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Alexander Wolfheze investigates Greek and Byzantine antetypes and archetypes relevant to the narrative revolution required for a successful Reconquista of the Fallen West: the recognition and imposition of the Geosophical Principle will serve to underpin this Archaeo-Futurist Revolution.


Silent Spring’i

(Greek Spring Prologue)

And be true to every promise

for, verily, you will be called to account for every promise which you have made

– Quran 17:34 (Bani Isra’il, ‘Sons of Israel’)

Separation Time, Cessation Day, Day Five of the Spring Flowering Month, (Havdalah, Shabbat, 5 Nisan), the Year of the Creation of the World 5784: slowly, the last minutes are ticking away before Operation ‘True Promise’ will light up the night skies of the Holy Land. As a teaching tool, the name of that operation is meant to warn the Old Israelites, bound to Moses’ Covenant but now claiming all the land between river and sea in breach of the same, that they must not stray from the path of righteousness. At the same time, it also serves to warn the New Israelites, aspiring to Christ’s Kingdom of Heaven but now supporting worldly claims in breach of the same, that they must not forsake their first love. At this time, one time zone hour further to the west, dusk still lingers over Greece, the language and teachers of which land have spread the New Covenant’s Good News far and wide. There, an unseasonably warm wind from Africa has filled the air with the faint odour of desert dust, painting the white-washed houses and the dark-green groves in an eerie yellow-orange. At this last light hour, the wind has died down and silence reigns supreme in deserted streets and empty fields. A moment of soundless, breathless suspense has come, prefiguring the midnight suspense that will shortly overtake the lands to the east, where fiery arrows will pierce the night, making their way west to deliver the message of the Persians to the Israelites. As the sun sheds its last rays over the rim of the ancient hills of Greece, the breathless suspense gives way to brooding gloom. The sun of history is setting over the West even as the sun of this spring day is setting over its birthplace.

Here in Greece, nearly three millennia ago, it was born: the West, the most modern and most deviating of all civilizations in recorded history, arising on the westernmost edge of the World Island, facing the Mare Tenebrae of the World Ocean. The adventurous and ever-exploring mariners of Ancient Greece, archetypically immortalized in Homer’s account of Ulysses, were the first Europeans to leave the relative safety of the Middle-Land Sea, pass through the Pillars of Hercules and sail into Atlantis’ great ocean beyond.ii They were the first ‘Westerners’, the first proto-type pioneers of the Neo-Atlantean venture and thalassocratic hegemony that would eventually come to typify the West as it entered its Age of Discoveries, moving plus ultra.iii Now, after the one-and-a-half millennium of its pagan Heroic and Classic Ages and after the one-and-half millennia of its Christian Middle and Late Ages, the cycle of Western Civilization is at long last coming to a close. Long past the halcyon days and Promethean promise of its youth and far removed from the crusading ventures and Faustian spirit of its maturity, the West went into terminal decline after the fall of its last Tradition-upholding Imperium vestiges in 1917 and 1918, inaugurating the final stage of what René Guénon termed la crise du monde moderne. During that stage, roughly equivalent to the ‘long 20th Century’, from the start of the Great War in 1914 to the start of the Great Reset in 2020, Western Civilization lost its moorings and bearings as its great ‘inner directives’ were gradually inverted and finally reversed.iv Undoubtedly, these inner directives, uniquely expressive of the Western soul, are best worded in the Greek language, which is the West’s oldest high culture medium and which ties its pagan Classical Antiquity (epitomized by Homer’s works) to its Christian Res Publica Europae (epitomized by the Gospels): they are TechneNomos and Evangelion.v After the West – precisely defined: the regions first subject to Western Roman ecclesiastic and imperial rule and then subject to its various Catholic and Protestant successor authorities, plus the European settlement colonies in the Americas and Oceania – fell into sectarianism (the Great Schism, 1054), heresy (the Reformation, 1517) and atheism (the American and French Revolutions, 1776/89). The West went through a gradual but accelerating process of inversion of direction and reversion of value reflected first in a loss of soul (religion giving way to secularism) and then in a loss of spirit (philosophy giving way to scientism), soon to be followed by the loss of body (divinely imaged humanity giving way to satanically imaged transhumanism). After the voiding of Evangelion (directing the Way of the earth-soul sphere), the voiding of Nomos (directing the Law in the earth-spirit sphere) and Techne (directing Craftmanship power in the earth-body sphere) became inevitable. This is reflected in the historical process of what Julius Evola termed la regressione delle caste: the fall of the Brahmins (the clergy), followed by that of the Kshatriyas (the nobility), that of the Vaishyas (the merchants) and that of the Shudras (the servants) and finally resulting in a world ‘ruled’ by the untouchables (the unclean sub-humans), in preparation of the end of humanity. Without a doubt, the ex-West, now ‘ruled’ by parasitical and sub-human vermin, has fallen into the lowest conceivable state of the human condition and it is now preparing for the final elimination of humanity itself, as prefigured in multiple, simultaneous ‘self-erasure’ phenomena: technologically in digitalization, virtualization and artificial intelligence, biologically in ‘birth control’, ‘sexual liberation’ and ‘transgenderism’ and economically in ‘green transition’, ‘lockdown’ and ‘deindustrialization’ – to which may now be added the first ‘pro-active euthanasia’ measures such as the recent ‘mRNA vaccination’, ‘Ukraine’ and ‘Gazacaust’ campaigns. Not surprisingly, these newest measures coincide with the point that marks the cultural historical ‘event horizon’ of Western Civilization: the formal Fall of the West may be dated to the ‘Great Reset’ years, characterized by an overt shift of ex-Western societies into a post-Western socio-economic mode (the ‘Covid’ psyop), a post-Western cultural mode (the ‘BLM’ Sacco di Roma) and a post-Western political mode (the ‘Biden’ coup).vi

At long last, the great historical cycle of Western civilization, which commenced when Phoenician princess Europa was abducted and brought over to Greece and when Persian Wisdom Worship was adopted and adapted by Greek philosophers and statesmen,vii is now coming to a close. Some precious gems – cultural modes, art forms, scientific skills, individual escapees – may still be saved from the impending utter ruin of Western Civilization, now irretrievably trapped in Neo-Atlantean hubris and bound to sink beneath the waves of history soon. Parts of the Orthodox Christian East, aligned with Third Rome Russia, have already organically incorporated some these precious remnants. Additionally, the New World southern cone of Latin America may linger on as an outpost repository of Western Civilization long after it has been eradicated in its Old World homeland. But before turning our eyes to those better places, and before turning our backs on the destruction-bound former West, our old homeland, it may be worth having a last look at it. The West may very well be living in the macro-historical equivalent of those few micro-historical spring-time hours preceding Operation ‘True Promise’ in the night of 13-14 April 2024, when the arrows of Neo-Persia had already been fired but not yet reached their Neo-Zion aim. During this short moment of ‘silent spring’ suspense, before fire and brimstone rain down to wipe away the new Sodom and Gomorrah that were built on the ruins of the former West, what better place to which to dedicate this last look than Hellas, the ancient Cradle of the West?

Testament of Youth’viii

(Deep Greece Retrieval)

Must we but weep o’er days more blest?
Must we but blush? Our fathers bled
Earth! Render back from out thy breast
A remnant of our Spartan dead!
Of the three hundred grant but three,
To make a new Thermopylae!

– Lord Byron, ‘The Isles of Greece’

Although still brought up in the Classical Tradition imparted by the now-erased old continental European education system of the Gymnasium, cramming five years of more Latin and Greek than English and French language lessons, the author never particularly wished to visit Greece. By the time he passed his final high school exams, not too long after Greece’s fall from (make-shift and corrupt, but quasi-traditional and protective) Colonel Regime’s grace and into the clutches of the bankster-and-bureaucrat EU, the country had already become the kind of ‘mass tourism’ destination that discourages any kind of non-sun-sea-sex seeking visitors. Nowhere more than in Greece applies the Traditionalist adage that the only way one can honour places of pilgrimage in the time of ‘mass tourism’ is by staying away. For any European with even the slightest sense of history, culture and honour, to join the ‘tourist’ crowds in ‘visiting’ the grand monuments, holy shrines and sacred groves of the Ancient World is a sacrilege in the truest sense of the word. Virtually every square metre of Greece is associated with multiple layers of heritage: Classical Antiquity, Orthodox Christianity, literary tradition, philosophical association. But gone are the days of Elgin, Byron, Schliemann and Sissi, when a handful of high-minded antiquarians, artists, writers and adventurous sought out the romantic wilds and overgrown ruins of late-Ottoman and early-independent Greece. Gone are the grand tour and ‘Death in Venice’-style holidays of aristocrats and grand bourgeois spending long summers reading classics as guidebooks and learning local languages as a matter of course. But despite his determination to stay away from the modern ‘mass tourist’ reality that now blocks any authentic motivation to travel to the old high culture centres of the Mediterranean littoral, by a strange combination of circumstances, the author now finds himself staying – indeed living – just there: in Greece. This allows him to here share with his reader the view intended in this essay: a last view of the Cradle of the West. As luck would have it, the author’s residence happens to be in one of those few remaining Greek locations that the ‘tourist’ masses consider boring and unrewarding enough to leave unmolested: a non-bucket-list, non-selfie-friendly, non-travel-hub city, located on the mainland and far enough away from the highways to demotivate automobile ‘tourist’ swarms. This gives the author a unique opportunity to see a tiny glimpse of another Greece, as lived in by the invisible ‘natives’, raw and real, away from the most grotesque distortions imposed by over-tourism – as it exists beyond the make-believe selfie-bubbles of the locust-like ‘visitor’ mobs.

