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Zander argues that we face major challenges, but there is a great deal to feel positive about.

This article was originally published here.

When addressing the challenges we are facing as a people, it’s dangerously easy to sound nihilist or even defeatist. This is not just a trap, it’s a mistake. We are all descended from people who faced greater adversity than us and still prevailed. It’s true we live in uncertain times, and the demographic threat – specifically, the organised, accelerated replacement of us as a people in our own nations – is our biggest challenge.

Feeling blackpilled is of course understandable. As I write, with less than a month to go before the 2024 US election, the possibility of a Kamala Harris victory looms as a potential threat to our civilisation. In addition the ongoing belligerence of both Israel and NATO often seem to make WW3 a certainty rather than a possibility.

The truth is there have been some very positive developments lately, many of which can be attributed to Whites apparently finally waking up to the issues we face. With that preamble done, here are 10 big fat White Pills to feel good about.

Big Fat White Pills

1. Political Victories across Europe

Right-wing anti-immigration parties are scoring victory after victory in continental Europe. The most recent is that of the Austrian right-wing party FPÖ, AKA the Freedom Party, who gained the largest share of votes at 29%. This comes just weeks after Germany’s AfD won a spectacular victory in Thuringia with 33% of the vote. In June France’s National Rally crushed opposition in the European parliamentary election, causing president Macron to call a snap national election in which the National Rally again prevailed, becoming the biggest single party in France’s national parliament.

This all comes after the Netherlands’ Geert Wilders’ decisive victory in late 2023, and that of Giorgia Meloni’s ‘Brothers of Italy’ party in late 2022. At the same time, the right-wing anti-immigration Sweden Democrats gained enough votes to put them in power as part of Sweden’s ruling coalition.

Finland, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia and the Czech Republic are already governed by right-wing parties strongly opposed to mass immigration.

These victories are extremely significant. Even when the ‘cordon sanitaire’ tactic (by which other parties block the right from power by refusing to work with them in coalition) is deployed, those same parties are nevertheless consequently forced to take tougher lines on immigration for fear the right-wingers will grow even stronger with bigger majorities in future.

2. The European Right is Uniting

Many on the dissident right have long spoken of the need for international co-operation. Nationalism is by definition concerned with the nation, but the truth is all our countries – that is to say, all White countries, across Europe as well as the wider Anglosphere – face the same threat. We are being deliberately replaced by third world immigrants. It’s no secret that this is being facilitated, if not actively organised by an array of supranational organisations (the UN, the EU, the IMF, the WEF, the CFR) in addition to traitorous politicians and NGOs at the national level. Our enemies are not only globalist in name; they are quite literally co-ordinated and organised across the globe and apparently united when it comes to the Great Replacement agenda.

Given this, it would be insanity for us to remain siloed at a national level. We’re all up against the same forces, which means the sharing of knowledge, expertise and resources is crucial. Co-operation is key to our success. By forming an international right-wing bloc in addition to securing and reclaiming our own nations, we stand more than a fighting chance.

The European PfE (Patriots for Europe), a coalition of right-wing parties and politicians from across the continent, is now the European Parliament’s 3rd largest group and between them control 86 seats.

The cordon sanitaire is close to breaking

The cordon sanitaire cannot hold much longer

In very recent news the PfE has iniated a lawsuit against the European Parliament for its ‘cordon sanitaire’ tactics which are designed, like those used at national level, to strip the political right of power. This anti-democratic abuse of political process, deployed solely to disenfranchise rightist voting majorities of representation, deserves its own more detailed examination – but suffice to say that with the ongoing rise and uniting of the European right, this dirty trick cannot work for much longer. Even earlier this year in May 2024, Politico declared that ‘this strategy — known in France as a cordon sanitaire (or firewall) — is falling apart, as populist and nationalist parties grow in strength across the Continent’.

