On Red Heifers & The End of The World

An Israeli rabbi uses a magnifying glass to examine a cow named Zippora, trying to determine whether the animal is a “red heifer” (photo credit: STR NEW/REUTERS)
4. And We warned the Children of Israel in the Scripture, You will certainly cause corruption in the land twice, and you will become extremely arrogant.
5. When the first of the two warnings would come to pass, We would send against you some of Our servants of great might, who would ravage your homes. This would be a warning fulfilled.
6. Then after your repentance We would give you the upper hand over them and aid you with wealth and offspring, causing you to outnumber them.
7. If you act rightly, it is for your own good, but if you do wrong, it is to your own loss. And when the second warning would come to pass, your enemies would be left to totally disgrace you and enter that place of worship as they entered it the first time, and utterly destroy whatever would fall into their hands.
8. Perhaps your Lord will have mercy on you if you repent, but if you return to sin, We will return to punishment. And We have made Hell a permanent confinement for the disbelievers.
— Surah Al-Isra 17:4-8; Translation by Dr. Mustafa Khattab, ‘The Clear Quran’
Introduction: Setting the Parameters
Part Two of an ongoing series follows, examining the current state of play between Islam & The West, emphasizing avenues for Dialogue, Discussion, & an Amicable settlement. However, to get there, particular ‘baggage’ needs to be addressed:
In Part One, we addressed the primary ‘Elephant in the Room,’ namely those of ‘the West’ who cannot be spoken to, courtesy of their ties to Cosmopolitan Globalism, be they overtly or implicitly in favour of its sundry tenets of Hegemony worldwide.
In today’s installment, the primary audience will be those in the West who are still willing, ready & able to understand something very straightforward: Civilizations have Red Lines, & any attempts to breach them will mean nothing short of Total War.
Islamic Civilization has several vital Red Lines centred on the Holy Land, specifically the Holy Sites. Today’s piece will focus on the sanctity of the Masjid Al-Aqsa Compound & its paramount importance to over Two billion Muslims worldwide.
Mainly, emphasis will be placed on how the Zionist Settler Colony of ‘Israel’ is set on violating said sanctity, thereby prompting a rapid escalation in tensions & the breaking out of full-scale Hostilities & World War.
The aim then, in this piece, will be threefold:
First, to point out to those of the West, willing to listen to the gravity of the matter,
Second, to emphasize Masjid Al-Aqsa’s paramount importance to the Ummah,
& Third & Finally, the likely consequences of Al-Aqsa’s sanctity being violated.
The reasoning for doing so is relatively straightforward:
Proper Amicable Settlement, Dialogue, Discussion or whatnot… cannot occur if Red Lines are unclear. This is why we will focus in Part 2 on the wider Islamic World & its Fundamental Concerns. However, to get there, some additional details are needed.
Notably, we need to rewind the clock & go back to Zionism’s Genesis.
In doing so, we will better highlight the Muslim World & Islamic Civilization’s current quarrels with the Western world. Afterward, we will highlight additional history and context to ensure you understand.
We will begin then with ‘Israel’ & its ignoble founding.
The Birth of ‘Israel’ & Its Founding Generation

In this May 14, 1948 photo, cabinet ministers of the new State of Israel are seen at a ceremony at the Tel Aviv Art Museum marking the creation of the new state, during prime minister David Ben-Gurion’s speech declaring independence. (AP Photo)
We extend the hand of peace and good-neighborliness to all the States around us and to their people, and we call upon them to cooperate in mutual helpfulness with the independent Jewish nation in its Land. The State of Israel is prepared to make its contribution in a concerted effort for the advancement of the entire Middle East.
Even amidst the violent attacks launched against us for months past, we call upon the sons of the Arab people dwelling in Israel to keep the peace and to play their part in building the State on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its institutions, provisional and permanent.
— Israel’s Proclamation of Independence; read on May 14 (1948)
European Jewry, who were killed en masse during the Second World War, sought a homeland in the Holy Land where their people could live in safety, security & overall wellness. However, the land was already native to the Palestinian people:
To build a European-themed homeland in West Asia, said natives had first to be ‘dealt with’ so the land could be vacated properly. & it is here that our story begins.
