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Sietze Bosman delivers a piercing critique of modernity, exposing the hollowness of “freedom” as a guiding ideal and calling for a return to ancestral duty, ethnic continuity, and the revival of the race soul as the ultimate antidote to the decadence of the contemporary West.

Freedom! Freedom! The monotonous drumming of this hollow term has become the true mantra of today’s sick modernity. All ideological players in the public debate are rabidly obsessed with it. Freedom as the ultimate good. Freedom as the ultimate individual value. Yet what these freedom screamers are supposedly fighting for is a term that means nothing and will never contain any true substance.

Freedom, what is it then that the dogmatically chanting masses demand? If we define freedom as the absence of coercion, it becomes immediately apparent that the term is inherently self-contradictory. For our existence in nature means nothing less than being, ultima ratio, under the rule of the laws of nature. The absence of coercion can only be found in death, where one is no longer subject to the laws of nature.

If, instead, we understand freedom as the reduction of the individual to a kind of economic automaton — an entity valued only for its capacity to economically interact with other automatons — then a different picture emerges. For the individual living in this state, it appears as though they have the freedom to make all sorts of trivial choices, reinforcing the feeling that they have control over their own life. Meanwhile, they remain blind to the fact that choosing between ten kinds of peanut butter, fifteen kinds of toothpaste, a vacation to Greece or Turkey, or a rowhouse versus a corner house, are choices devoid of real significance. They feel master over their existence by spreading their favorite peanut butter on their sandwich, while, in the name of “freedom,” their human worth is reduced to the contents of their bank account.

So understood, society becomes the accidental outcome of millions of individual choices, with no guiding principle beyond the interactions between economic automatons, acting purely out of financial motives and the satisfaction of urges. People despise “big money,” but fail to see that the free society is wholly built upon the pursuit of personal financial gain. Greed drives the bottom, the middle, and the top of society alike. The very term “society” reflects nothing more than an aggregate of people engaged in business transactions: soulless, commercial, dead.

Freedom is a pseudo-word, a toy, a charming idea for idealistic mass thinkers.

Never does it occur to the masses that an individual only exists because they are inextricably descended from a specific ethnic group. Thousands of ancestors were needed to grant the individual life. One owes their existence so profoundly to their forebears that the concept of the individual, like freedom, is a delusion. An individual does not exist. One is always and only a link in the chain of generation after generation of a people. And with the same dedication with which our ancestors gave us life, we must live with an unwavering focus on the next generation, passing on the cultural flame. A people, and all who belong to it, live within a web of obligations and fulfilling these obligations is the highest good in human life.

Where “freedom” pursues happiness as the ultimate value, and society is essentially designed to satisfy every base corporeal desire, this pursued happiness remains devoid of any real meaning. Happiness has been reduced to a fleeting euphoria when consumer cravings are temporarily satisfied with a mail-order purchase. The country is now choking on thousands of delivery vans busy delivering this fleeting happiness.

The absolute low point of modern existence is the question of what it costs to raise a child and the equally reprehensible attitude of postponing or rejecting parenthood because the economic circumstances are “temporarily unfavorable.” In the all-consuming gratification of desires, people are entirely ensnared by the idea that life is something they happen to possess and have the inalienable right to handle as they please, including reducing human life to an economic figure for consideration.

A human life is, in fact, not the exclusive property of the holder. The life one leads is a gift from one’s ancestors. This gifted life is a flame passed down through the generations. The people thus have every right to demand the lives of their members in defense of the people if necessary. A single human life is not a separate entity; it is merely a temporary expression of life on a continuum of existence. This continuum is the race soul, or the Volksseele (folk soul). Nothing surpasses the importance of the continuation of this soul, and the lives of individual members of the people are wholly subordinate to this ultimate goal.

This is precisely why, in the West, as long as the disgusting laissez-faire “live-and-let-live” mentality prevails, there will never again be a revival of the folk soul. The modern person is so entrenched in purchasing power, labor union negotiations, and media consumption that they have no inkling of the essence of life.

The disease of modernity has become so pervasive that the spirit turning away from modernity can scarcely breathe in the suffocating modern world. It is the disease of living solely for oneself, without any consideration for the consequences for the people. We now literally see women striving to set records by sleeping with a thousand men in one day, transgender individuals in critical military positions, the sexualization of children, pressure to accept pedophiles, excessive incompetence in politics, indifference to the suffering of the population, and a society that is, in general, entirely emotionally immature. The ship is sinking, but the gluttonous masses are too deep in the trough to notice.

The future, therefore, does not belong to those chasing easy crypto-millions or selling themselves on OnlyFans. The future belongs solely to those who understand that life is about striving for something greater than self-interest. Those who surrender to the folk soul and take on the noble task of securing a future for our people are the true heirs of the folk soul.

The modern world has become anti-life because it no longer places the interests of the people above those of the individual. The reverse is true: the individual has become the cornerstone of the entire legal system. Our entire legal framework is designed to uphold the rights of the individual, based on the Déclaration des Droits de l’Homme et du Citoyen — the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, codified during the French Revolution. In this document we find the ground where the poisonous weed of the economification of humanity took root. As mentioned earlier, the term “freedom” is self-destructive and entirely unsuitable for defining what it intends to represent. Every attempt to formalize it into laws will, therefore, remain a perpetually fruitless endeavor. Yet, the entire Western world and its legal system are imbued with principles based on freedom and the individual. Nowhere does it mention the duty of people to ensure the continuation of future generations. Nowhere does it state that a person must, if required, lay down their life for the people. Nowhere does it declare that life is essentially lived for posterity. Nowhere is there a major focus in education on the history of the people. Instead, it is always the endless drivel about the rights of the individual, detached from any völkisch context.

The modern world must be rejected and actively encouraged to end. Its collapse is inevitable, and it is better to seek a swift conclusion than to needlessly prolong it. Many will not be able to endure this collapse because they are so hopelessly intertwined with the existing system that a sudden breakdown of ego-defining economic atomization will shock them to the point of madness or death.

It will be those who are already transitioning and spiritually disconnecting from the system who will withstand the storm of transformation. Those who seek the roots of the self in the soil of their ancestors will endure the upheaval and survive the coming storm.

Sietze Bosman

Sietze Bosman, 42, resides in the Netherlands. Having served in the military for four years, he transitioned into a career in construction and currently holds a position with an organisation specialising in affordable housing. Alongside his professional pursuits, Sietze is an avid writer of stories and poetry in his native language, Frisian, rather than Dutch, reflecting his deep connection to his Frisian heritage. He is dedicated to formulating a philosophical framework that unites the Frisian community in resistance against modernity. Sietze identifies himself as a philosopher, family man, and worshipper of Creation, with his philosophy centring around the natural order and the responsibility it entails. Motivated by this duty, he endeavours to bring his people together, even in the face of resistance.

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3 months ago

Thanks, and a hearty ‘here here!’ to you.

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