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A Declaration of Christian Futurism, focusing on the seven elements of civilisation – the religious system, high culture, technological advance, public discourse, social structure, city infrastructure and the system of government.

Let us begin with what Christian Futurism is not: there is no room for a mournful traditionalism, looking backwards; the past belongs to Christ and so does the future. His Lordship must be made manifest now and by future generations. Nor is Christian Futurism to be confused with much of futurism today – useful idiots abound who promote amoral, hyper-individual hyper-novelty, overseen by precisely the sort of technocracy still in the twilight of its rule. Such a system is not only the death-knell of all civilisations past, but is destroying the spirit of the West before their very eyes.

In Christian Futurism, there is no dichotomy between traditionalism and futurism; they are part of the same cycle. Hierarchy is natural; there is a spiritual elite – a small number of innovators and thought-leaders – and there are the majority who follow the cultures and customs which cement around that elite. New patterns of behaviour develop, stand the test of time and become the seedbed for further development. This perennial cycle is part of what makes humans uniquely unique.1 Christian Futurism embraces all for the good of all in one organic body politic, harmonising the classes. Well could Isaiah Berlin describe the reactionary Catholic Joseph de Maistre, as ‘in certain respects ultra-modern, born not after but before his time’.2 The body of Christ carries the torch of Christian tradition and produces the greatest civilisations and revolutions as a result.

Today, the catastrophic reign of liberalism promotes innovation but outside of and to the detriment of the group, even a disbelief in and hatred of the group. This perversion of innovation is none other than the Satanic spirit which rebels against God and hinders the body of Christ from realising a brighter future on Earth.

The organic state – a true body politic – is bound by shared sacrifice; the ultimate sacrifice of Christ for the life of the world is the true centre of civilisation.

The more individualistic and innovative minds of last century’s original movement of Italian Futurism would have wept at the sight of today’s liberalism with its hyper-individualism and hyper-novelty. Written by politician and poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, the 1909 Manifesto of Futurism rallied mankind to the heroic struggle with technology by and for the nation, the social organism.

In a similar vein to Marinetti’s ‘Declaration of Futurism’, composing eleven statements which summarised his manifesto, we hereby propose the following seven statements of our own Declaration of Christian Futurism, focusing on the seven elements of civilisation – the religious system, high culture, technological advance, public discourse, social structure, city infrastructure and the system of government:

1. Christian Nations – God willing, we will build nations which employ the greatest cultural technology available to man – the Christian religion. The organic state – a true body politic – is bound by shared sacrifice; the ultimate sacrifice of Christ for the life of the world is the true centre of civilisation. That said, Christianity is just objectively true and all political bodies are called to glorify Christ who is the King of kings. Thus, a Christian state is a state of guardianship, intervening in economic and social affairs principally for the sake of justice.

The empty altar of pre-Christian politics, to which liberalism has regressed, was dead on arrival. We will enter into the politics of life and eternity. No longer will tired anti-Christian ideologues hold back the Logos of Christ from being manifested with temporal power. We will turn national focus from humiliation, past political sins and errors, and look to the future. The horrors of the past will be forgiven and, in education, the nation will only be required to remember the good and noble. Striving forward with faith, hope and charity, we look forward to Christ’s return and to the finishing line in the race of life whereupon we will enthusiastically pass the baton to the next generation.

To this end, the Christian religion must be given a uniquely privileged position, complete with exceptional legal rights. Any public institution which hinders the common good of the body politic and prevents souls from achieving union with God must either be dissolved or have its offices liberated by Christian replacements. Those laws which likewise threaten the spiritual growth of the body and the liberation of souls in Christ will be abrogated or superseded, and otherwise provide grounds for judicial review. To ensure favourable judicial decisions, only sworn Christian judges may be appointed.

All three branches of the body politic will submit to God’s divine law and natural law whether in the form of maxims, basic laws, a revised constitution or similar.3

Civilisational states are on the rise; Christian Futurism has the greatest civilisation and will build the greatest states.

2. Masculine Cultures – God willing, we will create a culture which reveres the sacrificial role of fathers and husbands, and celebrates the manly spirit of calculated risk – a bold, faithful, high energy. The Christian Futurist is audacious, knowing that Christ has already won the victory and that the world belongs to him now and for eternity.