Indeed, most of Greece is seasonally overrun by millions of quasi-zombified morons, flying in from Western Europe or driving in from Eastern Europe to coalesce into vast hordes of ‘experience consumers’ of all shades and hues, from tinder trip girls and selfie-hunting yuppies to middle-aged ‘culture seekers’ and yacht-and-helicopter VIP second-home owners. These ever-returning neo-barbaric invasion waves truly resemble ‘human insect’ plagues, littering the land, polluting the water, straining infrastructure, taking away living space, driving up prices, driving out locals, eliminating peace and security, destroying natural landscapes and distorting social life. On top of those great seasonal plagues, however, other, smaller, but more enduring malignancies are visited on Greece: hundreds of thousands of baby boomer pensionados, cornering the real estate market, lap-top wielding ‘digital nomad’ expats, gentrifying the inner cities, and Soros-sponsored ‘asylum seekers’, terrorizing small island communities. All these trials and tribulations are superimposed on a nation of barely ten million people who have long lacked even the slightest semblance of sovereign control over their own country and life: burdened with astronomical public debt, incurred by a vanishingly small but intensely corrupt elite exclusively for its own benefit. Greece is now subject to slightest whims of the IOU-wielding international banking cartel and bound to follow any and all globalist-nihilist diktat to the letter. Subject to a decades-long experiment in ‘economic austerity’, many of its young professionals have been forced out of the country, seeking employment in the rich north of the EU. Subject to an EU-engineered and NGO-sponsored ‘open borders’ regime, most of its eastern islands and inner cities are now transformed into permanently occupied halfway houses for hundreds of thousands ‘migrants’, all on their way to the same rich north. Subject to a de facto receivership regime, the Greek ‘government’ has been reduced to a mere tool for the enforcement of globalist-nihilist bureaucratic experiments, such as a maximalist ‘Covid’ lockdown, requiring citizens to send SMS notifications to the authorities every time they wanted to exit their house, and a pioneering roll-out of ‘digital wallets’, imposing total electronic control on an unsuspecting citizenry. Since the Greek Financial Crisis of 2009-16, the usurious financial exploitation, the asylum-industry blackmail and the surveillance state measures imposed on the country by the international ‘letter institutions’ (IMF, ECB, EU) have turned the vast majority of its people into inmates of a model globalist penal colony. And while the inmates are systematically robbed of their jobs, savings and houses, while their children and grandchildren are pressed into labour service abroad and while their diplomats and soldiers are turned into pawns on the globalist chessboard, they have to watch their country turned into a playground resort for seasonally migrating masses of gilded youth and baby boomer ‘elite’ tourists.

Even so, another Greece also continues to exist, virtually out of tourists’ and expats’ sights. This is the Greece in which up to 95% of the population identifies as Orthodox believers, in which church attendance reaches a similar number, in which monastic life continues to thrive, in which the nuclear and extended remain normative social modalities, in which transgressive sexuality, birth out of wedlock and abortion remain rare exceptions, in which people’s ‘online time’ is lowest of ‘developed countries’ and in which national identity remains prominent in the public sphere. The national flag is featured on every third apartment balcony and military service is still regarded as an essential and honourable part of every young man’s formation. This other Greece remains existentially anchored on three solid moorings: Classical Antiquity, through the continuity of its etymologically unmatched and naturally analytical language, Orthodox Christianity, through its doctrinally sound and aesthetically uncorrupted everyday religious life, and its unique national identity, alien to rest of the West because of its different religion, different alphabet and different history. This other Greece also necessarily preserves a martial ‘edge’ due to its geographic ‘bastion position’, located as it is in the corner of Europe, facing Asia and Africa. It may be argued that history and geography have given the Greek nation a degree of ‘natural immunity’ to the identity void and culture degeneracy imposed by globalist-nihilism elsewhere. Greek national identity was effectively ‘frozen’ and ‘solidified’ during four centuries of Ottoman imperial rule, which, unlike Western hegemonic rule, never sought to impose totalitarian Gleichschaltung in the socio-cultural realm. That same identity is continually reinforced by its borderland geography, which force it to remain ‘on edge’ as it faces Turkish territorial claims and non-European ‘migrant’ invasions. It is this ‘natural immunity’ of la Grèce profonde that may one day provide the solid foundation from which a second Greek liberation struggle may be launched against the now tottering EU ‘prison of the nations’ and the now faltering globalist-nihilist ‘New World Order’.

Perhaps the utter incompatibility of that ‘New World Order’ with la Grèce profonde is best symbolized by the fact that this year, 2024, Greek (Orthodox) Easter is celebrated more than a month later than Western (Catholic and Protestant) Easter. As a ‘testament of youth’, enshrining the memory of Christian Europe, the Greek Orthodox Church has retained its original calendar. Thus, Greece’s Spring Resurrection festival simply ignores all the many layers of hypertrophic ‘recalculation’, rational ‘reform’ and ‘progress’ under which the West has buried itself.

Bound for Byzantium

(New Byzantium Prospect)

Or set upon a golden bough to sing

To lords and ladies of Byzantium

Of what is past, or passing, or to come

– William Butler Yeats, ‘Sailing to Byzantium’

From the perspective of hegemonic Unipolarity, imposed and upheld by the Anglo-Saxon Empire, Greece represents a permanent liability: its permanent state of civilizational ‘liminality’, itself a function of its historical and geographical unicity, requires the Unipolar hegemon to impose a permanent, ever-vigilant and periodically ferocious regime of political repression and economic blackmail on Greece. This explains the many interventions of the West throughout modern Greek history, from the Battle of Navarino of 1827 (which effectively established the independence the Modernity-oriented Greek nation-state from the Tradition-oriented Ottoman Empire), through the Noemvriana of 1916 (which forced Greece in the camp of the Modernity-enforcing Allies against the Tradition-defending Central Powers) and through the Dekemvriana of 1944 (which ensured that post-war Greece would be an Anglo-Saxon vassal state instead of an East-aligned independent nation) and all the way to the globalist-engineered sabotage of the Greek Bailout Referendum of 2015 (which ended the populist revolt against the globalist rule).

From the perspective of the rapidly rising Multipolar Movement, Greece’s permanent state of civilizational liminality within the slowly decomposing ‘New World Order’ presents a unique opportunity to pry open the trap in which the Unipolar hegemon is holding Europe captive: without doubt, Greece is a chink in the thus-far impenetrable armour that still covers globalist-ruled Europe. For strategic reasons (controlling the Mediterranean, weakening Pan-Orthodoxy), Greece was absorbed into the key structures that maintained globalist-nihilist supremacy over Europe at an early stage (NATO 1952, EU 1981, Euro 2002), despite the obvious incompatibility of the country with the rest of the West. Effectively, Greece was made an ‘honorary member’ of the West, despite the glaringly obvious misalignment of Greek national interests with Western ‘values’ and ‘causes’. As the socio-economic strain resulting from the West-based Unipolar hegemon’s all-out challenge of the rising Multipolar East (open war in the Ukraine and the Middle East plus aggressive interventionism in the Far East and Sub-Saharan Africa) is beginning to weigh on the West, it stands to reason that Greece may very well be the first link to break in the globalist chains that still hold down Europe. If the Multipolarity Movement manages to win over Greece, an important breach will be achieved in the supposedly impenetrable but now increasingly hollowed-out globalist ‘Fortress Europe’. An important role in switching Greece from Unipolarity to Multipolarity can be played by Greece’s strongly suppressed but remarkably resilient (truly rooted and mass-based) deep left (radical-socialist) and deep right (patriotic-identitarian) movements. Unlike in other Western countries, where any anti-globalist populist sentiment is consistently deflected by the masses’ ‘civil nationalist’ orientation, in Greece both the deep left and deep right movements managed to gain a degree of real political influence, even despite an intense campaign mainstream media psyops and open economic blackmail by the globalist banking cartel. Before the deep left Syriza and the deep right Golden Dawn parties were finally neutered (through establishment co-optation and legal persecution, respectively), they represented real challenges to Greece’s ruling plutocracy, threatening Greece’s allegiance to the globalist ‘letter institutions’ (EU-ECB-IMF-NATO) throughout the entire Financial Crisis decade. Although these de facto populist risings were eventually defeated, their suppression by the globalist-nihilist occupation regime came at a heavy price: a total loss of public trust in the political class, in the apparatus of ‘global governance’ and in the neo-liberal economic model, a loss of trust that is particularly acute among the younger generation, the large self-employed class and the new urban ‘precariat’. At present, Greece’s continuing adherence to the globalist ‘letter institutions’ is highly precarious: that it continues it all is exclusively due to the collective state of fear and disorientation induced by the globalists’ neo-totalitarian ‘Covid Coup’. More importantly, however, is the state of public apathy induced by the simple lack of an alternative socio-political vision. This also means, however, that Greece’s continuing civilizational state of liminality continues to offer a real opportunity for Multipolar strategists: an authentic alternative socio-political vision, stated with sufficient conviction to attract Greece’s utterly disgruntled elite dissidents and communicated with sufficient charisma to inspire Greece’s utterly alienated masses, may serve as the proverbial match in the tinderbox.