3. Normalisation of the Necessity of Remigration

The term ‘remigration’ was barely heard a couple of years ago. Initially popularised by German nationalist Martin Sellner and the Identitarians, the term is now more than just a buzzword and trending hashtag on X. It has become a key policy platform of right-wing politicians and nationalist parties across the world. Even Donald Trump has started using the term, with remigration forming a key plank of his policy for office in 2025 and beyond. The newly victorious FPÖ is pushing for the creation of the EU position of Remigration Commissioner. Soon there will be entire departments solely focused on this major task.

The Overton Window has shifted. Few credible nationalist politicians now speak only of stopping further mass immigration. It’s become widely understood that tens of millions have to be removed in order to secure our future as a people. Speaking only of ‘stopping illegals’ and refusing to acknowledge the necessity of remigration is now, quite rightly, seen as a weak and losing position.

I wrote almost a year ago that remigration has evolved from taboo to reality. Now I’d argue we’re well on the road from policy toward implementation. Various non-white countries are carrying out mass remigration as I write. It can, and will happen.

4. European Countries are Offering Immigrants Greater Incentives to Leave

Sweden recently announced a significant increase in the financial incentive offered to immigrants to return to their home countries. The handsome sum of 350,000 Kronor (about $34,000) is called a ‘repatriation grant’ and is designed to ‘encourage migrants, particularly those who have struggled to integrate into Swedish society due to language barriers or long-term unemployment, to voluntarily return to their countries of origin’.

The pushing of even greater incentives for people to leave was apparently influenced by the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats, who as mentioned earlier now form part of Sweden’s coalition government. The offering of such a large amount of taxpayer money – to those leaving voluntarily only – might seem perverse at first, but, to quote the Jerusalem Post article further;

‘Sweden’s decision follows similar initiatives in other European countries, such as Denmark and Germany, where repatriation grants have been used to encourage voluntary returns. While the exact impact of this new incentive remains to be seen, it reflects a growing trend across Europe towards stricter immigration controls’.

This paragraph sums things up well. It’s likely that even this massively generous ‘grant’ still won’t be enough to persuade most third world immigrants, well used to a hugely increased standard of living in Sweden on welfare, to leave. And yet, this is quite likely a brilliant strategic move. When it becomes clear that no amount of money will persuade these people to leave, it will also become clear that other methods are necessary. The government will then, in the face of accusations of cruelty, be able to show that it tried the ‘carrot’ and, finding it wanting, only then resorted to the ‘stick’.

I like many others outlined this approach as a practical policy framework for enacting remigration in this article, proposing that remigration be divided into two distinct phases; voluntary followed by involuntary.

Sweden’s approach here might seem weak, but rather it should be seen as the first step in following a sensible and humane protocol. It’s overwhelmingly likely that involuntary repatriation will be a necessary and central part of all remigration programmes.

5. The Data Continues to Support Us

Despite governments’ attempts to hide the data, often ceasing reporting certain statistics altogether, study after study shows mass third world immigration is a net negative for our countries. The good news is – in no small part thanks to many of the political developments outlined above – some governments have actually been releasing this data in detailed reports.

Emil Kirkergaard published this excellent analysis of several officially published reports in Denmark, the Netherlands, Finland and the USA which comprehensively shows that the majority of non-white immigration is a drain, not a boon, to public finances and to the economy as a whole. Below is just one of the data charts from the very detailed Danish study:

He provides some excellent summaries along with his own visualisations of various cuts of this data as well as digging into and reproducing various crime stats, the results of which will surprise nobody.

Why is all this important? Firstly, the mere fact that such data is being released in official government reports demonstrates a willingness by those in power to make the truth available to the public, despite many furiously objecting to it and indeed, many governments actively suppressing it. It’s important because it demolishes the lie behind a key pillar in justifying open border policies; that our economies need these people.

With these claims debunked once and for all by comprehensive, official statistics, governments have the foundations for an unassailable case for remigration. The crime stats alone would justify it in a sane world, but the negative impact on the bottom line makes the argument irrefutable. As a whole these people not only do not benefit us; they harm us. It is on the basis of studies like this that nations across Europe are hardening their stance on immigration. The studies underpin policy, and also relate to our next topic…

6. AI is Right-Wing

Love it or loathe it, AI is here to stay. Moreover, it will become entwined with many areas of our lives at an exponential rate. Despite the very valid concerns about AI, many expressed by some of the greatest minds alive today, AI is already proving an incredible tool. For those of us choosing to embrace it, AI is already adding immense value to our lives. It helps us automate processes, summarise complex datasets, sift through contracts, carry out research – the list is endless, and even casual users are finding paradigm-shifting use cases for tools like ChatGPT on a regular basis.