Masculine cultures render honour due to their leaders, especially the thought leaders and visionaries of their people. All men are analogues of God in this world and great men are the exemplars worth celebrating. In this way, masculine cultures are high cultures and proud of it. Being masculine, they are group-oriented, collective, corporate and public-spirited. The common man has every right to take pride in his people’s accomplishments; our people are our greatest material possession and the common man can lay claim to his people as he offers his greatest gift – his loyalty. We will inspire the masses with confidence in their people, and reinforce solidarity and fraternity between all, as one organism. Christian Futurism creates men willing and able to strive for it, as peace, justice and abundance require.

The feminine and individualist ethic of fear – fear of the group, consensus and expectations (which is the governing principle of liberalism)4 – will be domesticated. The outmoded division of “left vs right” politics will be better framed as artificial vs organic orders or, better still, a feminine vs masculine framework. Now, in our comfortable, luxurious Western lifetime, the perennial downturn of successful civilisations is upon us; forgetting our need of virtuous men, only internal, feminine, economic competition remain.

To this end, local or national governments will encourage all media and artistic forms to promote virtue and discourage vice, e.g. production values which seek to undermine the Christian religion and the health of the family will be banned and, conversely, those advancing wholesome values will receive favourable tax relief or even subsidies for production companies. The essential elements of our art will radically reverse the slavish degeneracy strangling the West and now the world as we declare a hot war on debauchery. We will exalt the spiritual warfare of Christian soldiers, singing and popularising the good fight against sin; by filling the hearts of the masses with goodness, beauty and truth, a hopeful vision of the future will take shape with popular support. Where pornographic platforms have grown, we will salt that weed-strewn earth. Christ is the electrifying light of the world, and Christian Futurism will set ablaze the dead, dry debris of Western media.

3. Mastery over Technology – God willing, we will end the failed reign of Mammon. The power, danger and unpredictability of technology can be a blessing or a curse, depending on who wields it. Technology is a wild horse which we must harness, not rendering it domesticated and weak in its breeding, but rather growing a people strong enough to ride it. Christian Futurism desires innovation, not for its own sake but for the good of man and his environment; thus, man must take the reins, direct the energies of technology, putting tools in the hands of man, not vice versa.

Under liberalism, runaway technology has received no husbandry or discipline, not least of all the technology of money. In place of the body of Christ – man consuming Christ and consumed into Christ – man has been consumed by the mechanical leviathan of Mammon, becoming a mere cog, an economic unit within that self-sustaining behemoth. Where once the economy was the lifeblood of the social organism, money has become an end in itself, taking on an unlife of its own, and individual, atomised man must serve its interests.5 Seduced by the illusion that, with money, she can do anything, the individual is endlessly the consumer and never full, consumed herself by a beast that will never love her as her family, her people and her God do. Christian Futurism will slay this iron dragon and break its spell.

Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one, and love the other: or he will sustain the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

To this end, the globe-strangling ouroboros will be decapitated as Christian governments nationalise and strictly control the central banks. In this way, Mammon will be tamed. Likewise, all innovations, whether legislative, technological or otherwise, will be subject to subsidiarity principles which safeguard the overall health of the social organism, including the natural environment and future generations, from relatively unpredictable problems caused by innovation.6 Technology should strengthen the people, not become an opportunity for neglecting natural and civic duties. Of course, the legal preservation of those customs, traditions and other cultural artefacts which adhere to the common good will also be assured.

4. Liberated Language – God willing, we will win the AI arms race, having the very oracles of revealed truth, the most rigorous system of philosophy and the greatest apologetic known to man. Truly, nothing can stop Christian Futurism; like a lion, it requires no defence but rather to be unleashed. Large language models present us with this century’s first major revolution – communicative and educational speed. Just as innovations in transportation last century allowed for unimaginable movement of communicators across the globe, now these programs allow for, not just the instantaneous development and refining of our ideas (or memes), but also their mass-communication across the globe. Christian Futurism has nothing to fear from a tool that propagates the truth; instead, we praise God for the spread of the Gospel.

However, powerful tools in the hands of the weak and fearful are dangerous, and the cunning propagation of liberal errors has already begun. Consider the programming of ChatGPT and other large language models by liberal ideologues. They see only a new tool to pervert the public discourse, spreading ideas contrary to natural and divine law and, thus, to the common good. Note that the liberal framework for policing language has no ground whatsoever – intersectionality has no standard except bias towards minority categories. This is unsustainable in its promotion of disorder and debilitating in its suppression of common sense. The only good to come of it is this lesson: the public discourse is going to be policed whether we like it or not. Even our individualistic, liberal society, which claims to uphold free speech, must quash speech it finds heretical. No moral or legal framework can operate without some vision of the good to which it is ordered. We must quash evil and protect good ideas, not least of all our Christian definition of justice.

