I had a remarkable experience two weeks ago when I was listening to Dr. Steve Turley’s interview with Constantin von Hoffmeister. The editor-in-chief of Arktos started talking about the ‘satanic ideologies from the elites’ that are ‘inherently evil’, practiced by ‘enemies of the people’. There must be something in the air here, because I was preparing an article about exactly this under the title ‘Satanocracy: A New Form of Government’. If, in all my modesty, I will make history as the one that coined this word, let me then also give the definition: satanocracy is the form of government in which governments rule by inflicting the maximum amount of harm, pain, damage and suffering on the people. The more the people suffer, the more successful the governments of satanocratic rulers.
The incentive to explore this unusual subject was handed to me by analyzing the governments of Mark Rutte in the Netherlands who was able to completely destroy one of the richest and happiest countries in the world in just over ten years, but in the last couple of months more examples of clear-cut satanocracy came to the forefront, which led to the strongest conviction at this point that I have hit something really big and fundamental that has never been described before. I’m talking about ‘grooming gate’ in the UK (the government ‘feeding’ young white women to sexual perverts from Pakistan) and the hellish burning of Los Angeles in the USA by the leftist governments of Sacramento and Washington and/or with the tacit assistance/condoning thereof. But the basis for this new concept of governance is to be found in the Covid years (2020-2022) when nearly all Western governments tortured the people with a toolkit of sadistic measures that had no other aim than — there it is — to inflict pain, misery and suffering: lockdowns, face masks, social distancing, testing and, worst of all, maximum pressure to inject the people with life-destroying poison.
It is worthwhile to mention here the different forms of government that are known thus far and that children learn in school: democracy, theocracy, aristocracy, meritocracy, autocracy, tyranny, monarchy, dictatorship, oligarchy, anarchy. There is no need to define these terms for this readership. Recently, a new term was coined by a Dutch colleague: algocracy, rule by AI-driven algorithms of the type Elon Musk is suspected of wanting to implement in the USA, inspired by Chinese social credit score systems. Another Dutchman, political scientist Tjeerd Andringa, invented in 2021 the term ‘kakistocracy’ (from the Greek kakistoi: the worst) to describe those governments (he was, of course, depicting the Dutch one) where they aim to promote the least capable and/or most deprived and/or perverted people in positions of power. Thus ‘kakistocracy’ can be considerd as the ‘lobby’ or the ‘foyer’ of satanocracy. The difference is that the former only describes the selection of people, whereas satanocracy is about the effects of their actions in government.
As with Covid, there is now broad agreement that the satanocratic policies of the various governments could be described as ‘warfare’ against the people — a war in which various weapons were used to inflict various types of harm (lockdowns: social isolation, depression; social distancing: destroy communities; face masks: enslaving and causing physical harm) with, as a ‘crown’ on the arsenal of weapons, the vaccination, which is now also called a ‘bioweapon’. In the case of the UK ‘grooming gangs’ (with were in reality rape gangs), Pakistani immigrants and their descendants were used as ‘weapons’ against the own population, and the California wildfires speak for themselves: fire and arson have been used as weapons against populations since the beginning of history.
In the Netherlands, where the Covid terror was pursued extremely harshly and even sadistically, we saw another variant of ‘satanocratic warfare’ against the people in which the fiscal authorities were weaponized to attack specific families with extreme fines as a result of which these families collapsed — and then the childcare machinery of the state came into play to take the young children away from these ‘dysfunctional’ families so that they could be placed in situations and locations where they could be sexually abused. There are alarming parallels here with the UK situation, the more so as the prime minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, was personally deeply involved in this vicious scheme that ultimately led to the collapse of his government after a tsunami of public anger, exactly what we see these days in the UK with the involvement of Keir Starmer in ‘grooming gate’. One more stunning example of satanocratic warfare in the Western world of today is the ‘green revolution’ that results in economic collapse, the bankrupting of small and medium enterprises, financial collapse of households — and, ultimately, in many cases of depression and suicides.