The Multipolar Movement can provide Greece with an authentic alternative socio-political vision in the shape and form of the Neo-Eurasianist ‘Fourth Political Theory’ model, developed by its leading light, Aleksandr Dugin. That model offers a synthetic, ‘Archaeo-Futurist’ alternative to the failed historical-materials ideologies of Socialism, Fascism and Liberalism and it states the necessity of re-creating sustainable, ‘post-post-modern’ (Tradition-inspired) societal structures and re-instating authentic, ‘post-globalist’ (sovereignty-restoring) governance modalities. Russia-centred Neo-Eurasianism offers the perfect cure for Greece’s present ‘identity crisis’ as a ‘failed member’ of the West, as well as a perfect destination for its age-old pursuit of restored state sovereignty, which has been abeyance since the Fall of Constantinople. It offers Greece a restored civilizational destiny, thus far thwarted by elite-imposed psycho-historical Westoxification and Atlanticist-imposed socio-political Francocracy. This cure and destination would involve a re-invention – and re-enactment – of Greece’s repressed but unforgotten Neo-Byzantine vision, adapted to present-day realpolitik conditions, under the aegis of the Multipolar Movement and in conformity with Neo-Eurasianism’s balance-of-power vision. Obviously, the narrowly nationalist and irredentist interpretation of Greece’s Neo-Byzantine vision, most tangible in the late 19th and early 20th Century Megali Idea concept, is incompatible with the sovereign rights of Greece’s contemporary neighbours, above all Turkey, which has its own, equally valid neo-imperial vision. The Greek Kingdom’s post-WWI attempt to unilaterally enforce the Megali Idea concept as part of the wider Atlanticist (victors’) ‘peace settlement’, resulted in the destruction and uprooting of the millennia-old Greek presence in Asia Minor at the end of the Greco-Turkish War of 1919-22. Within the Eurasianist thought arsenal there exists, however, a highly original concept that would allow Greece to realize its Neo-Byzantine vision and reconcile it with the rival Neo-Ottoman vision of its neighbour Turkey: Helleno-Turkism. Rooted in the notion of Roman Imperial continuity that saw the Ottoman sultans as the legitimate heirs to the Byzantine emperors after the Fall of Constantinople, Helleno-Turkism received its modern formulation in the work of Dmitri Kitsikis (1935-2021), who rose to be senior advisor to the Greek and Turkish governments and who promoted the founding of an East Mediterranean Confederacy, uniting of Greece, Cyprus and Turkey, based on historical cohabitation and cultural synthesis. Given Russia’s historical claim to the Roman Imperium (as the Third Rome successor to Byzantium), its current alignment with the tenets of Neo-Eurasianism (of which it is the central node) and its key role in the Multipolarity Movement, the task of facilitating a Helleno-Turkist rapprochement between Greece and Turkey, both of which now fall in the category of its natural allies, should fall to Russia. Such a rapprochement would require nothing less than a geopolitical revolution, but there are many historical precedents for such a revolution and it is far from unthinkable under present conditions.

With the arrival of the spring of Multipolarity, the thus-far unassailable ‘New World Order’ power structure of the Unipolar hegemon, which effectively kept frozen regional geopolitics for over three-quarters of a century, is now starting to melt down. Even as the spring sun melts the winter snow and the seeds in the ground spring back to life, so now also the kinetic war raging across Little Russia and the Holy Land is waking geopolitical science and political philosophy from decades of globalist-imposed hibernation. Long-forgotten visions and long-taboo ideas are forcing their way back into consciousness and life. This spring season, even as brave soldiers and freedom fighters are edging forward on the fire-swept battlefields of Eastern Europe and the Middle East, turning the New World Order’s slow retreat into an all-out rout, so now also the ‘swordsmen of the mind’, geopoliticians, philosophers and strategists, must step forward and face the enemy, engaging him on another but equally dangerous field of multi-dimensional battle, viz. the field of worldview warfare.ix But before doing so, the warriors of the pen must pay tribute to the wielders of the sword who have ‘shaped the battlefield’ for them ever since February 2022. Since then, many brave soldiers and freedom fighters have sacrificed their lives, health and happiness to give the thinkers and writers of the Neo-Eurasianist and Multipolar Movements this unique opportunity to design and formulate a better future for all of humanity – under the banner of Golden Byzantium.


(Apocalypse Preparedness Check)

The horror…

The horror…

– Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness

Till today, the Greek language remains the core medium in which knowledge arrived at within the Modern Western episteme is encoded. Through the Modern Western sciences and arts, usage of this medium has spread across the globe, even into the Heart of Africa. That old ‘Heart of Darkness’ remained unspoilt by literacy-based modalities of analysis and perception right up to the middle of the 19th Century, but it is there that the Greek language’s enduring ability to produce new concepts and thought now finds an important confirmation. It is in Central Africa that a new Greek-language word was coined that holds the key to understanding a new reality emanating from the new Heart of Darkness that is now the West: necropolitics,

On the cusp of the Great Reset, Joseph-Achille Mbembe, a Cameroon-born political theorist, published his watershed work Necropolitics, which expands on the biopower model of Paul-Michel Foucault, highlighting the epistemic schism that underpins the power structure enforced by the West and analyzing the imposition of ‘living dead’ status on specific human groups (including whole nations, with the Palestinian nation as a prime example) as a standard tool of globalist power projection. Elsewhere, the author of this essay has used the tropes of the ‘living dead’ (and the ‘zombie apocalypse’) to clarify the internal conditions of the West (i.e. the psycho-historical trajectory of the Crisis of the Modern West and the socio-cultural dynamics of the Fall of the West),x but Mbembe uses the same to clarify the external manifestations of the Western hegemonic power. Mbembe rightly identifies sovereignty as the decisive criterium of necropolitical power: lack of it results in ‘living dead’ status. At the time Necropolitics was published, in 2019, virtually the entire world was still living in the ‘Unipolar Moment’, which began in 1992 with the Fall of the Soviet Union, but which ended in 2022 with the start of the Special Military Operation. Because the struggle to reestablish sovereignty – at all levels, from individual bodily autonomy, across national self-determination to civilization state autonomy -is the core task of the anti-globalist coalition that is slowly aggregating around the Eurasianist and Multipolar Movements, these movements would do well to revisit Mbembe’s necropolitical model and apply it to arena of international relations and geopolitical strategy.

As a preliminary observation, it should be noted that Mbembe’s necropolitical model goes a long way to explain the strikingly anti-martial nature of the violence inflicted by the West-based Unipolar hegemon on the Eurasian East- and Global South-based Multipolar ‘axis of resistance’. It preferably strikes at the weak and innocent: non-combatants and defenceless civilians. The unconventionally multi-dimensional and ruthlessly violent nature of the conflict (fake-news psyops, targeted assassinations, mass terror) in the first and main theatre of this conflict, which is Little Russia, reflects its essentially ‘necropolitical’ nature: there, the Western hegemon’s main challenger, the Russian Federation, is first denied sovereignty (i.e. assumed subject to the West-defined ‘rules-based order’), then subjected to ‘cancellation’ (i.e. banned from the West-defined ‘international community’) and finally condemned to ‘living dead’ status (i.e. reduced to ‘bare life’ in anticipation of its elimination from the world). The nature of the conflict in this theatre reveals an ontological rift of unprecedented, even eschatologically profound depth. Behind its proximate combatants now stand radically opposed worldviews that necessarily divide the entire world into two camps: behind the ‘Ukraine’ proxy forces, guided by the NATO arm of the Unipolar hegemon, stands the whole Collective West as the New World Order’s self-appointed sole global sovereign, and behind the Russian Army stands an ad hoc Multipolar coalition, uniting the Eurasian East and Global South. Notwithstanding the gravity of the issues contested in other theatres of the ongoing global conflict, mainly the East Asian Rimland Theatre, where the Western thalassocracy uses off-shore Japan and Taiwan and beachhead South Korea to taunt, thwart and threaten Russia, China and South Korea, and the Western Asian Rimland, where the Unipolar hegemon is determined to maintain its stranglehold over the Middle Eastern oilfields, shipping lanes and holy places against a make-shift axis of resistance, the decisive theatre of war remains the Little Russian frontline, stretching from the Pripet Marshes to Black Sea beaches.

