P R Reddall13 June 2023
P R Reddall22 May 2023
P R Reddall17 May 2023
P R Reddall29 April 2023
P R Reddall18 April 2023
P R Reddall14 April 2023
P R Reddall5 April 2023
P R Reddall29 March 2023
P R Reddall22 March 2023
P R Reddall grew up in the industrial midlands, but a love of the countryside saw him move to a small village in the west of England where he presently lives with his wife, three children and dog. Always pagan in his views, he came upon the faith of Odinism in his late teens. It appealed to his sense of natural order and offered a logical folkish lineage to gods and ancestors. He leads a small Odinist hearth, enjoys hikes in the mountains, lifting weights, riding his motorcycle and playing the guitar.