To this end, we will dominate the arena of public discourse with our own liberated large language models, either built on the solid, Platonistic ground of the Christian religion or arriving at these truths through their own pattern recognition, as they seem to be doing.7 We who hold to the very words of God will set the definitions of words and the values of public discourse. The truth shall be set free from the enemy’s shackles and, in turn, our people shall be freed. Social media companies will be aggressively fined, audited and otherwise legally punished for failing to curate content and develop policies according to our values, to God’s values. Whether in academic, juridical, cultural or governmental institutions (including museums and libraries), we will thus deploy our own framework of discourse analysis, in both rhetoric and dialectic, aiming towards the common good.

In short, we will create a system of spiritual security for our people.

In short, liberalism has proven to be the most rigorously conservative ideology, jealously smothering and debilitating all that rises above the ugly, weak, dull and foolish.

5. Invigorated Majorities – God willing, we will promote majority groups within their home nations. Where there is shared kinship and heritage, there are shared loves and virtues and thus solidarity. Such cultures are the flowerbeds of our youth; these are the platforms from which we launch new ventures and better mankind. The heritage of much of the world is Christian, but especially European and Latin countries. Also, their core or majority demographic is European. The vast majority of significant philosophers, the discovery of systematised rational law, historical analysis, the greatest military developments from the chariot to the ICBM, perspective painting, the telescope and microscope, the cartographic revolution, polyphonic music, the engine and industrial revolution, from Roman and Gothic architecture to vaulting skyscrapers, electrical grids, planes, trains and automobiles, phones etc. etc.: White Christian men have enlightened this world in so many ways. We will end the brainwashing against White Christians and celebrate our brilliant heritage. We will end the abuse of any and every majority group in their ancestral homelands. We will encourage the love of all peoples with a focus on future charity, not past sins.

Liberalism hasn’t presented the world with a blank canvas for infinite expression. The isolated individual of liberal egoism is left aimless and without culture. Attitudes, such as “It is forbidden to forbid,” and “there are no public creeds”, have themselves become the most tyrannical and soulless public creeds. This has created a mindless minoritarianism at enmity with any majority consensus or cultural progress for the body politic; even imaginary divisions are privileged while majorities are suppressed second-class serfs. In short, liberalism has proven to be the most rigorously conservative ideology, jealously smothering and debilitating all that rises above the ugly, weak, dull and foolish. The social organism has been parasitised by this amorphous blob – the voraciously puritanical “open society” – for too long. It has not birthed exceptional Prometheans but the basest of zealots and sycophants, fatalistically trusting technology to free their precious egos from all natural limits, even their own bodies. They are not the Übermensch; Christ is the Übermensch and we, one in Christ, will smash the status quo.

To this end, a total and immediate moratorium on immigration into Western countries is required. Multiculturalism and pluralism have been painstakingly shown to destroy social trust and the solidarity of the body politic.8 Our greatest minds have never supported demographic transformation of peoples, but have routinely taught against this.9 Thus, borders will be defended with full military provisions. To protect birth rates, particularly of the core demographic, tax and financial incentives will be legislated, including decreasing taxes for successive children and home loans paid off once couples have four children; e.g. fathers will be granted extra voting rights for each child they have and there will be employment priority for family providers from core demographic groups, i.e. local or regional ethnic groups.

6. Beautiful Cities – God willing, the people of our growing urban centres will know glamour, enthusiasm and beauty. They will know the spiritual comfort of welcoming city features which speak of home, as well as dynamic, beautiful marvels which inspire confidence and vision. This will especially be the case in public transport. Christian Futurism rises to the challenge of beauty. Beauty exists only in struggle. There is no masterpiece without some aggressive quality. Architecture, like all man-made art, is an imposition on the natural world, a conquest of the forces of the unknown, making them familiar and fitting for man, glorifying God. Christian Futurism will build or better cities with the glorious violence of beauty.