After the sundry horrors of WW II, the general feeling was that the ‘down payment’ (in the form of millions of Jewish lives) had been put up front, thereby justifying such a pursuit in its entirety, even if it meant sundry barbarisms.
To achieve this, the strategy was straightforward:
Namely, ‘transfer’ (read: Ethnically Cleanse) the indigenous Palestinian Arabs in the area to other parts of the Arab World, primarily Lebanon, Syria, Jordan & Egypt. Initially, this was to be done via utilizing monetary incentives & related means.
Of course, what Ben-Gurion et al. failed to factor into this ‘neat formula’ was that the Palestinians & more broadly, the region’s sundry peoples have their volitions & agency, & these did not suddenly evaporate due to Zionist whims.
For many, the very idea that money & related goodies would be sufficient to vacate them from their ancestral homes (some of which their forefathers had resided in for millennia) was utterly repugnant & a complete non-sequitur.
The United Nations, born from the ashes of WW II, sought to partition the land without consulting its ethnic & religious majority, favouring instead a minority of Jews who, at the time, numbered less than a third inside British Mandatory Palestine.
The Palestinians & their Arab allies were having none of this farce. Civil War broke out first when the UN sought to formalize its 1947 partition plan, & this eventually devolved into outright regional war some 5 months later.
‘Israel,’ courtesy of a combination of factors, notably superior technological prowess, a well-trained band of militias, Arab incompetence, etc., eventually triumphed, & inflicted on the Palestinians the Horrors of the Nakba.
This, however, was merely the beginning. Over the next few decades, Israel would not be transformed into a European-style socialist paradise (as Ben-Gurion et al. intended) but rather a de facto Western military outpost in West Asia.
To get there, ‘Israel’ would have to draw in the Great Powers. Blackmail, coercion, bribes & related means would soon be employed by Mossad et al. for said purpose, culminating with the kowtowing of American leadership to the Zionist lobby.
The Start of The ‘Special Relationship’

Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat, US President Jimmy Carter, and Israeli Premier Menachem Begin listen to the national anthem before signing the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty on the north lawn of the White House, March 26, 1979, in Washington, DC. The signing of this official treaty followed the agreement established just the previous year in the Camp David Accords. Image by Getty Images
We have a special relationship with Israel. It’s absolutely crucial that no one in our country or around the world ever doubt that our number one commitment in the Middle East is to protect the right of Israel to exist, to exist permanently, and to exist in peace. It’s a special relationship.
— Jimmy Carter, 39th US President; Presidents News Conference, May 12, (1977)
‘Israel’ did not garner peace with its neighbours via its sundry military successes on the battlefield. Contrary to popular opinion, merely maiming & butchering innocents (especially women, children & the elderly) does little to cement peaceful relations.
For much of the third quarter of the 20th century, ‘Israel’ found itself more resembling a military with the organs of a state. & while this meant that it often made ‘quick work’ of the sundry incompetent Arab Armies, many troubles resulted from this:
When ‘Israel’ occupied the Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank & Golan Heights after its rapid victory in the Six-Day War, its wider society found itself despised by not just the wider Muslim world but likewise millions of others worldwide.
Asymmetric attacks, often dismissed by Westerners as ‘Domestic terrorism,’ began to chip away at the very foundations of the state. Zionist ‘Elites’ realized that centralization of powers was the only way to retain some semblance of social cohesion:
Greater surveillance & erosion of what little remained of Civil liberties became their pursuit of choice. By the time the Yom Kippur War broke out, ‘Israel’ no longer resembled anything close to what its Founding Generation envisioned.
That war did little to assuage these pains, for it was only a few years later that the Sinai was given back to Egypt, courtesy of ‘Israeli’ overextension at dealing with the novel threat matrix now posed by Resistance forces & conventional Arab armies.
So, while many Westerners saw it as an ‘Israeli’ victory, the reality was more complex. The Zionist entity could no longer rely on its own so-called ‘battlefield miracles’ to sustain the occupation of Palestinian & Arab land. Help was needed:
& it was with the Americans that an opportunity presented itself.
