On Saturday, February 24, supporters of Poland’s monarchist party Konfederacja Korony Polskiej (Confederation of the Polish Crown) marched through the center of Warsaw in order to voice their opposition to mass immigration. This was not merely a protest against a single government decision, but rather a demonstration against the Great Replacement as a whole — regardless of whether the foreigners are imported as part of the EU migration pact or as a result of the government’s overwhelming desire to be, as they put it, “servants of the Ukrainian nation.”
Immigration in Poland – The Situation So Far
During the PiS government’s second term, former Secretary of State Piotr Wawrzyk was fired after his corruption was exposed — it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of illegal visas may have been distributed to citizens of Muslim countries.
The new government’s Speaker of the Sejm, Szymon Hołownia, invited illegal immigrants attempting to cross the Polish-Belarusian border to the Sejm in what can only be described as a gesture of immense disrespect to our country’s border guard.

Since Russian troops entered Ukraine in February 2022, the Polish government has firmly stood on the side of Ukraine to the detriment of the nation it was elected to represent. Ukrainians received special privileges, including but not limited to welfare programs that they would abuse by coming to Poland once a month to collect free money before going back to Ukraine. As the local elections draw near, there is talk among the leftist factions of granting Ukrainians Polish citizenship, and therefore the right to vote.
The March in Warsaw – Part I
The first half of the demonstration took place in front of the monument of Wincenty Witos, one of the founding fathers of the Second Republic of Poland and thrice-elected Prime Minister. Atop the dais surrounding the platform, the organizers set up a stage consisting of two microphones and a line of fire extinguishers — the latter being a reference to Korona chairman and Member of Parliament Grzegorz Braun’s swift response to the lighting of Hanukkah candles in the Sejm building by the Chabad-Lubavitch sect.
(Read the “The Day of the Extinguisher” here.)
After the event was officially opened by Korona Warsaw leaders Diana Ruchniewicz and Marcin Kuśmierczyk, several right-wing politicians took the floor to address the crowd. The first to speak was none other than Braun himself.

It is no longer the Most Holy Virgin Mary of Fatima nor Saint Michael the Archangel that Banderite Ukraine addresses. There are other unholy patrons of that initiative. And that is a great tragedy.
— Grzegorz Braun on the moral decline of Ukraine since 2014
Other speakers included Polish right-wing founding father Janusz Korwin-Mikke, wRealu24 host Marcin Rola, Korona Political Committee member Piotr Heszen, as well as Adam Leszczyński, leader of Młodzież Wszechpolska in Mazovia.

Professor Ryszard Zajączkowski tells us about the situation in the US – under Biden, 7 million illegal immigrants have entered the country.

Marcin Rola, host at wRealu24, reminds us that Speaker Szymon Hołownia — the second most important man in Poland — spoke of the Ukraine-Russia conflict as though we were already at war on Ukraine’s behalf and swore to “crush Putin into the ground” as vengeance for the death of Alexei Navalny, whom the Polish liberal elite considers to be a martyr for the cause of human rights and democracy in Russia.

The proper amount of respect for a European Union flag — Polish nationalist youth organization Młodzież Wszechpolska says no to mass immigration and yes to a Polish nation-state.
After the final speech, the time came for the crowd — now several hundred strong — to march north to the Column of Sigismund in front of the Royal Castle, where the final part of the event would take place. Slogans chanted during the march included:
- My Polacy na tej ziemi, nie będziemy zastąpieni! (We Poles on this land will not be replaced!)
- Koalicja chanukowa do kanałów niech się chowa! (Make the Hanukkah coalition hide in the sewers!)
- Polska państwem narodowym! (Poland is a nation-state!)
- Przeproś Polskę, Ukraino! (Apologize to Poland, Ukraine!)

Hundreds of Poles march through the capital to show their support for the nation-state.
The March in Warsaw – Part II
Streamed live at
The crowd gathered around Sigismund’s Column, with the hosts setting up another stage using their banners. It was here that the final speeches of the event were given, beginning with another fiery speech by Janusz Korwin-Mikke, in which he declared that those pushing for Poland to enter a war with Russia on behalf of Ukraine would, were he in power, be executed by firing squad.

Janusz Korwin-Mikke is known for his powerful and unique speeches. And when he says that warmongers ought to get the death penalty, the crowd agrees.

Andrzej Łukawski was imprisoned by the government for speaking out against followers of Stepan Bandera and the Ukrainian terrorists of OUN-UPA. It is thanks to the efforts of Grzegorz Braun that he was able to walk free.

Erwin Trynkus, chairman of Korona’s youth wing, points out the obvious attempts at rewriting history through the use of Google’s Gemini AI and reminds us that supporting your in-group is anathema to the leftist worldview.

Zbigniew Dworakowski of Rodacy Kamraci says that loving our neighbor as we love ourselves does not mean loving them more than ourselves — it is an immoral act to allow under your roof a stranger who you suspect may murder you and rape your daughter.
What next?
Dark times are ahead for the Polish right. While the PiS regime was already doing its best to crush dissidents, Tusk is more ruthless. The police photographed every single banner and sign, and we can only hope that the Polish patriots who gathered in Warsaw to protest can be spared from a fate similar to that of the protesters in front of the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.
The government is ready to crack down on the striking farmers who oppose the import of toxic, low-quality food products from Ukraine. Given Tusk’s recent meeting with Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, we can only wonder what horrors will be unleashed upon the people by their so-called “smiling government.”
There’s an African proverb — if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. And there is truth in those words. The Polish dissident right has formed a strong alliance — we shall go very far indeed.