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Constantin von Hoffmeister offers a passionate defense of traditional American values and the need to preserve them in the face of woke liberalism and the corrupt political establishment, while championing the role of Donald Trump as a symbol of hope for the nation’s future.

UNPRECEDENTED CHAOS: Democracy under Siege! This correspondent brings you the jaw-dropping, heart-pounding saga of America’s downward spiral. The liberal mob’s VICIOUS ATTACK on the 45th President has sent shockwaves through the Land of the Free, casting a dark shadow over its once shining democracy. Third World Nation Alert: the USA now faces an identity crisis, struggling to hold on to its global reputation amidst this heated political tug-of-war!

Undeterred and unbroken, the lionhearted President stands tall, pledging to rise like a phoenix from the ashes and return stronger than ever to vanquish the swamp once and for all!

TRUMP’S EPIC STRUGGLE: The audacious commander-in-chief once valiantly attempted to DRAIN THE SWAMP, but alas, the wicked, shadowy forces lurking within proved too formidable. In a dastardly blow, the vile swamp creatures struck back, snatching Trump’s re-election in 2020 and now conspiring to annihilate him. Undeterred and unbroken, the lionhearted President stands tall, pledging to rise like a phoenix from the ashes and return stronger than ever to vanquish the swamp once and for all!

REPUBLICANS RISE UP: Enraged and emboldened, GOP loyalists stand by Trump, their CHAMPION of the common man. Trump’s staggering indictment has only FUELED their fire, sparking a fierce resolve to see him take back the Oval Office and fight the RIGGED system! As the political divide widens, America teeters on the brink of becoming a BANANA REPUBLIC with manipulated elections and TYRANNICAL laws.

The disenchanted masses tremble at the thought of their country’s downfall, desperately yearning for a return to the halcyon days of old – when true, authentic liberalism reigned supreme.

THE GREAT DISENFRANCHISEMENT: Millions of forlorn Americans feel utterly BETRAYED as they flock to Trump, their shining beacon of hope in the fight against the monstrous, woke liberalism that’s consuming their beloved nation. The disenchanted masses tremble at the thought of their country’s downfall, desperately yearning for a return to the halcyon days of old – when true, authentic liberalism reigned supreme. Now, as the insidious, insane version of liberalism threatens to snuff out the light of reason, these decent Americans join forces, vowing to stand strong and reclaim their once-great nation!

PERVERSE LIBERALISM RUNS AMOK: The once proud and orderly streets of America have been laid to waste by unruly BLM marauders, wantonly wrecking property and facing nary a consequence for their actions. Shockingly, the Democratic leadership not only turns a blind eye but seems to cheer on the pandemonium, fanning the flames of destruction! Indoctrination is the order of the day, as heavy-handed anti-racist and pro-gay agendas are rammed down the throats of unsuspecting Americans at every turn – be it in schools, workplaces, or on the small and big screens. To top it all off, commercials that promote “diversity and inclusivity,” showing people of different races and ethnicities together, saturate the airwaves. This has become an alarming trend and has sparked significant backlash among the masses who feel that it is a ploy to impose a certain worldview on them.

REWRITING HISTORY: The distortion of the past has reached a fever pitch! Netflix shows brazenly portray black aristocrats in Victorian England, falsely insinuating that the nation was brimming with Africans since time immemorial. Outrageous fabrications in films, TV series, and books shamelessly paint Whites in American history as perpetual villains and Blacks as unblemished heroes. If this scandalous tarnishing of European-Americans goes unchallenged, our impressionable youth will be duped into swallowing these lies as truth!

Armed with 100% loyalty, they’re locked and loaded to combat the nefarious establishment and guarantee their cherished leader emerges victorious.

BASE RALLIES ROUND TRUMP: The President’s unflinching loyalists have their eyes wide open to the perils he confronts and stand poised to gather behind him with unprecedented enthusiasm. Armed with 100% loyalty, they’re locked and loaded to combat the nefarious establishment and guarantee their cherished leader emerges victorious. The Democratic dictatorship may dream of disarming honest American citizens, but these freedom-loving patriots will never surrender their constitutional right to bear arms! Their unwavering belief in the sanctity of the Constitution shall be the bulwark against any attempt to strip them of their hard-won liberties!

FORCED INDOCTRINATION: The hallowed values of the United States are under siege from a most insidious foe – the progressive Left! Shockingly, young American children are being COMPELLED to endure the grotesque spectacle of gay pride parades with their lewd behavior and attire in full public view. Even worse, trans individuals are reading to young children in elementary schools, sowing seeds of confusion and discord in innocent young minds. This flagrant attack on traditional values is an outrage. Parents across the land are crying out in righteous anger, determined to rescue their cherished offspring from the clutches of such perverse indoctrination!

ILLEGAL ALIENS INVADE AMERICA: Millions of unauthorized immigrants are surging across the border, overwhelming authorities and posing a dire threat to the nation’s security. The border is an open wound, unsecured and vulnerable to infiltration by evil elements. This influx is nothing short of an invasion, a tsunami of humanity bent on taking advantage of America’s generous welfare system. The Democratic Party and traitorous Republicans are eager to replace indigenous citizens with a more pliable voter base and willing labor force. Meanwhile, crime – including heinous acts like rape and murder – is skyrocketing, and drugs are proliferating, leading to untold deaths among America’s youth. It’s time to take a stand and defend the very foundations of this great nation!