In the latter half of the 20th century, US society had cemented a very vocal, powerful, & ambitious Jewish minority. The reasons for this cementing of influence are several, but certain critical variables assisted in the overall process:
For one, American society always possessed a significant chunk of devout Christians in the ‘Deep South’ who believed that only by assisting ‘God’s chosen people’ could they hasten the arrival of Jesus (peace be upon Him!) in his Second Coming.
Then, too, Jews had made massive inroads into American life via their sundry nepotisms & focus on critical areas, be they commercial, financial, etc. By the third quarter of the 20th century, this meant near total control of the ‘Two-party system.’
As the final quarter of the 20th century approached, the United States found itself thus as the ‘Attack Dog’ of Zionist interests worldwide, beholden to the special interests, donors, lobbyists & foreign influence of this tiny illegal entity in West Asia.
This was to have severe ramifications in the Future for both the Islamic World & the West…
Setbacks, Defeat & The Quest for ‘Fortress Israel’

Hezbollah fighters celebrating on the day the IDF left South Lebanon, May 24, 2000. (AP: Enric Marti)
Israel has given Jews something whose lack cost millions of lives: a place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in. These days, however, the Israeli government seems to believe that, far from the state’s existing to ensure the survival of Jews, Jews exist to ensure the survival of the state… Of course, if Israel is to survive it needs people. But if it can’t motivate enough Jews to go because they want to be there, its problem goes much deeper than a lack of bodies. And the fact is that the social and economic consequences of the occupation and the Lebanon war have not only made Israel a place fewer Jews want to go, but a place more and more want to leave. At the same time, despite the government’s professed desire for more immigration from the Soviet Union and the U.S., it is doing its best to make life in Israel unattractive to the educated, secular-minded Jews of those countries by rewarding the militant nationalism of the religious right with increasing deference to its theocratic agenda. For Orthodox fundamentalists intent on getting religious law enforced by the state and imposing traditional religious values on a predominantly secular culture, their secularist opponents are in some sense not really Jews. Rather, they are carriers of alien and subversive modern values. The worm, as it were, is in the apple of the Jewish nation. The right-wing religious parties have instigated the most serious challenge yet to the concept of Israel as a haven for Jews — their campaign to amend the Law of Return, which grants Jewish immigrants automatic citizenship, to include a religious definition of who is a Jew.
— Ellen Willis, “What the Pollard Case Means to Jews” (1987), included in No More Nice Girls: Countercultural Essays (1992).
After withdrawing from the Sinai, ‘Israel’ found its strategic situation rapidly deteriorating. The mythology of the invincible Zionist Army, coupled with its prowess in Military Intelligence & related affairs, was irrevocably shattered.
Granted, this did not immediately take hold. As an entity which many feared possessed a well-stocked Nuclear Arsenal, the Islamic Resistance recognized that ‘Israel’ still posed quite a challenge, albeit not as pronounced as previously thought.
The Zionist leadership undertook the 1982 invasion of Lebanon to try & salvage their waning image mentioned earlier. Massacres of civilians (primarily women, children & the elderly) were common, with the objective being to ‘shock & awe’:
The ‘Dahiya doctrine,’ named after a densely populated suburb of Beirut used as an H.Q. by Hezbollah & frens that was levelled to the ground, became Standard Operating Procedure.
Henceforth, the Zionist entity had chosen its future course.
No longer would it seek ‘decisive battles’ & tactical success on the field alone. Instead, civilian infrastructure, livelihoods & whatnot would be decimated en masse so that the Arabs would (allegedly) be deterred from any further Resistance activity.
In the words of Moshe Dayan, famed Zionist Chief of Staff:
Israel must be like a Mad Dog, too dangerous to bother.
& so the fundamental character of the illegal entity began to shift rapidly: Overtly, it still advertised to the world that it was a ‘Democratic Oasis’ amidst a Sea of Autocracies.
Here was ‘Israel,’ that people who ‘made the Desert Bloom,’ despite being surrounded by ‘Human Animal’ foes.