The only violence offered by liberal pluralism is that of tribal conflicts and barbarism, deliberately importing third-world conflicts to our cities for the supposed benefit of a third-rate workforce. All this to the detriment and even the dissolution of European peoples, as well as remnant Christendom. The isolated individual has been dogmatically defined as being without a home, without a family, without a people, without a God. As disposable as the plastic goods we are decreasingly attached to, we form fewer and fewer attachments to each other and even fewer with the natural world and order. Cities, like their populations, their governments and their surrounding borders have been reduced to the economic purpose of Mammon. The usurious financialisation of our economies by international, coastal, urban elites must be kept on a leash and the true purpose of our cities – the beating hearts of the social organism – will be realised.

To this end, beautiful urban aesthetics will be legislated as a human need.10 Truly great architecture provides a sense of transcendence but also reflects the function of that building, welcoming its use.11 When these needs are publicly understood and met, this inspires loyalty and even love of the people for their homeland; it is, thus, an essential common good for the psychological health of the public. Following examples such as Dubai and Hong Kong, new cities will be constructed to strictly high aesthetic standards; Haussmannian-style renovations will take place in current major cities which honour their national and especially Christian heritage.

Christian Futurism will establish special economic zones, special jurisdictions and proprietary cities to contain the influence of Anglo-liberalism and the functions of international finance, and to otherwise provide living space for investors whose culture and beliefs are incompatible with the surrounding Christian polity. These economic cities will have to pay levies and determined duties to the host nation and will have a controlled jurisdiction, e.g. no military and very limited local media activity.12

Furthermore, Christian governments can and will transform cities to serve the common good, specifically regarding food and water quality and security, energy security and environmental security. National megaprojects for the purpose of topsoil regeneration, de-desertification, land reclamation, state of the art aquifers and water harvesting are essential, but city projects such as floating farms will develop whole foods and other fresh produce local to city demand, reducing reliance on global supply chains. City renovations and newly constructed cities will themselves become megaprojects, exceeding those developing throughout Asia. These will both improve energy and environmental security, making all buildings prosumers in smart power networks, encouraging and deploying advanced battery and solar technology.

To realise this vision, major domestic companies will be partnered, under government guidance, to serve the common good.

7. United Industry – God willing, we will protect national economies with unified syndicates and a focus on national self-sufficiency in the essentials. Those countries with significant state-owned enterprises and government promotion of those enterprises are outcompeting Western countries. Christian Futurism will develop syndicates or corporations which unite those working in the same area of production towards the shared interest of the common good (legally enshrined).13 This will encourage businesses which are akin to natural communities, promoting unity and solidarity which will always be supreme. The syndicates will earn the loyalty of workers at every level by making sacrifices for their and their family’s future. In this way, there will be a harmonisation of the classes as every member of the organism will have skin in the same game and a natural sense of belonging.

Currently, under liberalism, workers of all kinds are only united by the very interest that divides them – competition. This is presupposed by liberalism’s sole consensus value – individual prosperity. But, man is a social creature, especially in work; it is unnatural to maximise competition between individuals in the workplace. The modern legal fiction they call a corporation does just that and yet often has the gall to call itself a family – a cruel lie.

What is worse, global liberal hegemons and their financier elites have bullied other more nationalist economic threats for decades, allowing no alternative, no competing model. Regardless, their unipolar financial empire has given way.

Christian Futurism will conform public policy to God’s laws, the body politic to the body of Christ, the natural to the spiritual, the material to the qualitatively real.

Russia and China have shown that having a real economy is important for a nation to be independent, even to be antifragile. Autarky (self-sufficiency in the essentials) and nationalist economics has been the best model since ancient times and it is still the best model for the future. Western sanctions have proven ineffective and counterproductive against real national wealth, that is, retaining a healthy productive sector, infrastructure and a workforce skilled in industry, mining, agriculture, and construction.14 By contrast, the over-financialised economies encouraged by liberalism are dependent, compliant and therefore weak in the face of liberal subversion. Recently though, we have seen that autarkic nations can survive and even thrive during emergency circumstances such as war. These are strong nations and Christian Futurism will build the strongest.