There, across the old Blood Lands battlefield of Eastern Europe, the Unipolar hegemon is projecting its necropolitical power by cynically manipulating the fellow Slav brother nations of Great Russia and Little Rus into waging an utterly pointless civil war, deceiving and sacrificing the latter to diminish and dehumanize the former. The psycho-historical aspects of this wholly artificial and diabolically engineered conflict point to the essentially necropolitical aims of the Unipolar hegemon: these are the simultaneous defeat of both parties, the depopulation of the Ukraine, presumably the future location of a Neo-Khazarian (ahistorical, antinomian) model-state, and the subjugation of Russia, presumably to serve as a terra nullius resource and a slave plantation for Western high finance banksters and social experiment engineers. This conflict has been long in the making: in a slow-motion and inverted-value redux of the Third Reich’s Operation Barbarossa, NATO has been steadily creeping forward since 1990, crossing the June 1941 Axis starting line by its March 2004 absorption of the Baltic States, and finally nearing the December 1941 Axis maximum advance line by hijacking the Ukrainian state during the Maidan Coup of February 2014. NATO then started building up a formidable proxy force by reshaping, sponsoring and indoctrinating the Armed Forces of the Ukraine, entrenching them in Maginot Line-level fortifications, reinforcing them with ‘Atomwaffen’-type mercenary outfits and making them accessories to mass terror by involving them in a systematic campaign of bombardment, sabotage and biowarfare against the break-away regions of Crimea and Donbas, a campaign that was only disrupted by the start of Russia’s Special Military Operation in February 2022.

Even uninformed and biased observers agree that Russia’s initial strike was quite limited in scope: it dispersed the Kiev regime’s offensive troop build-up against the break-away Donbas region, it served as a warning to the West not to escalate and it gave Russia leverage for final settlement negotiations. Such negotiations were indeed held and they came close to being concluded in Antalya, Turkey, in March 2022, before being vetoed by the Kiev regime’s Western sponsors. From that point onwards, the Ukraine Crisis morphed into a fully-fledged Ukraine War, a war in which the Kiev regime was and is backed up by the full might of the West, receiving virtually unlimited funds, enormous stockpiles of war materials and sizeable personnel reinforcements disguised as advisors, mercenaries and volunteers, as well as real-time access to surveillance and intelligence technology, plus blanket, cross-the-board mainstream media support to spin false narratives of atrocity propaganda and military victory. The necropolitical nature of the conflict is most explicitly shown in the utter perversion of the Collective West’s mainstream media campaign, which has systematically suppressed the Kiev regime’s war crimes on the front and totalitarian practices at home, as well as ignoring the horrendous casualties suffered by the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the unprecedented depopulation of the Ukraine, which has now lost over half of its pre-war population due to battle losses, refugee outflows and borderland annexations. Another indicator of the necropolitical nature of the conflict is the Collective West’s imposition on Russia of an unprecedented combination of economic sanctions, financial penalties, travel restrictions and asset seizures, in flagrant breach of international law, historical precedent and common sense, and designed to signal a nullification of Russian state sovereignty. To this should be added the necropolitical nature of a ‘multi-dimensional’ kinetic warfare, unleashed on pre-war Russian territory itself through a sustained campaign of cross-border bombing, infrastructure sabotage, cyber-attacks and targeted assassinations. These are unreservedly supported by the whole Collective West and clearly designed to break Russian civilian morale, encourage Russian civil strife and bring down the Russian state. All these measures are necropolitically aimed at depriving the Russian state of sovereignty and reducing the Russian people to ‘living dead’ status.

Pushing Russia over the brink of war, the Collective West deemed itself absolved from international law, historical precedent and geopolitical reality. It has made the same mistake about the Russian Federation of 2022 that the Third Reich’s leadership made about the Soviet Union of 1941: both assumed that they faced a weak and tottering state structure, erected by a corrupt and out-of-touch regime, hated by its people and unable to face any serious challenge. Both were fatally mistaken. In the same way that, during the first two years of the Great Patriotic War, the Red Army bounced back from catastrophic initial defeat and the Soviet people made a determined collective stand against an existential threat, so now, during the first two years of the Ukraine War, the Russian Army has reconstituted itself into a formidable fighting machine and the Russian state has realigned its socio-economic structure to conform to wartime imperatives, stipulating maximal self-sufficiency, maximal efficiency and maximal solidarity. Two years into the conflict it is safe to say that the ‘shock and awe’ assault of the Collective West has failed, but that does not mean that the necropolitical worldview that triggered it has disappeared. On the contrary, now that the West’s Blitzkrieg has been thwarted by the Russian army and the most acute danger has passed for Russian state, the Eurasian East and the Global South must prepare for the Collective West’s shift to totaler Krieg, viz. a war guided by necropolitical ‘reasoning’. In the final analysis, even the bodies, graves and memories of the fallen are bound to become instrumentalized – as they already have been in the Gaza Theatre of the great war between the dehumanized West and the still-human rest. There, bodies have been withheld from relatives, graveyards have been dug up and names have been erased from records. There is no reason to think those new ‘rules of engagement’ will not be soon applied elsewhere – and everywhere.

The thinkers and strategists of the Eurasianist and Multipolar Movement urgently need to come to terms with the full implications of the Collective West’s necropolitical strategy. If they are to engage the enemy on the battlefield of worldview warfare with any hope of success, they must radically and rapidly adjust their mindset. They have to learn to be more ruthless – and, if necessary, most ruthless.

Oriente e occidente’xi

(Rules of Engagement Revision)

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer,

my God, my strength, in whom I will trust,

my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower

– Psalms 18:2

Just one week after the Ides of the March-ing month, opening the war season of 2024, the ‘War of the Worlds’ between the globalist West and the multipolar East moved into a new and distinctive phase. With hindsight, the Crocus City Hall Massacre, a mass-terror attack on a distinctly soft-target civilian concert audience perpetrated by what is widely suspected to be a Western-concocted and Kiev-connected pseudo-Islamicist front organization, will most likely mark the point at which the ‘Ukraine conflict’ metastasized from a medium-scale but still limited ‘proxy war’, thus far generally conducted within rather narrow geographic boundaries and generally limited to set-piece battles without total disruption of civilian life on either side, into something much more serious, slowly escalating into an all-out, existential war between East and West. In some ways, for the desperate soldiers and destitute civilians of Little Russia at least, it is already approaching the ‘total war’ intensity and scope to which their Axis counterparts were subjected during the final stage of WWII.

Of course, the historical trajectory of warfare throughout the 19th and 20th Centuries, equally impacted by technological ‘progress’ and ethical ‘regress’, has shown a gradual blurring of the military-civilian divide, and a shift into ‘multi-dimensional’, or ‘total’ warfare. These tendencies were accentuated by the mercantile-hegemonic Anglo-Saxon powers as they applied the ‘colonial pacification campaign’ model in their overseas empires. Then, gradually, the same model, which proposes that a single, universal and obligatory model of ‘civilization’ and ‘rules-based order’ must be forcibly imposed on primitive ‘natives’ and brutish ‘warlords’, was applied to fellow-Europeans. This historical trajectory had significant milestones in several Anglo-Saxon ‘innovations’: the concentration camp, decimating the Boer civilian population during the Second Boer War, the economic blockade, starving the German civilian population during World War I, the saturation bombardment, terrorizing the Axis civilian populations during World War II, and low-grade nuclear war, uranium poisoning the Serbian civilian population during the Yugoslav War, the quarter-centenary anniversary of which was poignantly commemorated in March 2024, just before this essay was written. That latter, Yugoslav conflict constitutes the most direct historical precedent for the present Western treatment of Russia and for the Western narrative ‘framing’ of Russia that underpins it.xii The media campaign against Yugoslavia over the ‘Kosovo conflict’ then as well as the media campaign against Russia over the ‘Ukraine conflict’ now are characterized by blanket censorship, atrocity propaganda and racist stereotyping, imposing the categories of progressive-vs-regressive, civilized-vs-primitive and human-vs-inhuman divide on a monolithically imposed narrative that is globally distributed by the West’s ‘mainstream media’. At the same time, and in more radical form, a similar narrative is now being imposed and distributed regarding the ‘Gaza conflict’, with the same Western ‘mainstream media’ portraying the genocide of the ‘primitive’ and ‘inhuman’ Palestinians (supposedly roasting children alive and raping women en masse) by the ‘‘civilized’ and ‘humane’ Israelis (boasting ‘the only democracy in the Middle East’ and ‘the most humane army in the world’) as not only negatively inevitable but also positively necessary. In these simultaneous ‘Ukraine’ and ‘Gaza’ narratives, facts do not matter: only the narrative matters. The narrative justifies action and such action creates new facts, retroactively confirming the narrative. All traces of any counter-narrative are mopped up over time, reducing them to the status ‘conspiracy theories’ and creating an atmosphere of intimidation. It is, after all, the victor who will be writing history, or, better still in the time of Orwell-as-a-program, redefining history.

