The Ten Commandments of Propaganda


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There is no escape from propaganda. Propagandists shape the informational sociology of our time. The Ten Commandments of Propaganda serves two purposes: offense and defense. It dispels mistaken, trivializing ideas about what propaganda is, and it is also a comprehensive guide to using and understanding propaganda effectively. The term propaganda holds a negative connotation in many people’s minds due to its historical associations with totalitarianism and ideological crusades, but in fact the same methods and techniques of propaganda are employed by all types of political systems, social movements, and commercial or non-profit enterprises. In essence, propaganda is the scientific art of interpreting someone else’s reality for them in order to benefit the propagandist. Propaganda is junk food for the mind. Like purveyors of junk food, propagandists thrive upon your lack of time and energy, and your need for instant gratification. They are more than willing to do your thinking for you.

In equal parts theoretical discourse and practical guidebook, whether the reader desires to be an informed user, consumer or critic of propaganda, this work provides much-needed lessons about one of the most subtle, but vital, forces of our information-saturated age. The Ten Commandments, although easy to understand, have profound ramifications.

Employing humor and otherwise charming prose that students will find enlightening and amusing, Patrick weaves a compelling story of persuasive elements that define and drive propaganda. In addition, he uses contemporary and historical examples to clearly and precisely explain complex ideas. This text is a keeper! — Prof. Bruce L. Plopper, School of Mass Communication, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

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Brian Anse Patrick (1954–2016) was a professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Toledo. He was the author of Rise of the Anti-Media: Informational Sociology of the American Concealed Weapon Carry Movement, a study of how advocates for the concealed carry movement in the US have successfully used alternative forms of media to successfully combat the opposition of informational elites, and The National Rifle Association and the Media: The Motivating Force of Negative Coverage, a landmark study of how negative bias in media coverage has actually benefited the NRA as a social movement. Both of them have been reprinted by Arktos. Prof. Patrick, in addition to holding a Ph.D. In Communication Research from the University of Michigan, was nationally recognized as an expert on American gun culture and on the history and technique of propaganda. Arktos has also published his books The Ten Commandments of Propaganda, which is a practical “user’s guide” to both the effective employment and understanding of propaganda, and Zombology: Zombies and the Decline of the West (and Guns), which is a study of the cultural and political implications of the zombie phenomenon in Western life, most especially in what it reflects of American gun culture. (Go to author page)