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Hans Vogel argues that the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov by French authorities illustrates the growing surveillance state in Europe, where governments, under the influence of the declining American Empire, suppress free communication while neglecting rising migrant violence and the dumbing down of education and public discourse.

The recent arrest of Telegram boss Pavel Durov by the French police has sent shockwaves over the world. Rightly so, since it brings additional evidence that our rulers are determined to keep tabs on everything we say and think, and who we communicate with.

Governments, especially those of the decaying American Empire, are paranoid. Their officials are lamentable, but vicious. These are men like Gerd Wiesler, the East German Stasi Captain from Florian Henckel von Donnersmark’s masterful movie The Lives of Others (2006). Fully convinced they are actually protecting their fellow citizens against evil thoughts, and the state against individuals with evil thoughts, such people’s human feelings remain deeply hidden, while their acts are cruel. They have only one ethical guideline: “national security.”

The European Commission, that is the government of the EuSSR, led by an overzealous, corrupt woman who started her career as a plagiarist, purportedly has in mind the “best interests” and the “safety” of 450 million Europeans, all of whom are officially and structurally suspected of being “terrorists.” In 2022, the European Parliament adopted the Digital Services Act, instituting blanket censorship on all major social media and popular websites. It has resulted in the most pervasive and widespread censorship in European history. Not even the Soviet Union, the Austrian Empire (until 1848) or the Kingdom of Prussia (also until 1848), champions of the European historical censorship Olympics, ever had such an all-encompassing system of censorship.

What is more, the current totalitarian censorship edifice is a fashionable public-private partnership. Google, Meta (Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram), Wikipedia and the other big players in the field are enthusiastic partners, punishing and expelling anyone who refuses to abide by vague “community standards” established in cahoots with dictatorial dictates from the Brussels Eurocracy.

“Public Safety” is taken very seriously in the EuSSR. The police forces of its 27 member states total some two million officers. In addition, some 150 spy agencies are keeping watch day and night against domestic and foreign threats. Add to that two million military personnel in the EuSSR standing armies and one can say that the “state” in the EU employs well over four million men (and women, for whatever they are worth in the police and the military), that is slightly less than one percent of its total population, to make sure that its citizens are safe on the streets by day and by night and can sleep safely.

Moreover, these impressive forces are assisted by private security firms, adding at least one million more personnel. Add to that the millions and millions of cameras in the public space all over the EU and it would seem there is no safer place in the world than the EU. A true safe haven, it would seem. Might that explain why between 2008 and 2023 some 8.5 million people (mostly young males from Africa, Syria and Afghanistan) have applied for asylum? Predominantly Muslims, these newcomers swell the ranks of the steadily growing “Muslim Community” numbering about 30 million.

However, with the impressive security apparatus in place, how then is it possible that violent knife attacks on peaceful citizens occur with such frequency? These knife attacks take place on a daily basis. In Germany alone (85 million inhabitants), there were 20,000 such attacks in 2020. Just a few days ago a typical perpetrator, a young Muslim from Syria, killed three people during a local festival in the town of Solingen. There are at least fifty such attacks each day in Germany alone, wounding or killing innocent Germans. It is not just a German problem, but a general European one.

Why would people who flee their homeland because they are persecuted, oppressed, mistreated or whatever, turn against the very citizens of the countries that provide them with shelter, food, medical care and a chance to start their life anew? Something else must be at play here. Might those young asylum seekers be some kind of fifth column being allowed into Europe just in order to destabilize it?

How precisely would the arrest of Telegram’s CEO Durov help to better protect Europeans? After all, that is ostensibly the reason why the French police took him in.

Mind you, if it is true, as is being officially asserted by the EuSSR and outfits like the city of Amsterdam, that Telegram is a favorite social media channel for pedophiles, drug dealers, the mafia and all sorts of other evil people, what is wrong with that? Even in Europe, only a perpetrated crime is punishable. Talking about how to rob a bank, for instance, can never in itself be a crime as long as the crime of robbing it has not been committed.

And as for pedophilia, since, like other sexual deviancies and idiosyncracies, it serves as an instrument for the ruling elites to control their minions in governments and institutions through blackmail, why not go after the really powerful pedophiles instead? After all, it is in those refined and elevated circles that the most massive abuse of children and minors has been taking place for decades. Just take a look at the Epstein case with its myriad ramifications.

It must be suspected that the EuSSR’s policies are part of a broader strategy to destroy the middle classes and to turn all Europeans into obedient proles or, as Henry Kissinger in his infinite wisdom said, into “useless eaters.”

With the advent of AI, most of the middle classes will become useless anyway! Nor will there be any use for a “working class” since AI and robots will be able to produce almost everything that people need. That is precisely why Germany is currently being de-industrialized on a massive scale. That is why education has become such a mess, leading only to the dumbing down of new generations. Literacy in EU nations, where not too long ago pretty much everybody could read and write (and not holding their pen like some circus bear, as most young people do today), has been dropping to ever more dramatic levels. University education has become a joke, and getting a degree has never been easier. Scientific and scholarly research has to be politically correct in order to get approved and financed.

As the lights are going out in Europe, as hopes for the future are being squashed by climate lunatics, gender freaks and other groups of people that really ought to get some kind of psychiatric treatment, with untold millions of Europeans having taken “anti-Covid” death jabs that are slowly killing them, most of the population will end up not being fit for any kind of meaningful activity.

They will no doubt continue to use Telegram, but the messages they send will be so awfully senseless and boring that the spooks ordered to spy on them will be bored stiff.

Poor Pavel, you tried, but the odds were just insurmountable. The true criminals are the Brussels Eurocrats and minions like French President Emmanuel Macron. I bet he is being blackmailed because is “married” to an old guy in a skirt wearing a wig.

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Hans Vogel

Hans Vogel spent his youth in Indonesia and the Netherlands, studied at Leiden University and received a doctorate in history from the University of Florida. After teaching Latin American and military history at Leiden University, he taught European and world history in Buenos Aires (UADE and ESEADE universities). He is the author of a standard history of Latin America and numerous monographs and articles on military, European and Argentinian history. Over the years, he has served as an advisor to several governments and state agencies, and as a lecturer on Latin American politics for the Netherlands Institute of International Affairs, while he has also been active in journalism for Dutch and Russian outlets. Since 2002, he has been living abroad (mainly Argentina, Belgium and Italy).

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