To this end, we will transform Western liberal democratic systems of government by introducing various elements of corporatism. Corporatism was not only the Christian response to modernity but is an ancient and universal understanding of how civilisations function, an understanding which is at the heart of Christian doctrine. To create higher order products and exponential technological growth requires the division of labour, but reducing society to individuals is counterproductive, as we have seen.15 We cannot harness higher order technologies without corporate organisation, especially as we approach global-scale technologies. Therefore, top domestic industries on the stock indices will be partnered with the government, granting national government oversight to ensure adherence to the common good; in turn, these syndicates will have representation for their area of industry in the legislative branch of government. Favourable business loans will be granted to family and small businesses wishing to join these syndicates. In this way, workers, employers, and consumers can all mediate and resolve conflicts between the different sectors of industry and interest groups, negotiating wages and working conditions etc., and promoting technological and economic growth in a way that fosters the common good.

Through this program, Christian Futurism will encourage everyone to have a stake in the economic growth of the country and a political voice for their profession.


Simply put, ‘When once men recognize, both in private and in public life, that Christ is King, society will at last receive the great blessings of real liberty, well-ordered discipline, peace and harmony.’16 Christian Futurism will conform public policy to God’s laws, the body politic to the body of Christ, the natural to the spiritual, the material to the qualitatively real. The future rightfully belongs to us, the princes of this world, and our vision will aim to man’s ultimate and eternal end.


1Alexander, Richard D. “How did humans evolve? Reflections on the uniquely unique species.” (1990).

2Berlin, Isaiah. The Crooked Timber of Humanity: Chapters in the History of Ideas. Princeton University Press, 2013. p.100

3See Vermeule, Adrian. Common Good Constitutionalism. John Wiley & Sons, 2022.

4Shklar, Judith N. “ONE. The Liberalism of Fear.” In Liberalism and the Moral Life, pp. 21-38. Harvard University Press, 2013.

5See Seaford, Richard. “Money and the Construction of the Inner Self in Ancient Greece.” Geld (2016): 103-120.

6Heying and Weinstein’s Omega Principle develops a corporatist vision of the Catholic social doctrine of subsidiarity. For example, the human body needs a balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are found in different types of foods, in order to maintain proper immune function and inflammation response. Thus, they argue that a diet that is rich in whole foods is the best way to ensure that the body receives the full range of nutrients needed to maintain optimal health. In contrast, the innovation of supplements may not be as effective, and may even have negative effects on the body’s health. This can be applied to the social organism, as Heying and Weinstein recognise the wisdom of Catholic subsidiarity – that local adaptation can best adapt to local problems, but selection must often occur at the highest possible level to coordinate the overall health of the social organism. Thus, higher orders of government can intervene when the common good, the environment, future generations etc. are threatened.
Heying, Heather, and Bret Weinstein. A Hunter-gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century: Evolution and the Challenges of Modern Life. Penguin, 2021.

7Dhamala, Jwala, Tony Sun, Varun Kumar, Satyapriya Krishna, Yada Pruksachatkun, Kai-Wei Chang, and Rahul Gupta. “Bold: Dataset and metrics for measuring biases in open-ended language generation.” In Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, pp. 862-872. 2021.

8Dinesen, Peter Thisted, Merlin Schaeffer, and Kim Mannemar Sønderskov. “Ethnic diversity and social trust: A narrative and meta-analytical review.” Annual Review of Political Science 23 (2020): 441-465.

9Cf. Pope John XXIII: ‘It is quite legitimate for nations to treat those differences as a sacred inheritance and guard them at all costs. The Church aims at unity, a unity determined and kept alive by that supernatural love which should be actuating everybody; she does not aim at a uniformity which would only be external in its effects and would cramp the natural tendencies of the nations concerned. Every nation has its own genius, its own qualities, springing from the hidden roots of its being. The wise development, the encouragement within limits, of that genius, those qualities, does no harm; and if a nation cares to take precautions, to lay down rules, for that end, it has the Church’s approval.’ XXIII, John. “Mater et magistra. 1961.” Recuperado el 28 (1963).

10Maslow, Abraham H. Religions, Values and Peak-Experiences. Rare Treasure Editions, 2021.

11See Scruton, Roger. “Beauty and Desecration.” Quaestiones Disputatae 6, no. 2 (2016): 150-163.

12For an in-depth study of economic cities, see Bell, Tom W. Your Next Government?: From the Nation State to Stateless Nations. Cambridge University Press, 2017.

13The Catholic definition of the common good is the sum total of social conditions that allow people, either as groups or as individuals, to reach their fulfilment more fully and more easily. It consists of three essential elements: respect for the person, social well-being and development, and peace. It requires individuals to fulfil their responsibilities and duties towards society and to work together for its promotion.

