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In this thought-provoking interview, Guillaume Faye explores the philosophical, spiritual, and political dimensions of contemporary Paganism, offering a bold and unfiltered perspective on its resurgence in Europe. Rejecting both dogmatic monotheism and modern nihilism, he envisions a neo-Paganism that is both Promethean and Apollonian, rooted in the eternal rhythms of nature and the will to power.

Read the interview here.

Dr. Guillaume Faye

Guillaume Faye, born in 1949, obtained a Ph.D. in Political Science from the Institut d'etudes politiques de Paris. He was a principal organizer of the French New Right group GRECE in the 1970s and 80s, while also pursuing a career in journalism for magazines such as Figaro and Paris-Match. After leaving GRECE in 1986, Faye worked as a broadcaster for Skyrock radio and France 2 TV's Telematin program. He returned to political philosophy in 1998, publishing Archeofuturism, and went on to produce several challenging books. Faye passed away in 2019.

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