Is what is happening today with satanocratic governments unique in history? Are there no precedents? The answer is no — and that reinforces exactly my ‘joy’ in exploring this new political avenue. In the past, of course, the most horrible things imaginable happened, but these were the results of characterological deficiencies of individuals (emperor Nero-style) or of military violence (Spanish conquistadores, Verdun), religious persecution (the Inquisition, Muslim-Hindu wars in India) or racial targetting (apartheid in South Africa). We also see extreme examples of scientific targetting whereby sadistic experiments were launched against ignorant subjects like the Americans did with their soldiers. As such, these cruelties were all ‘limited’ in one way or another. In specific circumstances, there was a combination of military and racial targetting, as with the cruelties against the Indian population of North America. This is all completely different from the situation in which the torturing and starving out and murdering of the people is a ‘political theory’, like communism or liberalism.
To achieve their goals, the satanocrats have at their disposal and use much more weapons against the people than those already described. There is also the food and water poisoning and the weaponizing of the pharmaceutical industries (at the moment in the spotlight through the agenda of RFK jr. within the coming Trump administration), the ‘geoengineering’ and ‘chemtrailing’, the radiation warfare through 5G towers and smartphones, the destruction of health care infrastructure, the destruction of the family, the sexualisation of children, the extermination of farming and agriculture and much more. A denominator that stands out within this toolkit of horrors is paedophilia. There is now no denying anymore that a hallmark of satanocratic governments is that many people in positions of power prey on children as if they want to ‘sexually profit’ from a population that is doomed anyway. In short: in a full satanocratic state, all actions of the government are aimed at harming the population in one way or another. We have reached this level of satanocracy, in my opinion, in many Western countries.
Why are governments doing this? Or: how does a government become satanocratic? The first approach here is to describe the Werdegang (trajectory) to satanocracy as a downhill-running process, a degeneration of society like we saw with the Roman empire. I already mentioned kakistoracy as a distinctive step in this process. Another big factor is that we may now deem it a proven fact that there is a global satanic conspiracy from the ‘elites’ against the world population with population reduction as its main goal — this is what von Hoffmeister was talking about with Turley. All Western governments take part in this conspiracy and thus follow the orders of this ‘satanic deep state’. Names that are mentioned as pulling the strings here are Bill Gates and George Soros, but no doubt also corporate institutions play a pivotal role. Proof of this is that certain countries seem to exist outside of this conspiracy and thus seem much less affected by satanocratic influences (although, of course, they have heaps of other shortcomings): Russia, India, Brazil. Maybe the BRICS organisation is developing itself into a kind of ‘anti-satanocratic federation’. Let’s see how this plays out.
Lastly: how important, how dominant is satanocracy worldwide and will it dominate the future of the world? Many people and pundits ascribe most of the extreme events on the world stage right now (wars, weather events, uprisings, economic tremors) to the ‘biblical battle’ between the satanocratic deep state and ‘the resistance’, led by Russia. The foremost battlefield in this war is Ukraine and there the satanocrats are losing. Then there is Donald Trump. If the same people and pundits are right, the transition of power from Biden to Trump is from satanocracy to normalcy — that is, the presidential democracy of old. If that is indeed the case, we can conclude that the period of the satanocrats will end soon.
Sorry, but I’ve never liked this constant claiming of how everything that is bad is satanic in the Right-Wing whether it is from Mischa, Dugin, Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, or that guy who wrote “The Satanic State of America”. At the end of the day, while I’m diametrically opposed to his Zionism I would take Jorjani ‘Satanism’ any day over this shit! Christian Morality does not inspire greatness, need I explain? Christianity teaches us to be meek and sacrifice every opportunity for creating greatness.
To be clear, I don’t like any of the things that Mischa attributes to the supposed ‘Satanocracy’, but in the end asides from ‘Multipolarity’ and post-Americanism what is it exactly that Russia offers to the world under Vladimir Putin whose ideology has increasingly aligned itself with the Marjorie Taylor Greene conservatard ideology of American Republican.I’ll take Marilyn Manson, Marina Abramovic, and Anton LaVey, anyday!,