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Richard Wilson argues that the Trump election doesn’t bode well for us.

In ancient Rome, we are told, there were people, augurs, who tried to understand current situations, or the future, by the actions of birds, mainly, but also other natural phenomena. To do this was called “taking the auspices.” We are not so lucky to have an augur, not even a haruspex (a diviner trained in reading the entrails of animals). We would have more of an idea of what to expect from Donald Trump. As it is, the pundits, the sages, philosophers in social media and also in books are experiencing an incessant wave of frisson after frisson with what this election means. This is greater than the Soviet victory in 1945 — Dugin.. 25 million dead from war with Hitler and the election of Trump is greater?

Before 1890 nobody would dare call themselves liberal or conservative. Conservatives should conserve, they are cautious, adhere to the tried and true, and are adamant about foreign adventures. They conserve the traditions of their particular culture. American conservatism is not conservativism. First, it’s economic anarchism, it’s Zionist, not nationalist, it’s a decade behind the Democrats. Democrats push trans rights, Donald Trump marries a gay couple in Mar-a-Lago.

Conflating Trump’s outsider stance and outsider standing with most white people is cuckoo politics. The enemy of my enemy is not always my friend. Many times they are also the enemy.

When judging a man, I usually look at the connection between his thoughts and his actions. Did he talk out his neck? Did he paint us a picture and do nothing? Yes. Did he talk a good game and underperform? Again, yes.

He talked rough, Russians even called him a cowboy. But the cowboys I’ve known, if they were president during the BLM riots? There would have been no riots. Trump did nothing. Between May 26 — June 8, the George Floyd/BLM riots caused between 1-2 billion in damages, the most destructive riots in US history. It’s tempting to say Trump fiddled as Rome burned. It’s worse, he spoke of being strong but hid. He did nothing. He couldn’t even bother to fiddle.

And, last year he spoke with Mark Fisher of Rhode Island BLM, which is not affiliated with the BLM, Inc… but Trump didn’t know this, or he did, either way it’s stupid to say “very honored to have his and BLM’s support.”

The most destructive riots in US history, and he is now very honored to have BLM’s support?

In today’s politics, we can’t hope, we have very few, if any, politicians who have our interests at heart. Including Trump. The parade of modern conservativism, the gays, the billionaire leaders, the slackjawed knuckledraggers, the tawny races, the wide-eyed foreign thinkers and pundits, the Traditionalists, the Red Tories, every type of “conservative” is under the narcotic high of this idget, the classical liberal economic conservatives, the aristocratic, the monarchistic, republican, social conservative, radical conservative, the far Right, the extreme Right — all seem to be walking straight-backed in his Victory Parade.. we would be wise to keep our jugulars hidden, our words few.

He has shown, again and again, that he is nobody’s friend, except the moneylenders and Wall Street.

A popular sight on YouTube is a conservative (sic), say, like Ben Shapiro, asking ultra-liberal students, “Who said the following quote?,” Marx or Christ, Marx or the Old Testament. It is hilarious to see these neo-Marxists stumble and mix up Christ with Marx.

So, Trump who isn’t a conservative by any stretch of the imagination, has said some pretty insane things, and Ernst Jünger, who was a conservative, perhaps the arch-conservative of the last 100 years, has said many sober things. Let’s play “Trump or Jünger,” I’ll give a quote and you tell me if Donald or Ernst said it. It’s going to be hard, so deep breath, let’s go:

It’s like golf… A lot of people — I don’t want this to sound trivial — but a lot of people are switching to these really long putters, very unattractive… It’s weird. You see these great players with these really long putters, because they can’t sink three-footers anymore. And, I hate it. I am a traditionalist. I have so many fabulous friends who happen to be gay, but I am a traditionalist.

Sorry losers and haters, but my IQ is one of the highest — and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure, it’s not your fault.

I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot people and I wouldn’t lose voters.

I would always try and seek him out in combat and kill him, and I expected nothing else from him. But never did I entertain mean thoughts of him. When prisoners fell into my hands, later on, I felt responsible for their safety, and would always do everything in my power for them.

Of course, I am on the Right, on the Left, in the Centre; I descend from the monkey; I believe only what I see; the universe is going to explode at this or that speed — we hear such remarks after the first words we exchange, from people whom we would not have expected to introduce themselves as idiots. If one is unfortunate enough to meet them again in five years, everything is different except their authoritative and mostly brutal assuredness. Now they wear a different badge in their buttonhole; and the universe now shrinks at such a speed that your hair stands on end.

Pygmies shortened the legs of tall Africans in order to cut them down to size; white Negroes flatten the literary languages.

The first three are by Jünger when he was visiting America in… No, of course they’re by Trump. The last three by Jünger. Of course. You say, “I know he’s not conservative” … I dont care that he supports gay marriage, abortion, Israel, that he’s not the type of man we’d let our daughters marry, that at a time of national emergency he sat on his hands and did nothing, etc., etc. I don’t care…

It doesn’t matter, I can rain on this parade, Alain de Benoist can rain on this parade, Ernst Jünger could rise from the dead and warn you all about this man… And many, if not most, would smile that smile of the guilty enjoying a guilty pleasure.

I would love to be wrong. If the only thing he does is kick out the illegals, all of them, not half, but all, he’d be a success, every orange cell of his porcine corpus. And, I’d be the first to congratulate him. But, I will wait and see. Fool me once…

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Richard Wilson

Richard Wilson is a writer and professional actor living and working in Moscow, Russia. Originally, he is from Humboldt County in the extreme northern part of California. Before acting, he worked as an Alaskan fisherman, a cowboy, lumberjack, dockworker, road builder, punk singer, farmer, and factory worker. He has performed in eleven Russian films, twelve Russian serials, and many commercials. He is currently finishing a collection of feuilletons about his experiences in Russia and a screenplay based on the last year of Baron Ungern von Sternberg's life.

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13 days ago

Thanks. Beggars were told they can be choosers, but only given two choices. Junger wasn’t one. I’ll settle for a mere 5 million deported. But very certain that nothing will happen. I hate politicians.

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