Yet, the complete withdrawal from Lebanon in 2000, a critical Zionist defeat, began to erode such pretensions rapidly…
Shifting Demographics & Labour Zionism’s Woes

Hard-line national religious Israeli Jews attend a mass prayer at the Western Wall in 2014 against Israeli-Palestinian talks. Ahmad Gharabli/AFP via Getty Images
Whereas Western figures consistently claim that the radical Right national-religious movement does not “represent Judaism,” the other, equally authentic side to the Judaic ‘story’ is the obverse.
What are the reasons for this shift? Part of it, has to do with the increased influence of national-religious sentiment as the Occupation grew into a broad-based subculture of Israeli society. The settler movement is more than simply the aggregate of those living in settlement homes: It includes an intellectual and educational framework; a vision of Zionism as Greater “Israel” — or of what Chaim Gans calls, “proprietary Zionism” — i.e. one which sees the land — from the river to the sea — belonging exclusively to the Jews.
— Alastair Crooke, The reality that is ‘Israel’: An Éclat of messianism and apocalypse, shocking and paralysing the West, Al Mayadeen English, May 6 (2023)
It is fashionable to view the ‘Israel’-Palestine matter on purely Geopolitical grounds. However, such a lens fails at getting to the heart of the matter, falling short of understanding the overall issue:
Zionism, despite its founding generation being primarily secular, has always comprised a core, deeply religious segment. This segment has reached its zenith because of several generations of demographic ascension.
Setbacks in Lebanon & beyond have hardened hearts over several decades. The ‘Israel’ of Ben-Gurion et al., meanwhile, is no more, as stronger populisms have supplanted Labour Zionism & related secular, socialist & other ideals:
‘Israel’ today is a military outpost surrounded by hostile Arab forces (conventional & guerrilla), who have, slowly but surely, chipped away & undermined the entity. All politics, thus, is predicated on some basic tenets.
First, to always have sufficient men, materiel & supplies to continue the occupation of Palestine, the Golan Heights & Shebaa farms. This has meant a rapid erosion of civil liberties, coupled with ample surveillance of the people & other related measures.
Second, to always have assistance from Westerners should Great Powers like Iran make a direct play for Liberating the Holy Land.
Historically, this has been the Americans, who, as of this writing, are completely docile & obedient poodles of the Zionist lobby.
Third & finally, Zionist leadership must always have the will, readiness & ability to exercise drastic action on the first & second tenets. This has meant pursuing outright Genocide & Ethnic Cleansing, even via using Artificial Intelligence.
In Unison, the result is a Frankenstein Monster of an illegal Occupational entity. One whose bloodlust is unparalleled & whose populist base is not satiated lest whole families are wiped off the register. But it is far worse than just that:
It also creates a population who are arrogant & filled with Hubris, & more than willing, ready & able to pursue all manner of lunacy. It is not an accident that the Zionist leadership today is more than happy to engage Kinetically with Iran & frens.
The reason is simple:
There is an unshakeable faith that the United States would intervene on the ‘Israeli’ side & flirt with its destruction, given such events. The Muslim world & Islamic Civilization writ large see this & are outraged by said transgression.
That said, this is not our primary quarrel with the West. If it were merely the matter of Palestine being illegally occupied & its people being oppressed, this would still be a strictly political matter. But for us, this is far more than just that:
All roads ultimately lead back to Al-Quds/Jerusalem & the inviolable sanctity of Masjid Al-Aqsa, which we will examine next.
Zionism’s Apex: The Demolition of Masjid Al-Aqsa
Now, before we continue, I need you to understand something. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you believe, whether you’re Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Agnostic, Atheist. These ideas are real to the people and influential groups acting upon them. These ideas can thus affect you regardless of your personal beliefs because their actions could trigger catastrophic events for not just the Middle East but for the whole world…
— ‘Propaganda & Co.’ YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/@prop_co), Regarding the ‘Israeli’ Red Heifer Sacrifice & Purification ritual scheduled in April 2024, & its Future, ensuing fallout; broadcast on March 8 (2024)
SOURCE: Excerpted from the video linked above, timestamped from 1:47 to 2:14.
We come then to Zionism’s Endgame:
The construction of the Third Temple & the Demolition of Masjid Al-Aqsa.