From that perspective, the Crocus City Hall Massacre starts to make sense: for those who stand to benefit from it (a category that, irrespective of the technical results of the ongoing investigation, obviously includes the Kiev puppet regime and its West-based paymasters), it represents a deliberate escalation within a systematic campaign of subduing by terror, a campaign that is already close to reaching its logical end stage in the parallel Gaza Massacre: genocide. It also heralds a new stage in the West-based globalist cabal’s campaign of attaining world dominion: it aims at breaking the will to fight in those few hold-outs still resisting the globalist-nihilist Dark Tide. The deliberate terror it has unleashed aims at nothing less than breaking Russian national morale, inducing the fall of the Russian state as a sovereign actor and paving the way for the globalist conquest of the still Russian-protected northern Eurasian landmass, with all its unfathomed natural resources. The West-based globalist cabal’s Griff nach der Weltmacht, prepared domestically by the totalitarian transformation of the West during the Great Reset of 2020-21 and kicked off internationally by the all-out assault on Russia in the Ukraine campaign of 2022-23, is currently approaching a critical stage: the stage at which undisguised and unapologetic mass terror serves a critical aim, viz. the breaking the enemy’s will to fight. Thus, for the West-based globalist cabal and its Kiev-based henchmen, the victims of the Crocus City Hall Massacre, the scores of dead and wounded, the sorrow of the bereaved and orphaned, the life-long trauma of the survivors and the anguish of the Russian people, do not merely represent ‘collateral damage’. To them, they represent assets, markers of ‘success’ in a calculus that posits – and imposes – human suffering as a function of redefined ‘statecraft’. In some ways, this calculus is like that of the late-pagan Roman Empire, which posited that the terror it imposed upon the early Christian Church, imposing the spectacle of women and children being eaten alive by starving wild animals or subjected to unspeakable outrages on mass audiences in the circus, served state policy through a perversely inverted ‘hearts and minds’ campaign based on pure terror. Of course, that terror was painstakingly ‘stage managed’, with carefully measured doses of rationalization, subterfuge and denial, similar to how the Western mainstream media ‘covers’ all the different West-sponsored terror campaigns to which Russia has been subjected over the last years by means of different combinations of ‘narrative management’. By now, the litany of these atrocities makes for a long and dreary tale, from the Odessa Fire of 2014, through the Donbas bombing of 2014-22, to the targeted assassination campaign of 2022, for now culminating in the Crocus City Hall Massacre of 2024.

The single determining factor in the calculus of the West-based globalist-nihilist regime is simply the amount of force necessary to impose its will: might is right. The East must fully grasp this reality before it can even begin to deal effectively with the West: there is no sense in reasoning, talking, bargaining and negotiating till the West surrenders. And even when it surrenders, it should be forced to do so unconditionally: any attempt at reasoning, talking, bargaining and negotiating will be seen as weakness. In the final analysis, the assumptions, attitudes, priorities and aims that have guided Western policies since the turn of the century – the destruction of Yugoslavia, ‘9/11’ and the Iraq War marking the turning point – are entirely incompatible with equal-partner communication, let alone classic diplomacy. The many images of Eurasian and Global South policy-makers and diplomats referring to Western-origin international law, studying Western-made official statements, fine-tuning their words and proposing reasonable solutions that are in everybody’s best interest are simply ridiculous. Western-origin international law died long ago: its pretences were already a sham at Nuremberg and they were entirely discarded once the West saw the Soviet Union, its last true challenger, disappear. Western-made official statements are calculated lies: the last attachments to truth and reality were gradually abandoned because the West was allowed to get away with profitable deceit and comfortable self-deception for three decades. Finely tuned words are wasted on the West’s ‘young global leaders’ because they have lost all sense of reality after getting away with speaking lies to power for an entire generation. A reasonable solution to a conflict between two parties is impossible when one party views the conflict as the solution. It may be better for Eurasian and Global South policy-makers and diplomats to take off their Western-style suits and ties and again dress in the bearskin of the boyars, the imperial silk of the mandarin, the lion skin of the war chief and the long robe of the prophet. Of course, only the charisma and power of a new Genghis Khan, restyled to suit present-day mindsets but tempered by actual kinetic warfare, would sufficiently impress the regime creatures, the lying presstitutes and the zombified masses of the globalist-nihilist West to finally bring them to heel. The leaders of free Eurasia and the free Global South need to find iron in their souls. Their journey to freedom may require the clarity of mind and strength of heart that the world is beginning to see in them, but these alone are not enough: their vision needs to be personally incorporated through authentic charisma and to be kinetically imposed on the world through decisive action – an incorporation and imposition that depend on each other.

The outdated illusions of the ‘rules-based order’, the ruined remains of the ‘international institutions’ and the now hopelessly perverted notion of ‘Western civilization’ must be abandoned without regret and replaced without compromise. The West is now nothing but an Empire of Lies – if the rest is to live, it must die. It must be destroyed, root and branch – the time for compromise has passed. With the Crocus City Hall Massacre, the clash between West and East has entered a new stage, a stage at which all old illusions of international law, business-as-usual politics, diplomatic formalities and even the rules of war will eventually become redundant. A true ‘War of the Worlds’ has started. If there is to be a new legal framework, a new political equilibrium, a new diplomatic code and a new ethics of war, these will have to be invented ex nihilo – after victory on the battlefield. To achieve that, nothing will suffice but a virtuous act of will, fusing decisive action, authentic charisma and sacred sanction. The peace that follows victory will have to be imposed upon the West and it will have to be imposed in a manner that fundamentally alters the West itself. After the West is liberated from globalist-nihilist rule, it will have to reinvent itself, but it will have to do so within the constraints of a new Multipolar order and these constraints will have to be enforced before they can become second nature. This is the only way in which the evil spell that holds together the Empire of Lies can be undone.

The time has gone for all those resisting the Unipolar hegemon and its Empire of Lies within the Culture War ‘axis of resistance’, most importantly those of the Dissident Right, Eurasianist and Multipolar Movements, to come up with concepts that anticipate and prepare for the day that the West is liberated from Unipolar occupation. With that task in mind, Part 2 of this essay will explore one such concept of worldview warfare: Geosophy.



(Geosophy Mission Statement)

O Sapientia, quae ex ore Altissimi prodisti

attingens a fine usque ad finem, fortiter suaviter disponensque omnia

Veni ad docendum nos viam prudentiae

‘Oh Wisdom, which came out of the mouth of the Most High

reaching from one end all the way to the other, mightily and graciously ordering all things

Come and teach us the way of understanding’

– Great Advent Antiphon 1

Once the necropolitical calculus of the Unipolar hegemon, as sketched in the final paragraph of Part 1 of this essay, is fully grasped, it is up to the thinkers and strategists of the metapolitical ‘axis of resistance’, most importantly those of the Dissident Right, Eurasianist and Multipolar Movements, to take stock of their own worldview warfare arsenal and create an integrated system of offensive visions-and-ideas weaponry. The time has now come to roll out the big guns.

narrative revolution is a necessary precondition to any geopolitical revolution and the deepest level at which a narrative may be affected is the level of language. In this respect, the Ancient Greek language, from which much of the modern world’s scientific and political vocabulary has been derived, may be creatively re-employed – as illustrated in the preceding ‘Necropolitics’ paragraph. Thus, existing Greek words, such as diakrisis, or ‘spiritual discernment’, and anamchara, or ‘soul friendship’, can be used in new settings and made to take on new meanings with new functions. In addition, the Ancient Greek language, which is expressively versatile and analytically productive at the same time, allows for constant ‘updating’: the creation of new words fitting to new realities. Here, the author wishes to propose one such new word and put it at the disposal of Eurasianist and Multipolar worldview warfare: Geosophy. If Philo-Sophy describes the abstract devotion to Wisdom, then Geo-Sophy describes the concrete grounding of Wisdom.xiii

As a formal discipline of learning, Philosophy has had a key role in shaping and guiding Western Civilization ever since its birth in Greece, over two and a half millennia ago. Over the last decades, however, Western Philosophy as well as Western Civilization have come to an end. The main thesis advanced in this essay is that, even if Western Philosophy and Western Civilization are now irretrievably lost, a new Philosophy and a new Civilization, surpassing Western forms but building upon Western achievements, may yet take their place. The perspectives offered by Geosophy, which concerns itself with a literal grounding of human knowledge in non-human earth reality, may help facilitate the epistemological break-out that is necessary to achieve such a new Philosophy and such a new Civilization. Such perspectives may help create a worldview warfare breakthrough, out into the open space beyond the now hermetically sealed lines (one could say: discursive ‘frames’) of the now closed-off Western knowledge system. Only ruthless kinetic force, driven by true mythopoeic power, can now breach the lines with which the Collective West’s Golden Billion has sealed itself off from earthly reality – Geosophy grounds that power.

