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Sietze Bosman explains why race is the key to all human life.

In our age of so-called “enlightened” scientism, race has become a subject that has been endowed with a very ambiguous meaning. When a crime needs to be solved, or biometric data collected, race is an important factor. When solving a murder case, it is important to establish the race of the perpetrator or victim. Race in such matters is a crucial component of creating a profile of the people involved. So science acknowledges race as a biological reality. It is altogether baffling that in other circumstances, race all of a sudden is a mere “construct.”

When science does acknowledge race as a reality, it does so on the basis of skeletal properties or on the basis of DNA. A human skeleton reflects the biological differences between the races of man, but with DNA we run into difficulties.

DNA is said to be the blueprint for the construction of a biological life form, and the alleged mapping of the entire human genome is considered one of man’s greatest achievements. However, when asking simple questions, the whole theory of DNA seems to grind to a halt.

First of all, when the male sperm fertilizes a female egg, both cells combine and form one cell in which, according to modern science, the genetic material of both the male and female combine and form a new genetic blueprint as the basis for the new life that will grow in the womb of the female. Now the difficulty starts. The cells start to multiply, making exact copies of themselves. In a few days, there are millions of cells. Now, remember: every cell is supposed to be an exact genetic copy of all other cells. However, after several replication cycles, the cells start to divide and start to form the various organs in the human body. So, some cells turn into heart tissue, others into lung, brain, or bone tissue. If all of this wondrous biological development is due to a biological digital code, we now have to admit a second layer of exceeding complexity in the code that accounts for the alteration of structure after a certain amount of replications. To trump even that level of complexity, the code also has to be able to work retroactively in places where damage has occurred and heal the tissue according to the design of the organ the damage occurred in, bypassing the coding for the set number of identical replications and go straight to the specific code for the relevant organ. Attributing such complexity to the end result of unguided random mutations borders on the religious, as it requires just as much a leap of faith as a belief in God does.

When the fetus is just 23 days old, the heart starts beating. So, not only have the cells performed an incredible feat of biological magic, they now also know how to communicate with each other and act in unison to contract the muscles of and operate the various valves in the heart. The entire heart and blood vessel system is one big feedback loop and, as such, requires the ability of the heart to “read” the feedback signals of the body, all this at 23 days old. And all according to a static four-letter coding, according to science. Believing all this happens because of this code borders on the fanatic.

The fetus develops all kinds of reflexes. It reacts to stimuli, like pain, or the sound of music. By 21 weeks, it already has the reflex to swallow. This is very difficult to explain with mere static coding, but when we take a child that has been born and can crawl a little, and put it on a table of which one half is translucent and one half is colored, and we put the mother at the translucent side, the child will not cross the translucent part of the table as it perceives it to be a “cliff.” Instinctually, it understands that the cliff poses a danger. Attributing these reflexes to genetic coding borders on the insane.

DNA is supposed to be uniform across all cells as it is the blueprint for the overall design of the lifeform, yet multiple papers have come out identifying that DNA is not uniformly distributed across all cells in the body. Not in quantity, but much more importantly, not in kind. A 2009 article by McGill University states:

“DNA Not The Same In Every Cell Of Body: Major Genetic Differences Between Blood And Tissue Cells Revealed,” and “This discovery may undercut the rationale behind numerous large-scale genetic studies conducted over the last 15 years.”

So, ascribing something like race to DNA is problematic, and another explanation is needed. If DNA does not account for the differences between humans, then there must be another factor, as heredity is indisputable. All of us can see there are certain traits that carry from the parents to the children. And so it has been for the entire existence of the people the mother and father belong to.

As Nikola Tesla already stated: “Reality is music solidified.” Our reality is one of frequency and vibration. Thus, all phenomena in our reality must be reflections of Platonic ideals and thus be of a metaphysical nature. Race has to be studied as exactly that: an earthly reflection of qualities that are kept and maintained in the metaphysical realm.

Rupert Sheldrake is a well-known promoter of the idea of morphogenetic fields. Meaning that there is an energetic or informational field that contains the information needed to build a lifeform with all its particularities. In a very interesting article, K. E. Thorp states:

Morphogenic fields entail two distinct but related concepts: the presence of an active agency which confers structure and function upon undifferentiated cellular material, and the presence of a conducive medium within developing organisms by which the effects of this ordinating agency are actuated. The field concept, while not specifically labeled as such, has deep historical roots originating in the writings of Aristotle some 2400 years ago.

We come full circle and, once again, Aristotle proves to have been extremely insightful.

Race is entirely metaphysical, and in the metaphysical blueprint of the race lies not just the properties inherent in the individuals belonging to the race, but it is an energetic and informational depository of all who before us made up the race. It is a record of the race life, of the life of our forebears. As the current members of the race owe their entire existence to their forebears, they command our veneration, and by extension the veneration of the race life. One’s race should not just be celebrated on earth, but treated as a very real entity in the realm of Platonic ideals.

The essence of a race is not transitory but immutable. It can be dormant, however, in a people that have grown fat and complacent in our modern times. As hard as our so-called “elites” deny the reality of race, they can never banish the primordial Platonic roots of a race. With the White race, there is an indelible Faustian impulse to explore and understand and to create a world that can, in principle, reach for ever higher standards and spirituality. Always shall it be drawn to beauty and harmony. It creates a very specific aesthetic and, conversely, a very specific aesthetic drives the White race ever upward.

In order for the White race to actuate a revival, the metaphysical blood of our race must be nurtured with new flesh on earth, but, equally as important, with the deepest of considerations and contemplation of the metaphysical race life, and tending to the eternal flame that burns as the symbol of the vitality of the race. As the fire is fueled by our veneration of it, the impulse of the racial fire to express itself on earth becomes stronger and stronger. Not the amount of children defines the race’s health, it is the intensity of the flame of vitality, the fire of the race soul that determines the health of the race. For each individual is but an actualized spark of the flame of the race life, that pulsing great vitalistic force that is the substrate for all human life.

Institutes for the veneration of the race soul, of the animating flame of our people, have to be erected, and the right to venerate has to be wrought from the hands of all that denigrate our forebears with their anti-White hatred. The acres of the race soul have to be tilled and sown in order to yield strong crops in the world we inhabit. Every member of our race must pay consideration to the perpetual flame. This should become some sort of religion, consolidated in prayer and rituals. Only then do the members of the race become conducive to the viatalistic force of the race soul, and be awake to the wisdom that is kept in the collective energetic information field to which every one of our forebears contributed.

Our lives are nothing without the expression of the immutable essence of our race soul, and we should strive with all our might to be as worthy of veneration as our forebears when we have died and slipped into the flame of the race life. Live life in veneration and you will be in good grace with our forebears!

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Sietze Bosman

Sietze Bosman, 42, resides in the Netherlands. Having served in the military for four years, he transitioned into a career in construction and currently holds a position with an organisation specialising in affordable housing. Alongside his professional pursuits, Sietze is an avid writer of stories and poetry in his native language, Frisian, rather than Dutch, reflecting his deep connection to his Frisian heritage. He is dedicated to formulating a philosophical framework that unites the Frisian community in resistance against modernity. Sietze identifies himself as a philosopher, family man, and worshipper of Creation, with his philosophy centring around the natural order and the responsibility it entails. Motivated by this duty, he endeavours to bring his people together, even in the face of resistance.

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5 days ago

Thanks. Hang in there Frisian. CrackerJack

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