This pursuit, once thought fanatical, is today in the mainstream Zeitgeist, & its proponents grow by the day in their overall zeal and fervour in seeing it through. This did not happen overnight, however, as we have touched upon earlier:
‘Israeli’ society is not what it once was. Demographic shifts have made the Orthodox Jews a majority, with many more than willing, ready & able to implement the Law of the Torah in ‘Israeli’ society.
However, to get there, specific steps need to be completed.
In the embedded video above, these are touched upon in full:
First & foremost, perfectly Red Heifers need to be sacrificed by a ‘Pure Priestly class.’
Second, said Heifers are to be burned & their ashes are mixed with water, which is then used for purification.
Third & finally, those of the elect who are purified with said mixture are to build the Temple on the Mount…
…which happens to be where Masjid Al-Aqsa currently sits.
Ipso Facto, this will mean demolishing said Holy of Holies, which Muslims worldwide will view as an outright Declaration of War. Any such attempts at doing so, & any damage to the Holy Site, will mean the breaking out of full-scale Hostilities.
This is because Masjid Al-Aqsa is central to Islamic Theology:
It is from here that our Master Mohammad (ﷺ) ascended to the Heavens, greeted all the Prophets & Messengers, & spoke to Allah Most High. The Noble Prophet (ﷺ) was then given the Five daily prayers, which we continue today.
At Masjid Al-Aqsa, Our Master Mohammad (ﷺ) then led all the previous Prophets & Messengers in Prayer. It was here then that Islam was passed the Torch. & so the Holy Masjid is critical, for its continued well-being is paramount to Our Continuity:
At the Civilizational level, this means that any & all means will be used in its defence should such vile activity (noted earlier) be utilized to undermine its foundations. Should the Holy Masjid be even slightly damaged, then War is inevitable.
This outcome is now being pursued by the leadership & ‘Elite’ in not just the Zionist entity but likewise by the movers & shakers in ‘The Empire of Lies.’ The Hour is Late, & so it needs to be emphasized that this is the Reddest of Red Lines for Us:
Westerners from the USA, Europe, the Pacific, ‘Israel’ or elsewhere who are Hubristic enough to think that there will be no response to such crimes are deluded.
A Clash of Civilizations will be cemented should the Zionist project to demolish Masjid Al-Aqsa proceed. We are coming, then, to a crossroads:
Prudent, rational, & levelheaded men of the West should by now recognize that engaging in such hostilities with us means Total War & all its corollaries.
Concluding Remarks
By now, ample background information & sufficient context have been provided to demonstrate where Islamic Civilization, writ large, parted ways with the Western world.
The matter is relatively straightforward:
‘Israeli’ society has, for the first time in several decades, garnered sufficient public support to begin the process that will end (per their plans) not just in Masjid Al-Aqsa’s Demolition but likewise a ‘Third Temple’ being put up as a replacement.
Such a Farce will never be tolerated:
Masjid Al-Aqsa is ‘The First Qiblah’ of the Muslims & any attempts to undermine it will mean the breaking out of full-scale hostilities between our two Civilizations.
This will mean not just ‘Israel’ & its DOOM & destruction but likewise the Western world being targeted en masse via reprisal attacks.
Now is the time for the everyday common Western Man to ask himself a question:
Does he wish to engage in full-scale hostilities with Us?
Granted, many do!
This is why, in Part One, the Prefatory Remarks were intentionally made with Bluntness & Force to ‘weed out’ those of the West with whom further dialogue is now Moot. That said, I hope, Dear Listeners & Readers, you understand the situation:
For those from that part of the ‘West’ willing, ready & able to listen, time is running out:
Until the Zionists engage in their ritual slaughter & begin implementing their plans to demolish Masjid Al-Aqsa, diplomacy & negotiations can still prevail.
However, that window is rapidly narrowing today, given the shifting ‘facts on the ground.’
Let us hope that peace is given a chance & wins out before said window closes entirely.
The DOOM cometh!
Ahnaf Ibn Qaiswrites
Once Again, Many Thanks to the lovely editorial Team at Arktos Journal, & to the excellent Sir Constantin for picking up my essay series! A Warm Welcome to all the New frenz from Arktos who wish to inspect my humble DOOM-wares! Subscribe for more such gloom & despair!