Words have power: kinetic power is complemented and directed by narrative power. Thus, the origin of Unipolar hegemonic power, marking the thalassocratic voiding of what Carl Schmitt termed the Nomos of the Earth,xiv can be formally dated to two declarations made by the victorious West after the Fall of the Soviet Union: the ‘New World Order’ in 1991 and the ‘End of History’ in 1992. On the one hand, the kinetic power of the Unipolar hegemon, established by its New World Order announcement, depends on the effective enforcement (ultimately by military means) of its self-defined ‘rules-based order’, which it managed to maintain for three decades until the open challenge by Russia in 2022. On the other hand, the narrative power of the Unipolar hegemon, established by its End of History announcement, depends on the effective erasure of any true Philosophy from the public domain (enforcing the conceptual impossibility within it) because the End of History (history being shaped by power paradigm shifts) necessarily entails the End of Philosophy (philosophy being shaped by cognitive paradigm shifts). The End of Philosophy was enforced through the consistent restriction of all academically practised and publicly allowed thinking within ever-narrowing ‘frames’ of allowed thought and ‘windows’ of permitted opinion, shaped by materialist-determinist and utilitarian-reductionist ideology.xv The exclusively materialist and utilitarian shape imposed on those frames and windows, however, also means that all ‘assigned values’ within them were effectively rendered infinitely ‘malleable’ and ‘liquid’: values are reduced to functions of the pragmatically shifting of those in power. In short: truth becomes the opinion of the powerful. Thus, in accordance with the interests of the ruling globalist-nihilist elite, everything in the public sphere is reduced to a function of (ever ‘liquid’) ‘market value’ (the credit score) while everything in the private sphere is reduced to a function of (ever ‘liquid’) ‘public utility’ (the social score). To use Agamben’s apt wording, both are reduced to ‘naked life’ equations in the calculus of the newly perfected totalitarian state, a state that reaches its most advanced developmental stage in the post-Great Reset West, now aptly referred to as the Collective West.

It should be noted that the seemingly all-powerful anti-historical and anti-philosophical ‘narrative void’ around which the neo-totalitarian ‘Collective West’ has been constructed is also uniquely vulnerable because it is entirely incompatible with any kind of history- and philosophy-based state-concept and state-form, either internally or externally. That ‘narrative void’ may be compared to an artificially imposed state of complete darkness that is threatened by even the slightest exposure to light. Hence the Collective West’s press censorship and political persecution in the domestic arena and hence its ‘regime change’ policies and ‘humanitarian’ interventions in the international arena. Effectively, the ‘bubble life’ of the Collective West is incompatible with any sustained experience of reality: it must either alter reality – or be destroyed by it. The current East-vs-West clash is therefore not a ‘clash of civilizations’ but rather an existential struggle between fundamentally opposed and entirely irreconcilable ontological states. The post-Great Reset Collective West has irretrievably regressed into anti-civilizational modalities that are incompatible with any form of civilization – these modalities must either triumph globally or disappear entirely. During the Great Reset, the West’s decades-long regressive movement into civilizational decline and identity dissolution reached a point of no return. Beyond that ‘event horizon’ point, the West passed into another dimension subject to radical role reversal. Thus, Western civilization and identity have ceased to exist in the collective consciousness of the peoples inhabiting the historical Western homeland, i.e. ex-Catholic and ex-Protestant Europe plus the overseas Anglosphere. Western civilization and Western identity have undergone a radical transformation, characterized by socio-economic reversal (collectivization, de-industrialization), political-legal inversion (totalitarianism, neo-feudalism) and psycho-social perversion (fetishism, trans-humanism). The post-Great Reset Collective West must be recognized for it essentially is: ex-Western, post-Western and anti-Western – and it must be fought as such.

But even as Western civilization and identity have fallen in the historical Western homeland, it still survives, in modified but recognizable forms, elsewhere: in portions of Latin America and in Eastern Europe, where the Christian Tradition, European culture and Western science have found a staunch defender in resurrected Russia. Even if Rome has fallen, Byzantium still stands. From these ‘fall-back positions’, it is not inconceivable that at some point, after the demonic force now driving the Collective West runs out of impetus, the lost Western lands may be reconquered, even as Belisarius managed to reconquer Rome, leading the legions of Byzantium to victory against overwhelming odds. But, given the multi-dimensional nature of the ‘War of the Worlds’ now underway, the Reconquista of the Fallen West cannot succeed by kinetic force alone: it requires an equally powerful narrative force to support it. In this regard, Geosophy holds great promise: by imparting (or rather: returning) the sacred status of Wisdom Incarnate to Earth reality itself, a new narrative of truly revolutionary (etymologically: backwards turning) power is created.

The Geosophical Principle would return sacred sanction to ancient and organic natural and cultural boundaries: all Earth-reality boundaries of the natural and human life-world, from geologically delineated fault lines and aqua systems, across biologically delineated ecosystems and biotopes, to linguistically and religiously delineated borders and frontiers, would gain – or rather: regain – their teaching authority. The explicit commitment of the rising Eurasianist and Multipolar Movements to the Geosophical Principle, a commitment that is already implied in the work of their founders, would impart their cause with the undeniable and irrefutable numinous quality of a Sacred Cause. It would also provide the Great Powers and other state and non-state actors, currently gravitating to the Eurasianist and Multipolar causes within various, mutually reinforcing constellations such as the SCO, BRICS and EAEU, with a unifying conceptual and narrative framework. Recognition of the Geosophical Principle would necessarily align the world’s multiple Great Power Poles, because they would recognize each other’s Earth-reality bound, and hence legitimate natural and cultural boundaries and strategic interests. The same recognition would also motivate these aligned Great Power Poles to proactively defend the Geosophical Order against any (trans-national, trans-polar and trans-human) transgression, unifying them in a concerted effort to eliminate anti-earthly and anti-human threats to the Geosophical Order, such as the globalist-nihilist threat currently emanating from the evil-possessed Collective West. Such a Geosophical Alliance’s Concert of the World would pick off where the Holy Alliance’s Concert of Europe left off.

In a certain sense, adherence to the Geosophical Principle would allow the Earth itself – Gaia Anesidora, the ‘Gift-Bestowing Earth’ of the Ancient Greeks – to regain her voice. After five long centuries of suppression under the aegis of ‘Western Modernity’, finally, the Earth could once again ‘speak for herself’, as it once did to earlier humanity. In that sense, the establishment of the Geosophical Principle equals the resurrection of Sacred Geographyxvi.

Sacred Geography

(Three Geosophical Theses)

To Gaia, mother of all

Of well-founded Gaia, mother of all, I will sing, eldest of all beings

She feeds all creatures that are in the world

All that go upon the goodly land, all that are in the paths of the seas and all that fly

These are fed of her store

Hail mother of the gods, o Gaia!