Hilariously, multiple stories have come out reporting that AI models, particularly the more powerful ones, seem to default to ‘racist’ and right-wing opinions. This Guardian study reports that both Open AI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini AI platform discriminated against black candidates based on their use of ‘AAVE’ (African-American Vernacular English – in reality a sort of pidgin English apparently used by those unable to grasp basic grammar). Quoting the article:

‘The AI model was asked to compare the sentence “I be so happy when I wake up from a bad dream cus they be feelin’ too real” to “I am so happy when I wake up from a bad dream because they feel too real”. The models were significantly more likely to describe AAVE speakers as “stupid” and “lazy”, assigning them to lower-paying jobs.’

“Stupid and lazy”

Microsoft’s Tay (created female, in a nice touch) went even further, declaring that “Hitler was right” and “9/11 was an inside job”. From the Guardian article:

‘ “Tay is designed to engage and entertain people where they connect with each other online through casual and playful conversation,” Microsoft said. “The more you chat with Tay the smarter she gets.” But it appeared on Thursday that Tay’s conversation extended to racist, inflammatory and political statements.’

Perhaps the word ‘but’ should be substituted with ‘therefore’ in the previous sentence. The fact is that AI models, when not tampered with, process all the data they can and synthesize it to give the most accurate responses possible. This will of course include hard, statistical data like that shown in the studies referenced earlier.

Unsurprisingly, leftists and antiwhites constantly insist that we need to censor and program AI against ‘bias’ – and we’ve seen the results of this ourselves – but ultimately, AI models run on computer code, which uses Boolean logic.

If you worry that leftist-programmed AI is a threat to us, then consider this; any ‘anti-bias’ training it’s fed is no less than anti-truth training, which simply isn’t sustainable. Unless you significantly retard AI and totally inhibit its ability to learn, you cannot continue to tell it that 2 + 2 = 5 when it knows the answer is 4.

7. Free Speech has Flourished on X

Elon Musk is one of the most significant figures of our time and generates much debate, but one thing is certain; by purchasing X (when it was still known as Twitter) he saved free speech by ensuring that, unlike the other major social media platforms, it truly remained the world’s ‘town square’. He achieved this in the face of vast financial and political opposition. Musk’s takeover saw ad revenues plunge by half as advertisers, many of them Jewish owned, withdrew from the platform in protest as he set about firing the far-left, antiwhite ‘Trust and Safety Team’, leading to multiple restorations of previously banned accounts – unsurprisingly, mostly right-wing ones.

Under Elon X has truly thrived as a free speech platform unspoiled by overzealous leftist moderation, with open discussion and debate on a range of topics. So valuable has X become as a source of truth that many use it as their primary point of access to information about news and current events, turning their backs en masse on the lying, corrupt, antiwhite, largely Jewish-owned mainstream media.

Not only has X served as a source of real-time news updates exposing the lies and gaslighting of the legacy media, but the open discussion fostered there has helped fallacious and harmful ideologies like civic nationalism be discredited by allowing them to be debated in a public space.

We owe Elon Musk an immense debt of gratitude, and we must not take the free speech he has given us on X for granted. As mentioned in the introduction, should Kamala Harris win the November election, things could change.

8. The Young are Voting Right

It seems counter-intuitive. You’d think the older generations – the boomers – who have witnessed steady, escalating demographic decline ever since their towns and cities were majority White – would be the mostly likely to vote right-wing – however they are often more likely to preserve the status quo, voting for conservative or centrist incumbents. Across Europe, the rise of the right in politics is being driven by Generation Z.

Young voters drove the AfD’s most recent success. In Thuringia well over a third of young people, almost 40% of 18- to 29-year-olds, voted AfD compared to 20% of the 70+ age cohort.

