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Sietze Bosman presents a poem in praise of what the masses adore.

Thank god we have democracy
we now adhere to the edicts of the mundane
Thank god we have democracy
we exalt the unappealing and the profane

Thank god we have democracy
we fill our public sphere with the ugly and the repugnant
Thank god we have democracy
We celebrate the degenerate and the aberrant

Thank god we have democracy
where we can enjoy fast food and entertainment
Thank god we have democracy
with high cholesterol as our highest attainment

Thank god we have democracy
where we blissfully sponsor the unproductive
Thank god we have democracy
where laziness has become fiscally attractive

Thank god we have democracy
spiritual happiness is a soy decaf latté
Thank god we have democracy
sustainably consume your worries away

Thank god we have democracy
where we hate the natural and the illiberal
Thank god we have democracy
where we deny standards in general

Thank god we have democracy
paradise for the dim and the rote
Thank god we have democracy
they even got the right to vote

Thank god we have democracy
our sport is cultural tainting
Thank god we have democracy
and glue our face to a painting

Thank god we have democracy
we all gather in the climate congregation
Thank god we have democracy
and we excel in self-immolation

Thank god we have democracy
where we precipitously put our virtues on display
Thank god we have democracy
and ecstatically give our sovereignty away

Thank god we have democracy
praise the commercial, abhor the blood
Thank god we have democracy
Hail fluïdity and destroy tradition for good!

Thank god we have democracy
human ascendence we have on every breath
Thank god we have democracy
transhumanism will help us cheat death

Thank god we have democracy
collectively we applaud our maltreatment
Thank god we have democracy
but at least we do so in agreement

Thank god we have democracy
we flood our lands with glorious diversity
Thank god we have democracy
speak not of crime, filth, or social enmity

Thank god we have democracy
where we have opened all the borders
Thank god we have democracy
and from Soros receive our marching orders

Thank god we have democracy
now invading hordes have the upper hand
Thank god we have democracy
and shall formulate the laws in our land

Thank god we have democracy
We are now a minority, and that’s a good thing
Thank god we have democracy
we have finally cut off our right wing

Thank god we have democracy
we march to a future so sanctimonious
Thank god we have democracy
we are the apologetic and the pious

Thank god we have democracy
our world shall burn and we shall bow
Thank god we have democracy
but we voted for it, so it is right somehow

Thank god we have democracy
give all our taxes away to fight a war somewhere
Thank god we have democracy
but of misery at home speak you shall not dare

Thank god we have democracy
the state is all-wise, doubt not its intent
Thank god we have democracy
our god is the government

Thank god we had democracy
we voted in effect fate and our destiny
Thank god we had democracy
we attest to this from our corner of the cemetery

Sietze Bosman

Sietze Bosman, 42, resides in the Netherlands. Having served in the military for four years, he transitioned into a career in construction and currently holds a position with an organisation specialising in affordable housing. Alongside his professional pursuits, Sietze is an avid writer of stories and poetry in his native language, Frisian, rather than Dutch, reflecting his deep connection to his Frisian heritage. He is dedicated to formulating a philosophical framework that unites the Frisian community in resistance against modernity. Sietze identifies himself as a philosopher, family man, and worshipper of Creation, with his philosophy centring around the natural order and the responsibility it entails. Motivated by this duty, he endeavours to bring his people together, even in the face of resistance.

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