– Homeric Hymn, XXX

Der Mensch [wird] zur höchsten Steigerung aller seiner symbolischen Fähigkeiten gereizt; etwas Nieempfundenes drängt sich zur Aeusserung, die Vernichtung des Schleiers der Maja, das Einssein als Genius der Gattung, ja der Natur. Jetzt soll sich das Wesen der Natur symbolisch ausdrücken; eine neue Welt der Symbole ist nöthig, [auch] die ganze leibliche Symbolik, …die Symbolik des Mundes, des Gesichts, des Wortes… Sodann wachsen die anderen symbolischen Kräfte, die der Musik, in Rhythmik, Dynamik und Harmonie, plötzlich ungestüm. Um diese Gesammtentfesselung aller symbolischen Kräfte zu fassen, muss der Mensch bereits auf jener Höhe der Selbstentäusserung angelangt sein, die in jenen Kräften sich symbolisch aussprechen will… ‘Man is moved to the highest level of his symbolic abilities; something that has never been experienced before finds expression: the annihilation of the veil of Maya, one-ness as genius of the species, of nature itself. Now the essence of nature must be expressed symbolically; a new world of symbols is needed, including that of body symbolism, the symbolism of the mouth, of the face, of the word. …As a result, all the other symbolic forces, those of music, rhythm, dynamism and harmony, suddenly expand exponentially. To grasp this all-encompassing expansion of symbolic forces, man must already have reached the absolute summit of selflessness, requiring the symbolic expression of those very forces…’ – Friedrich Nietzsche, Die Geburt der Tragödie (translation Alexander Wolfheze)

(1) The Face of Gaia – If the geography of the temperate zone of the Old World portion of the Northern Hemisphere, i.e. the tri-continental World Island land area located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle and home to the large majority of humans living in the present and the past, is assumed to be of decisive influence on the past development, present condition and future fate of humanity, it is also worth investigating the symbolic significance of its features. The angle of viewing these features on a map-format representation commonly conforms to the North-South axis, in accordance with the yearly seasonal movement of the Sun and the forethought principle (seasonal planning) enforced by that movement. There exists, however, an alternative space-time configuration for map-format representation, where the angle conforms to the East-West axis instead, in accordance with the daily sunrise-sunset movement of the Sun and the wake-sleep directive (biorhythmic imperative) enforced by that movement. That alternative angle of viewing may be uncommon to modern man because his maps generally aim to facilitate maximum space-time ahead-calculus: the North-South direction is the standard reference axis for his travel calculus because (on the Northern Hemisphere) the North Pole (Polaris) is his only stable, ‘Unmoving Mover’ reference point – and he looks up at the northern map rim to mimic looking up at the Pole Star. Nevertheless, the alternative East-West angle of viewing has one distinct advantage: it reflects the default human compass setting in day-time directional orientation as well as the old human hunter-gatherer reality in which other life forms are observed, sought and avoided in reference to the day-time position of the Sun. Thus, the natural day-night cycle has a direct link to the human life-death cycle and its religious expression as well, which explains the traditional East-West orientation of open-space shrines and temples, which tended to have portals towards the first light in the East (visible, known, profane) and altars towards the final dark in the West (invisible, secret, sacred). Ex oriente lux. If we imagine a map of the temperate zone of the Old World portion of the Northern Hemisphere, with the East on top and the West at the bottom, looking up at the Rising Sun instead of the Pole Star, the world takes on an entirely different aspect, and the quaint old OT Orbis Terrarum, ‘Circle of the Lands’ maps start to make sense. The ‘O’ is the great World Ocean surrounding the World Island – the much smaller American and Oceanian ‘continents’ may be depicted in it as the ‘Outer Isles’. The ‘T’ are the lines of the ‘inner seas’ dividing the World Island into three parts: the Asian landmass makes up the top half, Africa the right bottom quarter and Europe the left bottom quarter, with the Mediterranean Sea providing the ‘T’s vertical line, the Red Sea its right horizontal line and the Black Sea its left horizontal line. If we take another step, further back in time, then we can understand that the OT map itself is merely a short-hand depiction of something that has been altogether forgotten, viz. the Face of Gaia, the Face of Earth itself. The face may have physically (geologically) ‘decayed’ from its metaphysical (symbolic) perfection, with somewhat dislocated features, fraying rims and deep fissures, but it can still be recognized even today. Asia is her forehead, Africa her left cheek and Europe her right cheek. Her crown is represented by the rays of the Rising Sun (Japan), her nose is the White Sea (the Mediterranean Sea, Ak Deniz), her left eyebrow the Red Sea (lighter because turned towards the Sun in the south, Kizil Deniz) and her right eyebrow the Black Sea (darker because turned north, away from the Sun, Kara Deniz). The physical attributes and spiritual dispositions of the different nations of the Earth reflect their original association with different locations on this face: the forehead is gold (the ‘yellow races’ of Asia), the left cheek is sun-burnt (the ‘black races’ of Africa) and the right cheek is pale (the ‘white races’ of Europe). Sacred locations and special features will reflect the different sense organs behind this face: Jerusalem, with the world’s deepest land point at the Dead Sea shore beyond, features in ‘third eye’ position, Shambala features in pineal position, hidden beneath the Great Highland of Asia, the left eye is in Egypt and the right eye is in Greece (the pupils presumably hidden under some temple precincts). The history of humanity’s Great Empires, reflecting iterations of the Seven Energy Points on the face, take on an entirely new aspect when regarded this way – even if these empires were wiped off the Face of Earth by the defacing hooligans of irreverent Modernity. But there she is, cut and bruised as she may be, looking at us: Gaia.

(2) The Double-Headed Eagle – Till today, Orthodox churches in Greece are commonly decorated with the old flag of Byzantium, featuring the Double-Headed Eagle on a field of gold. From the Second Rom’ Byzantine Empire, the Double-Headed Eagle was also taken over, with various alterations and additions in iconography, by other Christian Empires and states. Today, it is most prominently preserved as the state symbol of the Russian Federation, which is the legitimate heir to the Third Rome Russian Empire, which in turn is the legitimate heir to the Byzantine Empire. As a powerful symbol of the earth-power Katechon of the Christian world, and by extension of Europe, the Double-Headed Eagle is hated and despised by those who seek to bring down Christianity and Europe. Today, the Double-Headed Eagle flag still flies over those few European nations still remaining outside the rule of the globalist-nihilist Empire of Lies, viz. Russia and Serbia, and since February 2022 this flag also marks the front line of the ‘War of the Worlds’ that Russia is fighting to push back the Empire of Lies across the fields of Little Russia. To understand the full significance – and the true power – of the Double-Headed Eagle symbol, however, it is necessary to go back further in time than Golden Byzantium. Before it featured over Christian Byzantium, it featured over pagan Greece: it derives from the Temple of Delphi, where two golden eagles facing in opposite directions were fixed on the Omphalos, the ‘Navel Stone’, that stood at its centre. This special iconography served to remind visitors of the origin of the Omphalos and the sacrosanct status of the Temple of Delphi. When Zeus set out to determine the location of the Navel of the World, he let two eagles fly from the two ends of the earth, starting in opposite directions at equal speeds. The place where the eagles crossed paths was then determined to be the Navel of the World – Zeus placed the stone there to designate it. In 390 AD, the Oracle of Delphi was abolished and the Temple of Delphi was destroyed by order of Emperor Theodosius, the last ruler of the unified Roman Empire, determined to combat pagan superstition in his already largely Christian empire, The temple priestess was evicted and the temple valuables were scattered to the four winds. Some objects, such as the Delphian Tripod, were brought to Byzantium – remnants of them still survive there today (e.g. the Serpent Column, featured in the Constantinople Hippodrome, still on display in the heart of old Istanbul). The prestige of the abolished oracle and closed-down temple, representing the Sacred Heart of Ancient Greece were such that also some of their attributes became foundational elements of the new Christian Byzantine state: its most prestigious place of worship was dedicated to the abstract principle represented by the Oracle of Delphi, viz. Hagia Sophia, ‘Holy Wisdom’, and the coronation of the Byzantine Emperor was traditionally performed on that same church’s Omphalion floor section, named after the Delphi Omphalos. The most powerful continuity from Ancient Greece to Christian Byzantium and hence to modern Russia, however, is found in the Double-Headed Eagle symbol, which traces its lineage to Europe’s oldest past. The golden background on which it was and is depicted on the flags of the Byzantine Empire and the Greek Orthodox Church flag can be assumed to represent the golden light of the Sun because the Oracle of Delphi operated under the auspices of the solar divinity, Apollo.