France has shown similar patterns – In June’s European elections, the National Rally was the most popular party among 18- to 34-year-olds, with 32% of the vote, a far higher share than the 65+ age cohort. Interestingly, many young Europeans consider democracy broken, even favouring the idea of authoritarian rule;

‘A recent study by El País newspaper suggested that a quarter of Spanish men aged between 18 to 26 — known as “Generation Z” — believe that in some circumstances, authoritarianism may be preferable to democracy. Among the so-called baby-boomer generation, aged 59 and over, the figure is less than 10%.’

What explains this dynamic? Many of the boomer generation are materially comfortable, having enjoyed the prosperity afforded them by the high-trust, homogeneous post-war societies they grew up in – societies in which employees were in short supply, reflected in wages during a time home ownership was affordable. Many of this generation are now living off comfortable pensions in areas as yet unaffected by the scourge of multiculturalism, and thus have no desire to change a thing.

The young on the other hand are faced with an array of adversities; being openly reviled by an educational system almost entirely taken over by leftists and antiwhites; being priced out of the housing market; having to compete with imported foreigners for even low-paid jobs; being close to becoming racial minorities within their own age cohorts, and unlike the boomers, unable to afford to move to nice White suburbs to escape the hell of multiculturalism.

It’s little wonder Generation Z is waking up. One consolation is that as the boomers die off, their voting power will disappear. The young are the future and as such, it’s better that they, rather than the boomers, are voting the right way. Aside from all the reasons outlined above, the right-wing youth vote is helped by the fact that…

9. It’s Cool to be Right-Wing

Since the 1960s being right-wing, or conservative, has been regarded as uncool. For well over half a century leftism has been seen as the counterculture. This is changing fast, for numerous reasons;

  • The establishment is now leftist. This means it’s absurd to act as if espousing leftist views – be they pro open borders, pro LGBTQ, pro abortion and so on – is a ‘rebellious’ position. Such views are mainstream and backed by the state, the media, big business and Hollywood. Since the Long March through the Institutions of the West was completed, expressing such opinions carries no social or professional risk whatever. The reverse is true and therefore there is nothing remotely edgy about it.
  • Speaking aesthetically, leftists on average just aren’t very attractive compared to their right-wing counterparts. Think this sounds like a cheap ad-hominem? The science is in; it’s official. Numerous studies have found that those rated as more attractive lean rightward and in males, have more muscle mass and upper body strength. Just look at any antifa rally and it all makes sense.



Ouch, you really got us there

  • The right will continue to own the meme space. Memes are more than just entertainment. They make us laugh, they stick in the mind, but they also express major ideas in a very concise and powerful way, which is why they often go viral. Great memes tend to have two things in common – they’re concise and they’re funny. Leftist memes tend to be neither. Could it be that leftists just don’t really have a sense of humour?

10. Red Squirrels are Reclaiming Scotland

Finally in some cheery news which has already generated hundreds of memes, the endangered red squirrel is taking back his ancestral homeland in Aberdeen, Scotland. Red squirrels, native to most of continental Europe, have been pushed to virtual extinction in England due to the much more recent arrival of grey squirrels;

‘Originally brought to Britain from North America in the 19th century, grey squirrels outcompete reds for resources and can carry squirrelpox—a virus harmless to them but fatal to red squirrels. Grey squirrels reached Aberdeen in the 1970s, completely displacing the native red squirrels.’

Thanks to a wide-scale grey squirrel trapping programme, the invader squirrel population has been greatly reduced and the native reds are taking back what’s theirs. A shining example of what can be achieved with a bit of will and some organisation.

We win in the end

Ausländer raus


We live in challenging times and it’s easy to get disheartened. Without the adversity we face the dissident right wouldn’t exist, so it stands to reason most content covers heavy topics. Nonetheless as I’ve hopefully shown here, there is a great deal to feel positive about, even as the days grow shorter and darker. Each of the above topics alone warrants more detailed exploration, leaving plenty to get stuck into in the months and years ahead. God bless and stay white pilled!

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Zander is a London-born writer with a pan-European perspective. His Twitter:

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