America must prioritize its own well-being and abandon the relentless push to impose its values on foreign nations and cultures.

AMERICA FIRST FERVOR: Trump’s ardent backers call for a decisive halt to overseas conflicts and unwarranted interference in the affairs of other sovereign lands. It’s high time to cut off aid to Ukraine, quit provoking Russia, and thwart the impending doom of World War Three. Isolationism is the rallying cry – America must prioritize its own well-being and abandon the relentless push to impose its values on foreign nations and cultures. “Bring our boys home,” they cry, “and let’s dismantle the anti-American military-industrial complex that profits from the blood of our brave soldiers!”

CIVIL WAR LOOMING? As tensions reach a boiling point, one can’t help but wonder if this vicious political struggle will ignite a civil war that tears America apart. Will brother turn against brother, neighbor against neighbor, in a desperate bid to save the country?

CALL TO ARMS: America’s once-proud democracy is on life support! Can the nation come together and reclaim the TRUE essence of old-fashioned liberalism before it’s too late? Will this scandalous attack on democracy serve as the wake-up call the Americans need to change course?

SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST: Only the strong will survive in this high-stakes battle for America’s soul. Will Trump’s loyal base be enough to overcome the swamp’s sinister grip and restore the Land of the Free to its former glory?

THE FINAL SHOWDOWN: The world watches with bated breath as the stage is set for a clash of titanic proportions. Will the indomitable spirit of the American people triumph over the forces of darkness, or will their once-great nation be lost to the annals of history?

DEFENDING TRADITION: Americans must fight to preserve their heritage and values in the face of this degenerate, woke liberalism that threatens to rewrite their history and reshape their culture. Parents, educators, and patriots must unite to counter the rising tide of revisionist narratives and ensure that future generations are not deceived by these fabrications.

America stands at a crossroads, grappling with its identity as it battles the forces of radicalism and extremism.

A NATION DIVIDED: America stands at a crossroads, grappling with its identity as it battles the forces of radicalism and extremism. Will the people reclaim their nation from the clutches of a distorted, manipulative ideology, or will they succumb to the pressure and watch their country transform into a distorted version of its former self?

THE ROAD AHEAD: The stakes have never been higher for the United States, as it faces a critical juncture in its history. Trump’s supporters and those who value the principles upon which the nation was founded must rise to the occasion and confront the challenges head-on, determined to restore the country to its rightful place as a bastion of freedom and democracy.


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Constantin von Hoffmeister

Constantin von Hoffmeister studied English Literature and Political Science in New Orleans. He has worked as an author, journalist, translator, editor and business trainer in India, Uzbekistan and Russia. You can subscribe to his newsletter here:

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1 year ago

At first they said they were going to postpone the grand jury for a month and then all of a sudden wham, the indictment is handed down later in the afternoon to try and avoid too many people from commenting on it at the same moment. This indictment has now opened up a whole can of worms as now the more vindictive and opportunistic members on both sides of the political spectrum see the merit of using “weaponized legalism” to go after their political opponents with “dungeon, fire and sword;” the left of course being the first to capitalize on that front since their power is in the ascendant, but times change and power shifts and they could very well find themselves in the crosshairs someday.

Trump would be foolish to turn himself in as this is the most blatant and egregious example of political railroading to try and disqualify someone from seeking re-election on record, but more importantly I don’t believe they can guarantee his safety since there are far too many political power players in New York who will try to do whatever it takes to see that this man’s life ends the moment they can create an opportunity to see it through

With this indictment America is no longer a Republic with democratic institutions but is now just as much of an authoritarian oligarchy as any Russia or China could ever hope to be, the only difference being that we are ruled from a sewer.

Richard Wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  chowfun

Dont be so naive: America has never been a republic with democratic instituions, unless you mean lies,facades, indicting Trump is a powerful move, it shows that the freaks ,the people pushing trans genital worship and nonstop war KNOW how to play, in power you fight like a totalitarian, the one with power uses it, conservatives are weak, whining about Hunter Biden…

America needs a dictatorship with brutality, mass imprisonment(1984,We,Iron Heel), hopelessness, incessant (1984)war,mass poisoning( brave new world)….oh, wait,they already have it: a totalitarian idiocracy ,the only nation on earth that has no poor,no workers, only ” temporary disadvantaged future billionaires”…

America went from putsch to oligarchy in one year and has remained an oligarchy of retards ever since.

1 year ago
Reply to  chowfun

It seems as if his Secret Service agents are obligated to prevent his arrest and provide security for him even if he is booked. Very strange and interesting. I agree he should not turn himself in.

1 year ago tracks updates from him. I think it’s time for Trump to get active on the big social media platforms again even though I prefer the alternatives. Reaching as many people as possible is important.

1 year ago
Reply to  PS

It’s hard to understand why he isn’t using Twitter. Maybe some contractual obligation?

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