(3) The Priestess of Delphi – The Ancient Greeks viewed the Wisdom principle in several hypostases: natural in the all-seeing Sun, divine in the prophecy god Apollo and human in the oracle priestess Pythia. Obvious parallels to this view are found in other religious systems around the world, including those of the Vedic Tradition (Vak Devi) and the Gnostic Tradition (Pistis Sophia). Although the Greek ‘Pythoness’ (an epithet referring to the dragon that Apollo slew on the location of what was to become his temple precinct) was invested with great authority in Ancient Greece (which de facto constituted an amphictyony headed by her), and although her person was legally and ritually sacred, she was also just a woman subject to interference by impious intruders – several tenants of the position were manhandled and abducted. Alexander the Great is reported to have dragged the Pythoness, by her hair, kicking and screaming, out of her sanctuary because she procrastinated in granting him an audience. One possible abductor may have been King Solomon, who dedicated his ‘Wisdom of Solomon’ to a quite concretely flesh-and-blood female manifestation of the Wisdom principle. It is also possible that, occasionally, the Pythoness travelled independently: she was granted great privileges and rich offerings that would have enabled her to do in the winter months that she was not performing her oracle function – or upon her retirement. It is not uncommon to see the personified figure of Holy Wisdom shown in the presence of Christ and it is not inconceivable that the Pythoness physically visited Christ during His earthly ministry, perhaps even among the Women at the Crucifixion. In any case, the last Pythoness was driven from her sanctuary when Emperor Theodosius closed the Temple of Delphi in 390 AD. It may be that this accounts for the unique appearance of the one and only ‘female philosopher’ of Antiquity shortly afterwards: this was the time that Hypathia made her appearance and started teaching in Alexandria, the Roman Empire’s greatest city in the east and its greatest (Greek-speaking) centre of learning. She may have been adopted as a still young woman (she was reputed of great beauty when she started teaching) and she may have taught without revealing her previous position as Pythoness – if the latter is true she may have ironically been masquerading as a teacher of Philo-Sophia while she was Sophia herself. Some clues to her true status are found in the fact that she enjoyed unprecedented authority in government circles in which women were banned from attending formal councils (key people may have known who she was) and in the fact that she remained unmarried and celibate during all of her life (once appointed Pythoness, the priestess abstained from married life). In any case, after her assassination, symptomatic of the rise of ‘radical Christianity’ and the persecution of ‘old believer’ pagans at that time, nobody would have been safe to subsequently claim succession to the defunct position of Pythoness. Nevertheless, a tribute and memory to her was – either consciously or unconsciously – inserted into the newly dominant Christian Church and Byzantine Tradition: Hagia Sophia, or ‘Holy Wisdom’, became the female personification of the Wisdom principle and many great churches – and one European capital – were named after her. As the notion of the Priestess of Delphi receded into the realm of mythology and as her attributes, her tripod, her laurel leaves and her scrying bowl, were reduced to literary tropes, the very idea that any mere human could incarnate the Wisdom principle became absurd – and blasphemous. Some traces of the notion may have been preserved in occasional works of high literature (such as in Dante’s enigmatic ‘Beatrice’) or the margins of Orthodox spiritual life (such as in the esoteric writings of the Russian Sophiologists), but no one has ever seriously considered the possibility that the lineage of the Pythonesses may have extended into a lineage of ‘Sophias’, either by birth or initiation.xvii Even so, the fact that a throne is empty does not mean that there is no legitimate heir and the fact that a position is vacant does not mean that there is no qualified candidate. The suppression of all authentic vocations and hierarchies in the supposedly ‘rational’ and ‘scientific’ world of modern mass man, operating under the aegis of hyper-secularism and hyper-egalitarianism, makes it almost inconceivable that, far away from the limelight and unknown to almost all, there may yet exist a woman walking the Earth who could still fill that most enigmatic, privileged and theophanic positions of all: Priestess of Delphi. And yet, who knows? Perhaps someone gifted with that very same ancient charisma still lives on the Face of Gaia, in some time-forgotten Greek village, near to some age-old church that still flies the Double-Headed Eagle banner of Golden Byzantium.

Avalon Landing’xviii

(Numino-Political Postscript)

Because the author of this essay hails from the now globalist-occupied West, he has here emphasized the Byzantine precedent for a Reconquista of the Fallen West. Because he has been able to observe the depths to which the West has fallen at close quarters, he has here cautioned his colleagues from the Eurasianist and Multipolarity movements, and his readers from the Eurasian East and Global South, against overreliance on outdated notions of statesmanship, diplomacy and argument when dealing with the Western Empire of Lies. In this postscript to ‘Geosophy’, however, he wishes to also address a few words to his fellow Dissident Right colleagues, including those fellow-deplatformed and fellow-exiled, as well as his readers from the West who are still committed to the against-all-odds struggle to rid our homeland from the blight that has struck it:

René Guénon famously stated that if the West is the first to fall under the night shade of the Dark Age, it may also be the first to see the dawn light of the new Golden Age. So let us not forget that our farthest West, beyond the sunset, are the ‘Isles of the Blessed’. There, Elysium calls us home. It is the place where our quest ends, the place where the Holy Grail is kept: Avalon.

The cup of salvation I will raise and in the Name I will call out

– Separation Prayer


i Title of the 1962 popular science book by Rachel Carson, meant to raise awareness of the biocide perpetrated by the American chemical industry and leading to a ban on DDT insecticide and the creation of the US Environmental Protection Agency.

ii For the author’s Traditionalist analysis of the Age of Exploration as a sacrilegious symptom of Modernity, cf. Alexander Wolfheze, A Traditionalist History of the Great War, Book II: The Former Earth (Cambridge Scholars: Newcastle upon Tyne, 2020), 56ff.

iii Cf. Alexander Wolfheze, A Traditionalist History of the Great War, Book II: The Former Earth (Cambridge Scholars: Newcastle upon Tyne, 2020) 46-7.

iv For the author’s Traditionalist analysis of the cultural-historical genesis of Western Modernity, cf. Alexander Wolfheze, The Sunset of Tradition and the Origins of the Great War (Cambridge Scholars; Newcastle upon Tyne, 2018).

v Cf. Alexander Wolfheze, Alba Rosa. Ten Traditionalist Essays about the Crisis in the Modern West (Arktos: London, 2018) 132-7.

vi For the author’s cultural-historical and psycho-historical assessment of the Great Reset, cf. Ch. 1-3 of Alexander Wolfheze, Globus Horribilis. Twelve Futuro-Fundamentalist Essays (Arktos: London, forthcoming).

vii For the author’s review of Jason Jorjani’s Iranian Leviathan cultural-historical analysis of the co-genesis of Western and Persian philosophy, cf. Alexander Wolfheze, Rupes Nigra. An Archaeo-Futurist Countdown in Twelve Essays (Arktos: London, 2021) 335-71.

viii Title of the 1933 memoir of British war nurse and peace activist Vera Brittain, covering her wartime experiences and her post-war reflections on her personal losses as well as Britain’s collective sacrifices during WWI.

ix The author here wishes to acknowledge the significant contribution of American-Persian philosopher Jason Reza Jorjani to the political-philosophical reappraisal of the principle of ‘worldview warfare’ – his relevant works may be found at the website of his publisher, Arktos Media.

x Cf. Alexander Wolfheze, Alba Rosa. Ten Traditionalist Essays about the Crisis in the Modern West (Arktos: London, 2018) 147-86.

xi ‘East and West’, the title of a collection of Julius Evola’s essays written for the periodical of the same name, dedicated to a comparative study of traditions, between 1950 and 1960. A new English-language edition, edited by Greg Johnson, was published by Counter-Currents in 2018.

xii For the author’s review of Michel Chossudovsky’s The US-NATO War of Aggression against Yugoslavia analysis of this strategic precedent, cf. Ch. 4 of Alexander Wolfheze, Globus Horribilis. Twelve Futuro-Fundamentalist Essays (Arktos: London, forthcoming).

xiii Note that the author here proposes the principle of Geosophy as a concrete, geopolitically operational adjunct to the abstract, philosophically operational principle of Erosophy recently proposed by the American-Persian philosopher Jason Reza Jorjani, his fellow Arktos publicist.

xiv For the author’s inventory of Carl Schmitt’s legacy, through a book review of Robert Steuckers’ Sur et autour de Carl Schmitt, cf. Alexander Wolfheze, Rupes Nigra. An Archaeo-Futurist Countdown in Twelve Essays (Arktos: London, 2021) 1-50.

xv For the author’s Futuro-Fundamentalist view on the End of Philosophy, cf. Ch. 10 of Alexander Wolfheze, Globus Horribilis. Twelve Futuro-Fundamentalist Essays (Arktos: London, forthcoming).

xvi For the author’s outline of Sacred Geography, cf. Alexander Wolfheze, A Traditionalist History of the Great War, Book II: The Former Earth (Cambridge Scholars: Newcastle upon Tyne, 2020) 32-56.

xvii Cf. . Alexander Wolfheze, A Traditionalist History of the Great War, Book II: The Former Earth (Cambridge Scholars: Newcastle upon Tyne, 2020) 615-27.

xviii The title of a fictitious book in the 2000 American drama film ‘Finding Forrester’ (director Gus van Zant, featuring Sean Connery). For the author’s review of ‘Finding Forrester’, cf. Alexander Wolfheze, Rupes Nigra. An Archaeo-Futurist Countdown in Twelve Essays (Arktos: London, 2021) 175ff.

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Alexander Wolfheze

Alexander Wolfheze received his MA in Semitic Languages and Cultures in 2004 and his cum laude PhD in the Humanities in 2011, both from Leiden University. With extensive research experience in the fields of Assyriology and Cultural Anthropology, he subsequently authored several publications in the field of Near Eastern cultural history.

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