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Rose Sybil argues that remigration is essential, proposing a plan that addresses the root causes of migration from Latin America to the US, targets the influence of cartels, and offers mutually beneficial solutions for both regions.

Remigration is essential for securing our future. Many people argue that Trump cannot drain the swamp because, as we have seen, the swamp is too deep, and executive powers have been hollowed out. He would be impeached if he tried to implement remigration. However, there is a solution that can achieve two goals at once. This is also a mutually beneficial plan specific to our situation in the US, and it is possible to think creatively for Europe as well when considering ways to reverse this demographic catastrophe we face.

There are several reasons for the migration of mestizo elements from Latin America to the US. NAFTA shifted its population from rural to urban and outcompeted small-scale corn production on the international market (I discuss this in further detail here). The urbanization and border insecurity in this area have created a power vacuum, allowing cartels to infiltrate and corrupt many aspects of the Mexican government. As a result, there has been an increase in northward migration and human trafficking. Additionally, economic work opportunities, combined with aid (migrant big ag/pharma workers receive higher aid compared to Americans), attract people to this area so they can improve their living conditions and send money back to their families.

Understanding these reasons is crucial to finding a just and effective solution, rather than liberals only using understanding as an excuse to replace and blame White America. This approach also keeps the Right from falling into the media’s portrayal of us as inhumane — they use our reactions to legitimate grievances to keep everyone fighting each other, so no one can address underlying issues or find ways to facilitate remigration. There are legitimate ways to address recent demographic changes. If these ideas gain enough support, they could influence national politics and provide future administrations, specifically the Trump administration, with policies that would be supported by the far Right, mainstream conservatives, and even Mexicans.

The border crisis justifies Trump declaring a state of emergency while in the White House. This is not only due to the large-scale invasion facilitated by the swamp and media, but also the associated levels of human trafficking. A state of emergency would grant extra powers to the executive office, allowing Trump to legally tackle the situation and deal with those perpetuating our invasion in the swamp. It would also give him the power to negotiate deals with Mexico and other Latin American countries, as well as declare cartels as enemies of the state and terrorist organizations. We are currently unable to address the cartels domestically or internationally due to various complex laws, which a state of emergency would overcome.

The plan is to eliminate the cartels, root out corruption within our ranks, and hold those accountable who have enabled the invasion of our nation, from the swamp to the mainstream media. In return for dismantling the cartels, we aim to secure agreements from leaders of other nations to accept back their citizens and grant full citizenship to their children born here. Additionally, we propose offering an incentive for the children of undocumented immigrants to renounce American citizenship in exchange for a ten-year stipend. We will also implement policies such as discontinuing all aid to those who have immigrated illegally, ending special welfare and ESL (English as a second language) programs for migrant workers, terminating all NGO and racially biased grants, revoking foreign rights to own land, and prohibiting the transfer of money to families in other nations. Furthermore, we could consider redirecting our agricultural aid domestically and a plan to do so in Latin American countries by providing financial support to encourage their populations to return to small, rural family farms. This is because large agricultural/pharmaceutical corporations play a significant role in globalism. One possible approach could involve utilizing the land and resources confiscated from cartels in both the US and Latin America to initiate a program focused on rerooting communities across all our nations.

The use of positive reinforcement helps mestizos make the right decisions without immediately having to combat the legalities of changing their birth citizenship by force. On the other hand, negative reinforcement reduces their desire to stay. Once this is in place, we can implement other strategies to relocate refugees and cut their funding. By addressing a significant percentage of our demographic invasion and getting them to remigrate while holding accountable those who facilitated it, we can then undo the rest. With enough support for this idea, it may carry weight, and it is one of the last chances we have with the upcoming presidency. Additionally, it provides a win-win solution, as cartels and rapid urbanization are significant contributors to the challenges faced in Latin America, and our nation is infiltrated with cartels. What better unifying focus could regular people find than targeting human trafficking, both domestically and internationally? This is something that many people could support.

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Rose Sybil

Rose Sybil, born in California’s Bay Area in the late 1980s, was influenced by the contrasting cultures of Silicon Valley and the Midwest plains. With interests spanning various academic subjects, she believes in a dynamic spiritual growth process, drawing on diverse religious traditions such as Odinism, Taoism, and Vedicism. Passionate about preserving cultural uniqueness, Rose enjoys art, dancing, music, and outdoor activities. As a mother of two, she finds deep meaning in motherhood and is committed to celebrating the union of man and wife, the continuation of life through children, and the rich tapestry of world cultures while standing against the threat of globalism.

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