referred to as a “populist.” I’m willing to be corrected, but up until the protests, I never heard anyone refer to Vučić as a populist. It’s certainly not like he is some kind of newcomer to politics as Alexander Vučić has been a major political figure going back to the 90s. The globalist entities behind the protests are hoping that if they can destroy Vučić and his supporters, then it can be falsely touted triumphantly as a victory against the rise of populist-nationalist parties in Europe.
Another thing to be considered is that Vučić and his coalition did rather well in the 2023 Serbian parliamentary elections. If he prevailed by a slim margin, one could have concluded that Vučić was a deeply controversial figure.
Some observers like Professor Andrey Manoylo of Moscow State University are stating that the attempted color revolution in Serbia is a kind of experiment. The older methods used in previous color revolutions in other countries are becoming obsolete. The very fact that the US Senator John McCain was running around Kiev in 2013 giving speeches was a dead giveaway that the US government was involved in that particular color revolution. In this era of alternative internet-based media, the globalists have to be more secretive and subtle to pull off these allegedly spontaneous overthrows. What country will the Western elites try to overthrow next?