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First half of 2019 better than first two years combined.

View: Arktos Bulk Catalogue — Summer–Autumn 2019 (PDF)

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We at Arktos have recently taken stock of the first half of 2019, and wanted to share the good news with our followers: between books and audiobooks, we have published 22 titles this year — more titles than we have published in any other entire year to date except our best (2017, 26 titles), and the same number published in our first two years taken together (2010 and 2011). We owe this tremendous growth and productivity to you, our faithful readers and authors.

Our works for 2019 include translations of some of the major thinkers of our time like Alain de Benoist, Guillaume Faye, Julius Evola and Alexander Dugin; new and groundbreaking books by authors like Edward Dutton and Alexander Wolfheze; fresh new editions of titles by Norman Lowell, Daniel Friberg and Stephen Pax Leonard; novels in the best tradition of the Right by Tito Perdue and Fenek Solère; and brand new audiobook versions of some of our readers’ favourite Arktos publications, from For a Positive Critique to Archeofuturism to Metaphysics of War, and more.

This is just a taste. You can find a complete list of our 2019 titles, along with descriptions and reviews here.

The year is only halfway done, and there is much more to come. Remember to watch for news on and to follow us on social media. Subscribe to our Interregnum podcast to hear exclusive interviews with our authors, and read our Arktos Journal for original articles and book excerpts by the same.

We extend our sincere thanks to our followers for setting Arktos off to such an exhilarating start in 2019. Follow us in our upcoming projects, and help us make the second half of 2019 better still!

Daniel Friberg, Chief Executive Officer
Tor Westman, Chief Marketing Officer
John Bruce Leonard, Editor-In-Chief
Charles Lyons, Chief Administrative Officer
Martin Locker, Assistant Editor-In-Chief


Making Anti-Globalism Global Since 2009.

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