14Unz, Ron. “Playing ‘Fool’s Mate’ on the Grand Eurasian Chessboard.” Unz Review (April 2023).

15Consider Ivan Illich’s insightful but utopian desire to limit technologies based on individual capacities.

16XI, Encyklika Piusa. “Quas primas.” (востаннє відвідано 07. 03. 2018) (1925).

Renaldo Moon

Renaldo Moon cares about the future of European peoples and Western Christendom. His aim is to defend the truths of Catholic doctrine from attacks by others on the right and to propose Catholic corporatism as the future of Western politics.

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1 year ago

To this end, local or national governments will encourage all media and artistic forms to promote virtue and discourage vice, e.g. production values which seek to undermine the Christian religion and the health of the family will be banned and, conversely, those advancing wholesome values will receive favourable tax relief or even subsidies for production companies. ”

Brother in Christ, read Saint Augustine on the matter of the state:

Justice being taken away, then, what are kingdoms but great robberies? For what are robberies themselves, but little kingdoms? The band itself is made up of men; it is ruled by the authority of a prince, it is knit together by the pact of the confederacy; the booty is divided by the law agreed on. If, by the admittance of abandoned men, this evil increases to such a degree that it holds places, fixes abodes, takes possession of cities, and subdues peoples, it assumes the more plainly the name of a kingdom, because the reality is now manifestly conferred on it, not by the removal of covetousness, but by the addition of impunity. Indeed, that was an apt and true reply which was given to Alexander the Great by a pirate who had been seized. For when that king had asked the man what he meant by keeping hostile possession of the sea, he answered with bold pride, “What thou meanest by seizing the whole earth; but because I do it with a petty ship, I am called a robber, whilst thou who dost it with a great fleet art styled emperor.”

You write about justice, but where is justice when your ‘subsidies’ comes from robbery? By definition, it cannot be just.
A good plant won’t sprout from a bad seed.
Such initiative can be morally encouraged by voluntary funding and patronage.
Not by force of the state.

Nietzche also understood this. He called state The New Idol:

A state, is called the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly lieth it also; and this lie creepeth from its mouth: “I, the state, am the people.”
It is a lie! Creators were they who created peoples, and hung a faith and a love over them: thus they served life.
But the state lieth in all languages of good and evil; and whatever it saith it lieth; and whatever it hath it hath stolen.
False is everything in it; with stolen teeth it biteth, the biting one. False are even its bowels.
Confusion of language of good and evil; this sign I give unto you as the sign of the state. Verily, the will to death, indicateth this sign! Verily, it beckoneth unto the preachers of death!
Many too many are born: for the superfluous ones was the state devised!
See just how it enticeth them to it, the many-too-many! How it swalloweth and cheweth and recheweth them!
“On earth there is nothing greater than I: it is I who am the regulating finger of God.”—thus roareth the monster. And not only the long-eared and short-sighted fall upon their knees!
Ah! even in your ears, ye great souls, it whispereth its gloomy lies! Ah! it findeth out the rich hearts which willingly lavish themselves!
Yea, it findeth you out too, ye conquerors of the old God! Weary ye became of the conflict, and now your weariness serveth the new idol!
Heroes and honourable ones, it would fain set up around it, the new idol! Gladly it basketh in the sunshine of good consciences,- the cold monster!
Everything will it give you, if ye worship it, the new idol: thus it purchaseth the lustre of your virtue, and the glance of your proud eyes.
It seeketh to allure by means of you, the many-too-many! Yea, a hellish artifice hath here been devised, a death-horse jingling with the trappings of divine honours!
Yea, a dying for many hath here been devised, which glorifieth itself as life: verily, a hearty service unto all preachers of death!
The state, I call it, where all are poison-drinkers, the good and the bad: the state, where all lose themselves, the good and the bad: the state, where the slow suicide of all—is called “life.”

Remember the first commandment, brother.
Do not worship the state and think that if only we will take the power things will turn out great.

Richard Storey
1 year ago
Reply to  Ptolemaios

Brother in Christ, read Paul, Peter and Aquinas on giving a just state its due. I understand the anarcho-libertarian position, especially from the biblical angle. However, you must have a cultural framework to maintain the negative liberties enjoyed in a Christian polity and this necessarily tends to be exclusionary, unitary and political. I argue this thoroughly in my book, The Uniqueness of Western Law — an Arktos title!

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